Hello everyone, Sam here For those who don’t know me, I’m Dream’s partner and I manage the site and emails. We created this forum as a means to connect with you all but most importantly because we saw how loving and positive you all are and wished to find a means for us all to connect with each other.
I am from New York City.
Hello everyone!!!
I am from 3 different countries:
Pakistan (2 years)
Italy (11 years)
UK (4 years)
Hello? Anybody home? Personne ne parles?
Howdy, ya’ll. I’m from the US, Ohio originally, now in San Diego CA
I come from bayern Munich
Oktoberfest, good beer (laughs), many mountains, great scenery great for mountaineering, wander, let your soul dangle, friendly people like me (laughs).
From the ever changing London, UK.
Miami, Florida born and raised
I think the similar topic was already :)
Baltic Region. Little cosy Lithuania. Vilnius
Porto, Portugal
From Taiwan
The Netherlands
Добро пожаловать!
I was born in Moscow, moved to Kiev by age two until my parents decided for educational reasons to emigrate to good old Germany. Honestly I never really considered any of the places I lived at, “home”. When asked I describe myself as European or cosmopolitan.
Has any of you guys had similar stories? I’d love to hear how you experienced it.
Home is wherever I am now. If I move to some other place, I’ll synch in and forget about the last place I was. I can learn the local customs, but it’s not gonna be who I am
Тем не менее, Анна, добро пожаловать. Этот форум- лучшее место, которое можно найти. Надеюсь вам здесь будет уютно :)
Yes Philip I can totally relate to that… home is something in me unrelated to countries, languages, continents:)
One deepens his understanding of various cultures, fits in wherever he has to and makes connections faster then some neighbour waters his lawn.(Ukrainian saying)
But now getting older I get a little tired by that. I would be curious to see if vagabonds like us could settle down sometime and actually enjoy it… At least there will always be plan B…please excuse my English… didn’t use it in a while @Philip_Weiss , how come you moved so often?
How nice of you to say… thank you for your words, UgniS
Do you live in the states?
I live in the Baltics. We are almost neighbors :)
I’m sure of it :)
Maybe I’m underestimates the challenge, but I figure I’ll stick it out, buy a Mcmansion in the “desired place” and be comfortable. Settling up with the support team, in a way home is wherever your people are
Connections are important.
haha, I just understand the feeling of being a stranger.
Also, if your parent relocates a few times, then ship you off to live with other family member in a loop, you get a few back and forth. Then college.
Sometimes it’s not how often, it’s how drastic, if the ethnicity, culture and even the climate changes drastically, you’re forced to re-learn everything.
Im one too vagabond along with @Philip_Weiss haha
Sometimes is so rewarding as the things you mentioned sometimes it gets lonely but all and all i would have never changed that, there should be a real vagabonds country we can call home. Even if we rarely go to but when we do itd feel just like the same home you left years ago, not like now lol i feel sooo strange when i go to visit family, im totally lost there
But i still take the sweet with the sour! Pandemia has stopped me but i was ready to move around again!
Welcome to the forum Anna!
Thanks a lot,Luna So you’re that classical vagabond by choice! May I ask where you’re from or what your route has been so far? So yours is just another success story how pandemia forced you to grow somehow
Yeah and it’s also a fascinating aspect that one can feel way more grounded and everywhere besides the place one grew up…Very nice to meet you all
Lol if someone didnt grow through Pandemia i dont know what they did ! Im Colombian, currently living in Mexico