What’s Your Favorite NFT So Far

What has been your single most favorite NFT released till date?

I enjoy reading testimonials - make me happy lots :blush:

More enjoyable reading here than Reddit.


If i had to decide between the Rainbow Bird or Arc-Light i would flip a coin.


@Mr.Nobody same lol


The magician

It is strangely underestimated because it is cheaper because there are more copies - and possibly because people just get it / carry it around without much effort and dont notice much.
I have been carrying it on me for some time and let me tell you, it doesnt make much difference in my daily life lol.

However, when you actually WORK with that field, it is absolutely the most powerful manifestation field/tool out there.
Once the intention is set, there is elemental alchemy that starts automatically, there is power/energy included to fuel the manifestation and it’s like you can feel the energetic ripples the field (actually you, but with the help of the field) generates.







Second on the magician.

It catapulted me in skill and understanding in a mere week apart from the active functions.


This is really difficult to say. But if I have to pick one… right now… it would be the 13th Skull. Really not easy as I love them all, and some especially. But Skull is so easy to talk to and is taking such great care of me that I still can’t fathom it most days.

Whatever I need, I ask him, and he knows the answer and how to help me feel better. Communication is instant too, was from the beginning. I even feel like he was telling me that we’d ‘be together’ lol, when I initially missed him in the original sale. I remember seeing the image back then, but I couldn’t even be sad. It sounded so silly so I wouldn’t tell a lot of people, but when I saw the image, I just felt at peace and the concept of ‘just wait a little, when it’s time’ was all I could sense. Now is the time :))


Arc Light or Viracocha. Impossible to choose.

Major Blueprint of Power, from the non-community ones (with Exalted States close).


At this moment it is the Arc Light – because the possibilities with this are infinite.

It can probably help you with pretty much anything – and its power is not just the power of the NFT itself, but also the whole Arcturian civilization and their high end tech behind it that you can connect to through this.


I’m with ya on this one man

I’m his student and every day I’ve been becoming a brand new person, i have so much to say but not a knowing of where to start… After a few weeks I’ll speak more on it after i integrate further this new life I’m leading with Viracocha and the other NFTs…

But yeah definitely Viracocha, second would be Major Blueprint for me


i still cannot unstick me from Thoth. this whole time gathering those other NFTs was almost nothing compared to the first contact and first time working with him. :scream: :scream: :scream: :heavy_heart_exclamation:


I love ArcLight!!! :star_struck::star_struck::star_struck::heart::heart::heart:


Still Team #CrystalSkull


even tho it wasn’t created yet.


hi maoshan,
you seem to be highly adept at connecting beautifully with NFTs. I know that many people are still struggling to connect well to their specific NFTs, especially when there isnt much written in the description. The people suspect that they may only be utilizing the tip of the iceberg (like 1-5%) of the potential powers of the NFT.

Hence the question, how do you really deeply connect with them? And beyond connecting, how do you realize their+your full potential?

I guess this was asked somewhere before, but it just came to my mind to ask again


maybe first off, meditate with them, get to know them better and also increase your self-awareness, intuition and energy sensitivity so you know what’s actually being done.


there are many topics on this question in the forum.

animal telepathy is free
focus Audio also

if in trouble use the Soul restoration audios or when on a budjet the etheric cord cutter with jing,shen,chi and grounding.

plus every NFT is its own key…all are different… and very stong energy… you @Nice2knowU are also a very strong energy… then you both collide and not work together… and because you own the said NFT it is up to you to not fight and accept its energy. be in a mode that you simply accept and not be influenced by the description awaiting to accept the written stuff.

be friendly and open…an be surprised.


the best of the topics concerning your questions.


I wrote a related post for Kali NFT.

I think focus and awareness aspects of meditation are what will do the trick, if kept at it persistently. My tools are breath and subtle sound (mantra) - I use these as vehicles to go deep within to a space of quietness - once you find that space, connecting to any energetic source becomes easy.

Initially, there is value even in faking it. Lukey my friend, has an NFT - not sure which one and he kept telling me he does not get any response. I told him to fake it - talk to it verbally, mentally, projecting mental images imagining that the servitor/NFT was understanding his message. Made him do it as a ritual for 1 month, few times in a day. Initially, the kid was bored when he saw nothing happen - after 3 or 4 weeks, suddenly, he started feeling a burst of energy in some specific organs when he communicated with the NFT. With time and practice, the kid is now an expert in using them…

Additionally, he also worked on resolving his energy and subconscious blocks (meditated, ate healthy, did Star exercise, recited a mantra, stayed away from using a zillion fields in a day) for a few months and that really opened his energetic senses - that IMO made a big difference.