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Feel like watching The rear window and old Hercule Poirot series

They brilliantly highlight the importance of passion in cooking

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Brilliant indeed. I like cooking and I’m fascinated by Italy. The history, culture, the food, art. It was a perfect show for me to unwind to.

Unfortunately Antonio passed away. I would have never gotten tired of this show.

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Have you seen the lemon pasta video on youtube? Genaro took the video afterwards and it’s very sad…

I made that pasta a couple of times already and it’s excellent

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I did, and it is sad…

Genaro is a charming fellow. Both of them are in their own way.

I have tried that dish before, and agreed it’s excellent.

I’m reminded of another pasta dish I picked up, Cacio e Pepe. It’s simple, cheese and pepper dish, but it works. I think I’ve seen it from one of Anthony Bourdain’s videos a long time ago.

Ayyyyy this is out :drooling_face::flushed::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

My inner Tomb girl is jumping haha

Any one has seen it?

Should I wear something special?

Carry my swords?


Greaaaaat movie :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::sunglasses:

Cant wait for the sequences :partying_face::partying_face:


Rewatched this recently, awesome movie. Always loved hustler stories.


The Father a great movie with Anthony Hopkins


Anyone watching this? Any good?

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Me, already jumped on it.

Well. I think it’s a bit better than the Witcher which I thought was mediocre (as someone who never played and didn’t read the books).

I think the characters are much better written, there is character development. A couple of things are over the top of course.
The world is okay, the magic they have is interesting but not complicated. Mostly based around control of elements.
Actors are mostly good.

Part of it is supposed to be quazi-russia but it all looked way too familiar, especially the buildings and streets, i though it must be Czech republic or Hungary… and as it turns out it was mostly filmed in and near Budapest :)

I’d say 6.5/10
If you like fantasy it’s one of the better ones.


I didnt really get the hype around the Witcher either!! I will give this a try…

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There was one I discovered which you may like, it’s called Blood Ride.
Its Scandinavian and the episodes are not related to each other, all tell a short story. It’s not horror per se, but there is some sort of murder in all of them.


I LOVED blood ride!!! I think I watched it last year…

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Ahh I’m late to the party :laughing:

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Netflix added this newly…20-min into it, not too bad!


I’ve watched the trailer - is it some haunting/demon horror story? Or something else

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Let me not spoil it, but didn’t like it lol

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So maybe I would :thinking:
I don’t like proper horror but I like “borderline” stuff, things that could be juuust believable (with an open mind :D) or when it turns out there is a person behind it.

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One the best occult-themed movies ever!