Ah i see. Yea probably those muscles stuff. Listen to automated grounding field while you sit outside in nature
Thank you, the immense shaking stopped for the most part but if I fall asleep it kicks back in and I about have a panic attack. I might go back out and walk around barefoot again. Also feel like vomiting and keep going to the bathroom
Also think in “logical” causes .
Maybe food , a condition you might have etc etc .
There are a lot of factors contributing to “outcomes” .
Im pretty healthy overall unless there is something I am not aware of. I think it is probably the result of to many fields over the past month.
What you’re describe seems like what I had back when I was rushed to hospital a year ago. It’s due to low blood sugar. Maybe have some sweet tea. Like very sweet tea and see how you react to it. Warm sweet tea.
Interesting Was your entire body uncontrollably shaking ?
Yes. Actually when it happened. I was violently screaming because I was panicked and I felt like my brain and body got in extreme confusion and the body started to shake. Then out of nowhere. Not even a doctor told me to drink sweet stuff. But I got whisper to drink something sweet and I ate whole sugar with my hand and then it just everything back to normal. And I went back home. But try just drinking some warm tea right now. Sit outside and see how you feel. Hope you feel better
You are an usser of Muscle beyond limits.
This happened to me
Some enhanced fat metabolism , photosynthsis , delicious plasma food , rest and chill
Makes since, I listened to it 4x a couple days ago but none today. I have some raw honey I’ll take a small bite of and see how that goes
Have you had blood sugar problems before at all?
Well at that time I was so skinny and I do have low blood pressure problem and then I took garlic pills every day for full year that it thinning my blood too. Each time I wake up from sleep or even get up from sitting. I feel like I want to pass out. But the case that I experienced was so scary😂 but I’m glad that I know why it happen. So when it does like that again I just know it’s my blood sugar. But it’s rarely happen now. Cause I stopped taking garlic pills and I eat more especially sweet too
May I ask what you experienced when that happened? For me I felt fine during the day but as soon as Iayed down and about to fall asleep I quick got up to a panic attack, literally every single nerve fireing off as humanly possible, m Wich also made me frequently go to bathroom and also still feel like vomiting and slightly dizzy, can barely talk and difficult to breath
Also the symptoms of low blood sugar is a lot. Like
Whole body: excess sweating, excessive hunger, fainting, fatigue, light-headedness, or shakiness
Gastrointestinal: nausea or vomiting
Cognitive: mental confusion or unresponsiveness
Mouth: dryness or tingling lips
Also common: anxiety, blurred vision, excess sleepiness, headache, irritability, pale skin, palpitations, pins and needles, slurred speech, tremor, or unsteadiness
Ya that is certainly good to now. Did falling a sleep trigger anything for you? Like if I lay down and start to sleep it feels like it triggers a whole nother episode
When I lay down when my blood sugar is low. My heart pumps very slow and it’s like making me panic. Just uneasiness
Interesting. I took a bite of raw honey and a strawberry, I am starting to feel better and I think that helped a little. I’d try laying down but I’m gonna wait cause I’m deathly afraid to fall asleep lol
If it’s from low blood sugar and you know it make you better after taking it. Next time. If you have a coke or anything really just make sure you drink sweet enough. Because your body need that sugar
So maybe this was all result of my use of Muscles Beyond Limits?
I never had issues with my blood sugar before and I’m pretty active. But I guess with that field it makes since I need more sugar.
When I went outside earlier and walked barefoot that helped alot with the shaking
Now that I think about it, I did feel dizzy a couple times earlier after standing up…
Thanks abunch everyone!
Will try going back to bed and hopefully it was just a blood sugar issue from Muscles. If that is the case, anybody doing keto and intermittent fasting should put that on hold atleast a bit
Never mind, the second I fell a sleep I instantly woke back up shaking, I took another small spoon of sugar but feel the same