What’s the best field for not knowing what you want to do in life?

I’ve had the BPIL tag for over a year and haven’t really noticed anything. I wear it 24/7.
Is there another field that could help one get a general idea of what they want out of life?

Edit: Thank you for all these helpful responses. This a great community filled with wise and helpful souls.


I know it’s different for everyone but I’ve seen people say blueprint of life brought back their passion for older hobbies. I would also recommend the guided path from the energetic alchemy channel


I’ll have to checkout blueprint, thanks. Where can I find it?


New Release - A Dream of Purity

Patreon release : Imaginarium Divine

Higher self connection

New Release: Depths of your Soul


Best to loop to sleep and ask yourself (higher self :wink: ) as you fall asleep

“What do I want?”
“What do I really want”?


Loop all 4 of them while sleeping?

1 Like

Oh no that could be too much lol

I just shared the links so u can check the posts and read through see which one calls ur attention and start with that one.

Ok maybe

Ego dissolution x 1
Higher self x 2
Imaginarium divine or depths of the soul or Dream of purity


Sounds good, thank you!


I don’t remember reading that best path in life helps getting conscious directions. More like a behind the show magnet pulling you on the path to your best self. Now, you may not see much, but that doesn’t mean that much isn’t happening. Ideas, mundane reflections, situations caused by the field might be the reason you made that thread to get help and raise processes from the unconscious to the conscious :wink:

Anyway, I was going to recommend a stack 90% similar to what Luna shared.

But I’m convinced that it also has to be conscious and that’s true for everything.

Part of your desires are given to you, we all have things we want and need, it comes from the body and the heart. It is unconscious or irrational. Some of it is rational and conscious, it comes down to compromise and how you interpret your desires, how you think you’ll best be able to fulfil them.

You can get a lot of ideas on what you want. But is it the best way to go ? Are these healthy, long term desires, the product of an healthy and mature mind. The mental health fields and realisations will take care of that dilemma.

The higher self, vibration audios probably will give you a sense of direction.

It also takes knowing yourself and the world. It can take years to refine your vision, to experiment and clarify. Get that feeling into words, advanced concepts and finally concrete metrics. Something you can act on… a plan. That’s the conscious part.

I’d say a good base is your fantasies, the things you sometimes daydream about. This is usually pretty honest and inspiring. It’s enough to motivate you. You are naturally attracted to these scenarios. Then you extrapolate on that, you make it fit reality.

You can take it piece by piece and trigger those by asking yourself some questions about yourself. What do I like ? What’s my favourite X and Y ? What they have in common ? What do I think about most of the time ? What’s the last thing that made me euphoric ? Why ? Why ? Why ? And you’ll probably end up with an honest bottom line.

How to maximise that ? How to make it real ? How did other people achieve it ?

What’s the result ? What’s the picture in your mind ? What do the perfect day for YOU looks like ?

Why ? How ? What ?

When things are complicated, what we do is break them down into more manageable pieces, process them and reassemble them.

Do you want to stay where you are ? Do you want to live somewhere specific ? Do you want to have a family ? Or do you want to be lone wolf ?

Simple and cozy or wide and fancy ? Lean athletic body ? Some object/product/tool you absolutely want ? …… …. …… ….
Once you’ve made up your mind on all these little issues, you can assemble them into that big picture. Do you feel excited about it ?

Good, because now reality is crashing the party. Every pixel of that picture has a cost. Some you may have already paid for. Others are due.
Are you willing to put in the work to have that pixel ? Does it fit in with the others ?

You may discover somewhere on your path that some things don’t interest you anymore, other things you didn’t consider may suddenly become necessary.

It’s a moving target but the more time pass the closer you get to it.

The fields will take care of the unconscious and semi-conscious part of the job which is the hardest and arguably the most decisive. But it’s better if you walk the extra mile and add some conscious effort. They will help with whatever methods you use through framing, perspective and “luck” or simply get you to the methods. You might get a clear answer flashing through your mind or you might need to think a little and figure out little bits over time that’s alright too.


When Philip just stops by to drop some insights :grinning:


Blueprint of Life

(And, for future reference, in case someone like me doesn’t come along with a link, you can always use the Forum Search engine, that little magnifying glass in the top right hand corner of every page of this forum, to search for that field. There’s almost always a link to the field’s location in the first post of that field’s thread.)


I agree with what was suggested by the great Philip and the wonderful Luna. In addition, if you allow me, I would like to say that we must start from these suggestions to experiment, experiment and experiment again, trusting intuition. For example when BoL appeared, I immediately had the strong feeling that I had to have it, as if I had established a subtle but powerful connection with the field, yet at the beginning it was not so, I had to do a mini setup, always with intuition ; I started with 1x, then 2x, 3x, 6x until my ideal listening which led me to good results. Then there are also those fields that you feel attracted to, but for false mental settings, or for previous seminars / courses they prevent you from listening to it; in my case it was Million Dollar, suggested by Philip, whom I thank again: yesterday at the second listening I already felt flying, with that sense of strength, fullness, completeness, combined with a healthy and humorous “I don’t give a shit”, where you no longer care about judgments and conditioning, which made me feel good all evening.
So, from my incomplete experience I would say the formula could be: intuition + suggestions + experimentation = success. These are just my impressions, so still experiment if they are for you too. :wink:


Strengthen your higher self connection…

Start with the Higher Being Experience until you feel bubbly as if you wanna dance. Then add either higher self connection, depths of your soul until you feel ready for…

Imaginirium divine.

It’s an incredible field. Try it, you’ll know.

Aside from this, raise your vibration in order to act more from higher self. Maybe angelic vibrations, maybe the vibration series.

Btw it’s normal to doubt your current path, that’s how you move forward. If you feel inspired to take any action, do it, trust me, trust your higher self.


Higher Self connection
Guided Path
Rune Dagaz
Probability & Luck Alteration
The Star
The Hand of Glory


Bless you.


Intercession tag !


Doing something so passionately that even we forget how time passes by…
In my case, I love teaching… I go in to such a flow state… zen mode…
even if I give lecture for continuous 10 hours, I might have physical discomfort, but not mental…

First we gotta experiment all such activities…
well, watching sports, playing video games are like that… not all can make a living out of it.

There is an old post in enlightenedstates site about finding our path… will share link if I come across again.


I’ve had this one for around a year as well. I know it’s subtle but I haven’t noticed much consciously.

When reading through this I did have feelings of subtle excitement come up. I’ll focus my attention and energy on these questions going forward. Thanks for this in depth response. :relieved:


I didn’t even know of the higher being experience field. Thank you for bringing it to my attention.