What media player doesn't distort audio/fields? (Android user)

Ok, thanks and good to know. I try to avoid Youtube and Spotify. Maybe someone knows more apps. I tried also AIMP but it doesn’t let me add the same song more than once. Maybe one day Dream will create a negentropic media player.


I use Muzio Player


I installed Black Player and Muzio and both allow for adding the same song many times. Great!
Thanks @Lunamoon22 and @negentropicbeing

It would make me happy to hear any experiences with even more apps. I will make a list and next Android user won’t have to guess so much. I just hope these don’t distort anything since I wouldn’t know because I don’t sense energy.


Idk what is it called, just Music player I guess (standard app for playing music), gonna check later (I’m on my pc now), tried VLC in the past and had some problems, maybe it wasnt updated or something, anyway, I guess all players are good, maybe some are better, I personally like this one, I never had audio/sound issues of any kind (at least not anything that had to do with the player/app).

Also, if you ever need it (I personally use is almost daily, maybe it’s not needed that often, but still, in the past I had some trouble with my phone speaker and fields didn’t seem to work, for a while), check this out:


I will definitely check it and use it.

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I use Musicolet, and if you want to play the same song multiple times or add the same song specific number of times to a playlist, you can just make multiple copies of the song on your device and Musicolet recognises each copy as a new song.

Here’s the proof :


For Patreon tracks, I use Samsung Music player. I don’t think it distorts the audio, but I’m not sure.


Well thats not good then because it uses up a lot of space in your device.

In Muzio Player one song uses space as just one time even if i have it repeated inside playlists, unless i downloaded it again by mistake


Oh, that’s a really good feature of Muzio which Musicolet is lacking, and I totally forgot about considering the storage space because I’ve got too much empty space on my phone :sweat_smile:

Btw, can you tell me if Muzio has the Audio Focus setting which allows the song to be played simultaneously with other audio sources, i.e., I can watch YouTube videos while the MP3 is playing in the background. If Muzio has this setting, I might bid farewell to Musicolet.


Ah no, it only plays one at a time.

If i am playing one in Muzio and click on a youtube video then it stops


Oh, then I gotta stick to Musicolet.

Thanks for the quick replies buddy, have a good day ahead.


I only wish that I can find an app which allows me to use both my bluetooth speaker and my phone speaker at once, playing a field on one and listening to something else on another, man, that would be Glorious.

Maybe some newer phones can do this, idk.

Doesn’t it affect the field if you play a video and song at a same time on same device?

I can’t say anything more today. Thanks for all tips. I will be back like Terminator :sunglasses:


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Pi Music Player is awesome too


Sony Walkman


it does, at least that’s what I know too (?), by reading different threads and many posts.

Although, here it can be argued that it is not 2 fields at once, but a field and another audio (youtube), so idk about such cases - better to be safe, I would say.

Maybe, @BeHappy {hope you don;t mind the tag :pray:} can tell us if it works this way (I assume it does/it might work, somehow)?

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thank you for this thread!!!

very useful!


add to your list:
Neutron (the user interface needs some getting use to)
Jetaudio(con: will stop playing if another app starts outputting audio eg YouTube)


Samsung Music should let you put duplicate songs in your playlists, but you have to turn off the “Don’t allow duplicate songs” setting. On my S21, it’s in Settings>Playlists>Don’t Allow Duplicate Songs and it was on by default, so you have to turn it off. It might be somewhere different depending on your phone.

Samsung Galaxies (S8 and later?) also have the “Separate App Sound” setting where you can listen to one app on your phone and another app on a separate audio device like a speaker or headphones.


These are all free apps yes? Thanks for adding to our list

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