What TV shows are youwatching?

I watched it the other day and i was also like :sleeping::sleeping::sleeping:

But but…

Just a day or two before i was scrolling through Sapien’s channel looking for a video when i came across “the nostalgia of memories” which i never understood lol

No matter how much i read the description and comments im always like “but why would I want to feel all that again, and then the emptiness after?”

And i think thats one of the few i have never tried… always stop then go like “ha. No why” and keep scrolling so when i saw that movie i was like okay… :thinking:

Still havent played it but it comes to me sometimes after that movie

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Hahahaha :skull::skull::skull:


Well, Tenet was a complete failure*, and thus every movie trying to imitate it is then of course also a failure… 100% personal opinion only :wink:

*zero emotional triggers, boring plot, physics completely wrong etc.

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Watching right now :sunglasses: :dancing_women: :beach_umbrella:

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The Office! :heart: Just makes any day better. Highly recommended for anyone looking to watch lighthearted shows.


ooo great cast! :slight_smile: I probably have seen it at least once but don’t remember.


I have been watching French detective shows, most recently Capitaine Marleau, Astrid et Raphaëlle and I just atarted Magellan. I am from the US but studied french starting at age 5, so I like the words and am getting better at hearing them. They don’t teach swearing in school so I am getting a few choice swear words from them, lol.


Talk about things I can watch over and over . . . Hunt for Red October. And I don’t even know why. Probably Sean Connery and Sam Neill, lol.


:yum: :wink: :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Hunt For Red October- I agree with you.

Have u even seen
The Russia House?

No, but I just looked it up and oy, what a cast! I will make it my task to watch it this coming weekend. Thanks for the recommendation!

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Just finished True Detective Season 3. Of course, I liked it (I liked much panned Season 2, as well), but what I most appreciated about it is how skillfully it covers its deeper themes enough so that you think the surface story is the real story. It’s not a police procedural. It just says that murder will out, and that wearing a uniform (police or military) will not stop that process. We don’t know what undoes our sympathetic protagonist (we’re meant to think it bureaucracy, hidden forces, racism, abandonment–and maybe that’s right), but my candidate was barely hinted at choices he made on another continent long before the first body dropped in Arkansas.


high T show


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I’m so hyped about this .


I watched some trailer breakdowns yesterday.
It will be either a total dumbed-down CGI desaster, or a masterpiece with several amazing plot twists packaged in a new colorful palete.



I thought she looks familiar :thinking: could she be Sati lol


The Matrix has so many hidden gems **

  • In Pali, Sati (सति) which is often translated as “mindfulness” ( from Sanskrit स्मृति smṛti.) It connotes awareness, attention, and remembering. In the Buddhist tradition, sati is cultivated as a tool for observing how the mind creates suffering moment by moment. It is practiced to develop wisdom and insight, which ultimately alleviates suffering.

I thought it was a young/new oracle… but you may be right.

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Malignant on HBO today!!

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