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Hi guys! I am the creator of and in this post, I want to share my experience and my understanding about what the subconscious and the ego really are, why were they created and how do they work in conjunction with energy fields of sapiens or other creators.
So far, I haven’t seen any good explanation about the ego and the subconscious and you cannot Truly and Permanently change something without deeply understanding it (its root cause).
What is the subconscious and the ego and how were they created?
When you were a little baby, you had (and you still have) natural needs like: the need to be physically touched, the need for emotional love, need for food, the need to play, need to express your emotions and have them heard by your parents, need for personal identity, space and boundaries (when you started growing and defining yourself), etc.
When you expressed those needs and you required your parents to fulfil them (and they should fulfil them because you were just a little baby), your parents refused to meet those needs and they used different “techniques” to by-pass your needs, to suppress them and to force you to stop having those needs (which is impossible).
At that moment, you were a little baby and you were completely powerless and 100% dependant on your parents to survive. You had to do something to survive and be accepted by your parents.
So, what did you do in this impossible situation?
You split your consciousness and you became multiple personalities. You chose only one or two personalities that are accepted and liked by your parents and you suppressed the other personalities. That’s how those personalities became “subconscious” (under your conscious awareness).
The subconscious is not subconscious by default, from nature, you made it subconscious, you pushed it deep down so you never hear about it ever again (which is impossible). But you had to make this automatic decision when you were a little baby because you had to survive with your bad parents that didn’t actually want to take care of you.
So, now you chose to express and be conscious of only those 1-2 personalities that your parents liked and allowed (those are fake personalities, THIS IS THE EGO). That’s why they say that “the ego doesn’t want to let do, it wants to keep the control”, because these fake personalities are afraid to also leave space for the other aspects of you to be expressed (because that got you in big trouble when you were a little baby with your parents).
Now, as you can see, THE EGO is not a demon, it’s not a dark entity, it’s not an error, it’s not something that you can get rid of and it is 100% part of your consciousness (and you cannot “delete” parts of your consciousness).
The EGO is comprised of a few fake personalities that you had to create in yourself when you were little in order to survive in the same house with your bad parents which didn’t want and respect the real you and they forced you to suppress the real you (the real human you).
So you really had no choice, you had to create an EGO that is comfortable to your parents and it doesn’t get you in trouble with them.
Now, you slowly grow up and you become an adult. Even after you left your parents house and you’re not dependant on them for your survival anymore, you lived into those fake personalities (the ego) for so many years, that you forgot they are fake and that you created them in order to survive with your parents when you were a little baby.
And because you forgot, your subconscious-suppressed personalities are working completely under your awareness and they still live as little babies in your parents’ house. But you don’t know this, you forgot, you got so accustomed to living within your fake personalities and you didn’t take the time to UPDATE your suppressed-subconscious parts to the reality of being an adult.
It’s exactly like having many different persons in you. Those aspects of your consciousness that you suppressed (because of your parents) are YOU and they now live under your awareness and it is impossible to actually get rid of them.
So, because you disown, abandon and suppress those parts of you, they start controlling you to get their needs met (the needs that your parents didn’t want to fulfil) through tricks and manipulations on your conscious fake personalities.
Over time, if you still don’t want to talk to those subconscious parts, empathize with them and meet their needs, your “EGO” will become monstruous.
So the EGO construct is basically a dissonance between your conscious personalities and your subconscious personalities (the suppressed ones). It’s a war between them. It’s like many persons who don’t want to listen to each other and don’t want to care for each other and they are very hurt.
So, this is the short story of why do you now have a subconscious/an ego.
Now, let’s connect this knowledge with using the energetic fields (sapien’s and other fields).
How do fields work in conjunction with your subconscious mind?
Ok. Let’s say for example that you are consciously using a field that has the energy of personal confidence.
How will your subconscious mind respond to that?
Well, after a while of using the energy field of confidence, your subconscious will get emotionally triggered into the childhood wounds/trauma around confidence and personal power. Most of the people won’t even notice that they triggered something in themselves, they will automatically suppress anything that appears in themselves and is no according to their ego standards (if the ego says that you should only feel peace because your parents liked you to be silent, you will reject everything other than peace, for e.g.).
So, even though you’re using a field for confidence (and at the start, you might feel confidence), the subconscious-suppressed aspects of you will reject the confidence energy because when you were little and you tried to have your own identity, power and confidence, your parents threatened you in different ways (many times in subtle manners that you don’t recognize as abuse when you are a child, nor when you are an adult).
So the field of confidence will actually trigger you into healing your subconscious wounds and integrating those suppressed personalities (that weren’t allowed by your parents to be confident) of you into your present. And it’s a very good thing.
You actually have to connect to those subconscious-suppressed parts of you, listen to their pain, tell the truth (the fact that your parents abused you) and let them know that they now live in an environment where it’s safe to be confident and to own your power.
Trying to “program” your subconscious through repetition or different techniques to do what you want (what your fake personality/ego wants) is like trying to program a person that feels rejected and not-understood by you to do what you want. It won’t happen.
So, in order to get permanent results by using an energy field, you will actually have to do a lot of additional work of healing, empathy, discovery, talking, listening, connecting towards your subconscious-suppressed parts. You can’t just throw in an energy field and force them to comply, it will never happen because they are persons, they’re not like a laptop USB port that you just have to plug something into it and it will automatically do what you want. No.
Your subconscious is alive, it’s conscious, it has free will, it is YOU, a huge part of you that you disowned a long time ago. It is not a software or computer that you can program by throwing some programming techniques in.
In a very short conclusion: the ego is a very scared child/part of your consciousness that is trying to be likeable and accepted by your bad parents, even when you are an adult (even though you’re thinking you’re just trying to have a successful life as an adult). It has valid reasons and it is not to be bashed or blamed, it is to be understood, healed and integrated. The subconscious is comprised of aspects of you that you were forced to suppress in order to be liked and accepted by your parents and in order to survive with them.
That’s it. I tried to keep it short (but even the short story is very long). I hope I wasn’t confusing in some moments.
Everything I wrote here is not a theory that I read in books, it comes straight from the experience of healing some of my childhood wounds and from my deep understanding and observation of it.
I hope this helps.