I have been seeing many fields get leaked. My condolences to Sapien Medicine, and many people in the discord servers/communities supporting these documents encourage us to listen to them. I want to know if it would be okay to listen to these leaked fields or if they would hurt listeners from the Sapien team. Because I believe that you all are very kind but I would not be surprised or angry if you had happened to curse the pirated versions. (I’m sorry if this was already answered cause I don’t know how to navigate through this website.)
That’s really up to your own sense of morals and your stories about right/wrong and the consequences of wrong.
This is a big forum, with people from many backgrounds with many different beliefs about those topics on here. I can’t presume to know what your beliefs about those important topics might be.
Stick around, read around this forum and you’ll soon discover that the Sapien team doesn’t use harm or curses or anything like that, not even against those who may be wronging them.
As an aside, I don’t know if you work to put food on your table or if you have to feed a family or even pay the bills for an active forum, such as the one you’ve just signed up to. But how would you feel–as you do your hard work, doing the best job you can–and then have people announce that they’re using your hard work and willfully not paying you (or your family) for your hard work?
Maybe that’s the question you’d like to be asking yourself?
Let me answer your question a little more directly (and, perhaps, more helpfully):
“What are the consequences of using Sapien fields that have been pirated?”
In most cases, the field protection that Sapien has included in those fields will kick in, meaning that the fields won’t work for you, if you don’t legitimately own the field. You can enjoy the lovely music or pretty pictures, but you won’t get the benefit that a legitimate owner can get from those same fields.
I don’t know what happens to those who listen to pirated fields.
Most likely the fields just do not work for them and that’s it.
But with regards to those who steal and distribute pirated fields, my personal understanding about their “fate” is this:
Just like with all criminals, who are all low self-esteem manipulators and thieves, they stay in LOW VIBRATION and even lower their vibration further the more low vibe stuff they do.
The result is basically the opposite of Ascension, meaning DESCENSION.
Descension means they will get all the opposite effects of what ascension (raising vibration) brings.
Check out this list and invert the benefits into their opposites.
Then you will see what lowering of one’s vibration causes:
Also, if they remain long enough in that low vibe state, life after death might end up as a hellish experience for them.
A long term hellish experience .
I am not joking about this.
Enough recorded reports from astral life regressions and from astral travel reports out there. People can visit these hellish lower astral planes by themselves if they do astral projection but I would highly advise to not do so.
So all of this has nothing to do with “karma” actually, just that those folks are digging their own long-term pit by not realizing what they are doing to themselves.
In that state of low vibration they will literally experience ALL the negative consequences of having a low vibration and there is not much they are able to do about it because at that low level there is almost no free will!
Stick around the forum for some time and you will understand on your own why this is impossible. How could Sapien and his team, the creators of hundreds of free audios with the sole purpose of helping out humanity, curse/wish something bad to others? They’re literally saving lives here…
It’s karma which happens to you really. Even if one puts some curse on his work(not talking about Sapien but any creator) he must be fully aware of the extent of the curse and the type of it because anything apart from a prevention energy night escalate rapidly to bring bad karma to the creator himself. And most creators know about this.
So in essence, if you’re using this, or not, just use your conscience and stop using that which shouldn’t be. Heed to any and all warnings in the file and that’s it.
It’s about evolving into someone better,and you don’t evolve by using someone’s hard work for free, so, use what’s there righteously, ignore the rest.
I am goofing off in the context of this forum, where people might have the discernment to know that explosive diarrhea isn’t the outcome of unauthorized listening to pirated fields. Although I will maintain let eh punishment fit the crime!
If you use it, there will be few if any negative consequences. If it is a protected field, you may not get the benefits. You haven’t caused anyone else to suffer or stumble.
If you distribute, you are more likely to encounter some negative subconscious effects.
If you distribute for profit, you are guilty of stealing and fraud, blatantly, repeatedly, and intentionally. You will get the typical effects of doing so, amplified by your awareness of what you’re doing and the power of the fields themselves.
I’m in the server where a bunch of people are using the fields. Most are teens that are too poor to buy it themselves. They’re just eager to grow taller, albeit in an inflammatory and criminal way.
They have reported results so far with Prince. Height takes a while.
One thing is to make the fields not work when they are protected, but to potentially cause harm, that is scary. I understand the need to protect one’s work, but to harm kids, people who are broke or desperate. Also these morphic fields could potentially be a bit scary and you would prefer that they were clean from lower chakra energies of vengeance. Some fields of other creators, and only very few of Dreamweavers gives me a nervous stomach, luckily I paid the youtube and patron myself, but my poor husband is probably doomed.