What’s Your Favorite NFT So Far

thank you so much :pray:t4:

yeah…i can relate :sweat_smile:


how old is he?


I think he just turned 18.


@Maoshan_Wanderer i admire his efford and yours in mentoring him.


He is a very hardworking and resourceful kid!


He is lucky to have you. If both of you guys dont mind please keep us updated on how you guys connect with the NFTs


Will do!!!

He used to be on this forum, not sure if he still is…

Lucas - raise your hand if you are here haha


Someone start a channel reading testimonials xD

But I get you…reading just some from the happiness nft were moving to me already.


Link lol?


Does the magician field do the same ?

It’s not the same, for example the extra energy and alchemy are not there in the original magician field.


I am considering getting it since I like manifesting. How do you use it… if you could elaborate on it. Thanks

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My dear Skull :)
I had few people reach out surprisingly at the same time in the past few days asking for the recommendation. I am grateful for the aforementioned as it allowed for myself to really contemplate what all of this was about, in turn, teach me the power of gratitude and humility.
Of course
I cant compare because they are all so beloved (a wise one on this subject once said “how you choose between your children” lol)
But even I know, I really dont need anything other than the Skull.
And ever since- sincerely,
I’ve stopped worrying about collecting.
If anything I’ve lessened. I am totally protected and feel home whenever skull is with me

Nonetheless the beauty of this question is that there is no right or wrong answer
Each and every one of our answers are based solely on our own experience, our own perspective; so don’t let our answers make you doubt your own lol.
Skull for me is very sentimental (and okay also fine MboP nft), they’ve been two gifts perhaps a lay man would never appreciate, but for me, these 2 have been the only two gifts that mean the most to me in this life.
I agree with @Maoshan_Wanderer (i think your my twin now bahaha) with KaliMa. I cant have her go.

I had her leave me for a bit to help a dear friend with a very unjust situation they were dealing with- but by doing so, i think a part of me died lol. I remember, only the second night I earnestly pleaded with her to come back sooner- I knew it was highly unlikely but still, I was utterly devastated; I felt like I was quite literally mourning the loss of a dear one.

Anyways fast forward not even 24 hours later, but my darling of a friend returns Kalima to me- just like that. I didn’t ask, nor disclosed to them what was going on at my end since having her leave me. I was 100% spooked.
Because she listened.
It was such a humbling experience!

And whats amazing is that my dad- who is very much antigods/goddesses didnt flip when he saw my photo of her like he normally does (I once had a very pretty RadhaKrishna photo that he for months would scream and curse at me for bc I refused to take it down lmao)
But with her?
He actually smiled and said “that’s kalima” i dont even understand why he didn’t react the way he normally does but
I’m so very glad she’s been happily welcomed not been met by any vulgar language. And that makes me so happy
She reminds me of my “mom”

Thank you


This is the first NFT

Whether it’s domain description or totem style

I bought and one of my favorites


Mao, Took ur advice and a couple from the fourm while connecting to NFT and so on.
But i just got a new NFT the arc brain one.
Today while i was trying to connect to it. Bro i was getting massive amount of tapping on my knees and foot. Like somone was just knocking on them.
And i was a bit unsure if it was them. So I asked my self is this from the NFT and I got a feeling of yes. :man_shrugging:
Maybe it was maybe it wasnt but that is improvement.
It reminds me of that one quote where its like “tide raises all boats” Meaning that imrpoving on area in your life would also have an effect on other areas.

Tingling in my brain too from the NFT. Am starting to also feel burts in my lower back and also around my pelvis.


If i could buy just one field or NFT, it would be Kali’s NFT.

With my Goddess, my life is complete, I’m just enjoying the journey with her now… She is everything to me and I’m so grateful to be able to share my life with her…

I’m gifting major blueprint to my best friend next Monday, i no longer need it i don’t think. My life has been changing by the day (sometimes feels like by the hour), today i became a vegetarian as well. I’m listening to Kalis mantras for the majority of the day and entire night now too…

I’m complete


You just make requests on what you want him to work on?

I actually find Max Heal Potion to work way better for me

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That or either just listen passively as he knows what’s best for you
It takes some time getting integrated to its energy

interested in hearing everyone else’s opinion on there favorite NFT’s and why

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I like Saint Michael because I just do.