What TV shows are youwatching?


Some of producers and even Daniel Craig are pushing all type of progressive themes for the next opus.

Why not make another movie franchize ? Why does it have to be James Bond ?
I have no problem with it, I watched god knows how many movies with warrior gals and played how many fighting games with female characters…
But I don’t see why they have to “remake” everything.

Make something new, original. Make a spin off with Vesper or one of the Bond girls. They can make a new spy named Marie Lou and make her however progressive they want.
But leave James Bond as is.

Taking all good movies and changing the cast doesn’t send a good message for female empowerment cause.


Wow! That’s amazing!!! :partying_face:


They are.

Mini Spoiler

Lashana Lynch will take on Agent 007’s role as Nomi after James Bond is sentenced to exile.

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I’m just sharing my POV on this, sorry :sweat_smile:

I don’t know who Lashana Lynch is.

It’s just a common thing nowadays to take any franchize that’s still bankable and turn it into an empty advertisement for how progressive big studios supposedly are.

Barbara Broccoli is taking fire for making sure it doesn’t happen to James Bond, but it will eventually.


Watching Goliath Season 4 on Amazon. Season 3 hit on some themes near and dear to this forum. Season 4 goes further, to the last stop.

Seinfeld is coming soon to Netflix…


its really good man, would HIGHLY recommend it!

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I recently started watching this psychological thriller anime called Monster by Naoki Urusawa.
Absolute masterpiece.


Guys i just came from the cinema, No Time To Die, it’s very difficult to withhold spoilers…
You’re in for a ride, let me say this at least.

After the credits rolled out, i was literally the last person leaving the cinema, kind of still absorbing it

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Ahh… Don’t say anymore! :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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Maybe we should avoid this thread until we see it.

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True…that is an option. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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Anyone over here watched Smallville (2001 - 2011)?

I binged it a couple of years ago. 10 seasons. Loved the early 2000s feel.


Waited 10 seasons for mofo to finally have the balls to fly :joy: :rofl:


And they still did in some weird CGI way :joy:

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Just a fun scene that encapsulates what the first few “high school” seasons of this show feel like.

Towards seasons 4 and 5 and beyond, it gets a lot more serious.


I think the most 00s part of this show is…
umm why does everyone in high school look 28-35 years old? :rofl:


I use to wonder how I still look small compared to the ‘teenagers’ above even though I’m not in high school :joy:


Bruh in my high school, all of the kids look like they are 20-25 I swear. They be big for no reason :rofl:
Looking like full grown adults when they 15-17

Even TV shows be making “teenagers” look way older than what they really are lol


You included. -.- :stuck_out_tongue: