When Fields Don't Work

In light of recent discussions, I wanted to chart out my thoughts which I think have a huge effect on the efficacy of fields.


If fields don’t work, then do read this, and read it fully. If you feel you can contribute to the post in a constructive way, do write down below and I’ll add it in here! But going ahead I’d say keep these points in mind while gauging the effectiveness of fields.

If you don’t then all it looks like is a lack of patience to fully understand the process, and will just turn up to be more counter intuitive/slow down your progress.

  • A few thoughts - the base line

Fields, are energy work. As we can experience, energy is experiencially the most subtle and the least dense, but in effect quite the opposite. Meaning to say, it might be one of if not the biggest factor in our existence, but it’s the one we’re least perceptive of.

In a way it’s like having no sensation on your skin, while it being the biggest organ.

Fields, also being energy work, and energetic in nature, work in the same realm of subtely, but also vibrational coherence.

Let’s say you’ve been a violent, repressed, suppressed, depressed, angry person for 25 years of your life. You now listen to Be a Kind and Gentle Person, the field has to work against a morphic field of anger and everything else I wrote which has been growing for 25 years.

That’s akin to saying, imagine growing out your hair for 25 years and using scissors to cut them. Will you go from all that hair to a bald head in 5 minutes? No it’ll take time.

The same way, expecting a field to do all the work is fair, that’s what we’re experiencing, but with it come all these levels of awareness to help facilitate the field.

That is the vibrational coherence I mean.

With respect to subtely, as I mentioned, this is energy work.
Now can you work your way up to feeling fields and perceiving them on a more dense level? For sure, but like anything it’ll take time, practise and most of all - awareness.

The same way it takes awareness to distinguish 5 different qualities of pasta or coffee, to a much more scrutinized level and focus, with time you can focus on fields.

  • when fields don’t work - main

Why do I bring all these up? Because by nature of fields, there are so many densities and layers they work with, it makes it very hard to know why exactly a field is or not working or heck, its working but you don’t know.

Of you’re 300 pounds, and you go walking everyday for a week and you look at yourself, can you say how much weight you’ve lost? I’m fairly certain not. But does that mean you stop completely? Absolutely not.

The same way, most of us

A) don’t have the perceptive lens to know EXACTLY how a field is working on us

B) might be in a vibrational coherence which is quite far apart.

Does that mean fields don’t work? I wouldn’t say so.

To continue, can you perceive the weightloss a daily walk does? Not at all, but that is IRRELEVANT to the process.

The same way whether we feel it or not, by nature of playing it, it’s working on you.

Going back to vibrational coherence, that’s where SLR, Aura Repair, Ego Dissolve all exist to bring you close to a clean baseline for fields to work well. It’s in the design of this modality, since it works in a holistic level to maintain homeostasis as best as it can but still work well. That’s what I understand as “Dreams fields aren’t aggressive”

Don’t mistake that for ineffective. You could do DNP and 0 calories and lose weight, but the risks involved increase significantly more.
Especially dealing with energy work, you absolutely don’t want to have drastic changes in your system which your emotional, physical, spiritual and egoic body can keep up with.

Ever heard of a bad trip someone can’t get out of? You don’t want that. (Now I don’t mean that’s what happens, but psychedelics force your brain to take in way more than normal, and effectively that’s what you’re asking for when you want mega strong hyper fields)

And that’s just the energetic level. We’re humans, like I mentioned we have all 4 of those bodies. And when they aren’t in harmony, that’s reducing the effectiveness of fields - JUST LIKE ANY OTHER SUPPLEMENT.

Had a crazy hard work out and drank your creatine and bcaa’s and your protein shake, ate 3 meals, took an ice bath and got 8 hours of sleep? Great, but I’ll m still not growing any muscle.

Does that mean Working out and muscle building don’t work? Nope not in the least.

This was my friend, and all it boiled down to was – he was not in as much a surplus as he had to be in.

Now that’s a super physical, dense example of just ONE variable messing everything up.

Now fields have the same but to a much higher degree.

I can personally attest to how much a difference, just having MORE WATER makes to the fields efficiency. Just like bodybuilding, with fields, there is a sense of accountability to our part.

The same way we wouldn’t chug down nootropics and then do nothing all day, and then say “I’m not getting smarter”

Or chug down protein shakes and workout barely at all and eat poorly and say “I’m not getting bigger”

Why do we feel that this lack of personal accountability is a-ok when it comes to energy work? Because it’s more fantastical?

It’s another dimension but needs the same level of scrutiny and analysis as anything else.

Before we tear apart fields, are WE doing the work, JUST LIKE ANY OTHER ENDEAVOR?

To make fields a normalcy in life we have APPROACH them in the way we approach everything else. If you wouldn’t take supplements, nootropics, weightloss, bodybuilding for granted, why energy work?

  • the underdog - patience

My biggest pet peeve, is the complete lack of patience displayed mamy times COUPLED with the other things I’ve talked about.

Again, everyone please read Sammy’s post - Don't want to be party breaker but - #211 by SammyG - where he describes his journey with fields. He stuck to a smaller stack for YEARS, because a better life and better humanity TAKE TIME. We live in this pill popping world and treat fields the same. Yes they have great effect but the mind set is that of discipline and consistency. You listen to SLR for 3 weeks and drop it saying nothing’s changed.
Well you’ve spent 25 years thinking a certain way and you think you can fast track your way to a new person in 3 weeks, pain free? Is that sustainable?
Also, are you covered in all your bases? Personal responsibility?
Say you listen to Attract love and you wish to be more attractive to the sex you like. Are you working on yourself too? Gratitude journalling to start? Practising self love? Eating well? Being loving in your general state?
Or are you cynical, pessimistic, ungrateful, unhealthy?

Well, both work, but it’s just that with the second option, the vibrational/state incoherence is so high you NEED to be patient for sustainable change.

Fields are NOT Bandaid to pretend to have your life turned around. They facilitate change and with change come many things.

If you’re ungrateful, hateful, cynical, depressed, rageful, do you think YOU could HANDLE a sudden change in becoming loving, kind, compassionate? Again, equivalent exchange. For that, your Ego would have to die such a quick death and restructure to accommodate the new you, the experience can be potentially maddening.

THESE are things when you think about change. Not only you change but your LIFE changes aswell and EVERYRHING that comes with it.

Fields are a gift, and they work spectacularly, but we can’t forego the responsibility to make them work as best as they can. This lack of responsibility will not only for fields but in any endeavor bring only disappointment, frustration and anger.

Just because fields are energy work, we cant suddenly absolve our responsibility and go fuck it let it do all the work. Even then, it can, but then PATIENCE, HAS to be a factor in how you appreach it.

Now if we’ve tried all the above, and for a while things haven’t turned around? For sure bring it up, not as a gotcha, not as a rant, not as a projection for a lack of responsibility, but as you would any other service which can have feedback. I’m sure when someone is providing a service and there’s a consensus of feedback, it’s taken up.

Many fields have had upgrades/remakes. This can make it even easier. Like a Requests thread, but for objective, thorough, feedback.

NOT, trying a field for 5 days and talking about how still no one is attracted to you. In that case - look above for everything mentioned.

I’ve seen this happen again and again and everytime the answer is the same. But it’s always left unsaid.
The entitlement is crazy sometimes. Neither do we need to deify nor chastise. Everyone, including Dream, Sammy are people. And we all should treat each other with compassion, kindness and understanding.

We don’t need these fields. Up until these fields were made public and became what they are right now, we all lived our lives. And we still continue to do so but with the acknowledgement of these gifts.

Let’s use them with respect, patience and most of all - due diligence


Is “scissors” accurate in this analogy?

Meaning to say, are Dream’s fields designed to work like scissors, or a combination of razor blade, scissors and other tools a hairdressers uses to cut of 25 years of hair as quickly as possible? especially the smart fields.

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Great post!


Double love

🫶 :clap: :raised_hands:

So much good stuff here. These fields have brought me so so much… over time. I have had to be patient. Had to take personal responsibility. To peer into the muck and the shit so many times. To purge old versions of myself in really painful ways. And I wouldn’t change a thing


Bookmarked, for future replies to future queries! Good stuff, thank you!


One thing that am starting to realise the importance more and more, is smaller stacks.

Picking 3 audios only energtic and physical, is soo good. you most likly get what u want in a month, instead of having somthing in ur stack for months and months.

and i understand that some people have physical issues that need longer stacks, but for me it seems like tiny stacks is the way to go. but i will do more testing for now i need a break


This makes sense since you’re working with your energy system. It’s like doing 10 different exercises for muscle group in a single workout; the quality of the last ones would not only be extremely low, but detrimental for your development. Focusing on fewer audios could work better especially for people who are approaching fields for the first time; of course there are a lot of people here listening to 20+ audios without a problem, but I think these are the navigated users who built their capacity overtime. I personally listen to less than 10 fields a day, and I’m leaving out a lot of incredible fields that I will use in the future. It’s a matter of introspection and priorities. Good point :ok_hand:


I loved it man. So well put and succint. You have a great writing talent.


(Saving this post for when I need a content/copy-writer).


Hahaha I get what you mean! I don’t think I fully wrote out what was in my head. I’ll edit it soon for a cleaner picture, thanks a lot!

I was thinking more in terms of, unkempt, jumbled, clogged, rough, mangled up hair which is cut by any sharp objects, but regularly a scissor.

What I was going for is an unkempt and tangled energy, emotional and egoic system is definitely clearable, but the degree of the tangles also dictate the resistance needed to overcome and the time taken for fields to work.

Now compare this to the same hair, but instead, you wash it, comb it, shampoo and condition it and now you cut it. All of that requires work on your end but then it’s way easier to cut. Just like how the effectiveness of fields increase with the self work put in.