What TV shows are youwatching?

I like classic StarTrek reruns and MP’s Flying Circus. One of my cheat zen moments after I get home late at night is to shower, change into something comfy and grab whatever food is in the ref and just binge on Flying Circus or a film noir. I find the classic and nostalgia vibes very relaxing.


Yes, excellent humor from Monty Python, thought they were funny even as a little girl…
And original Star Trek series… remember staying up late watching this as a kid, along with original Mission Impossible series. :smiley:


Exactly. I don’t know, I guess there’s also something about that classic vibe that I find charming… and MP’s humor is so absurd… I love it… :smile:

I didn’t know about the MI series, is it good?

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As a kid, back then, I thought it was really thrilling and cool. Haven’t seen it since.


You’re a cooler kid than I was. I’ll check it out. I like stumbling upon classic shows.

Do you know the 80’s sitcom, Cheers? Now I remember this one. They used to show reruns right after I came home from HS. The music score is excellent as well.


Sure. “Where everybody knows your name” :notes: :musical_note:


Just another Tv show review in the life of Maoshan Wanderer :joy:


Invaluable review. Thanks for saving my brain and time.:smile: If you know of anything similar that’s better, drop it in the thread, I’ll pick it up when I’m scouring for weekend movie picks, thank you! This genre is one of the few things I can watch with my SO.


Hm, can it beat the Dark show🤔
Hmm I doubt so, but same producers, who knows
Oh well, Everything is possible 🤷 we will see

Space Dandy is a gem ;)

and have also great tracks like this one

Watched this last night.

Ever watched a movie and at first you’re like “WTF I am watching?”
and then at the end you’re like “WTF did I just watch?”
Yeah, this is one of those movies.

It made absolutely no sense, yet made perfect sense.
I could probably count how many actual lines were said…that gave no movement to the plot.
Yet every scene was filled with emotion and depth.
I learned little more about the world portrayed than what was given in the opening title screen, yet I somehow know more about that world than the writers do.

So yeah, in other words… Art!

Watch it with no expectations…


If u are in the U.S. it is on ME TV early Monday mornings, 3 am E.S.T.
I also watched this as a kid.


As a swede I seem to be referred to dvd…


Princess Connect, a cute and funny series with cool fighting effects visuals (you could think that’s how some of Captain Nemos fields look like if you could see them in action) :slight_smile:

And you will feel at least 30% better from watching this series (inside joke if you watch it)

I don’t think I already shared this serie
Might not be the most historically accurate show, but it was entertaining till the last name of the credit
(the begining can feel slow as they set the stage)

You can find all the episode here


For any Jeepers Creepers fans out there…


I know its good
i know i know… those intros man, just makes me switch it off.


Tom Brady - at age 43 - said, “who wants to win a Super Bowl?” picked the long time loser Tampa Bay Buccaneers and won them a Super Bowl in their own stadium., their first one in 18-years… :goat:


Space Dandy? lol
For an even fancier pompadour redline is pretty good.


This show was for a long time on my watch-list but I forgot it.
Thank you for reminding :+1:

Such a unique show
Im still listening sometimes the opening song