Which fields increase your energetic capacity?

The title says it all mostly. Everybody talks about the energy expansion card as a field that helps you to handle more fields. Negentropic jing also seems to be a staple. Which fields helped you handle more fields? And specifically which ones would you recommend to beginners? I am really curious to read your experiences and answers. :slight_smile:


Bodyprimer & Energy Sensitivity from the energy course

also this


Thank you so much! What was the change you felt after using these fields?

Also Soul Restoration series.


I can run fields pretty much 24/7 now


So you used to get fatigue and it is gone completely?

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  • Pendant of Magi
  • Major and Minor Blueprints of Power

Note: I am not including clearing/blockage removal fields based on the OP.


Energy Blockage Removal
Microcosmic Orbit stacked with Three Treasures
Pranic Vacuum
Higher Being Experience
Jindan (if used long term)


PONR Stack / Field for 6 months.

Activate the Attunement and Energy Expansion Cards a few times daily, for a few weeks at least.

I am using up to three devices at a time through most of the day/night.

Depending on the fields/changes I do get fatigued.

Ground, eat and hydrate properly. Also get good sleep!


Hello Maoshan_Wanderer! Thank you so much for sharing that. Last time I tried to use fields i had issues with my nervous system and I believe energetic capacity was the root cause of it. Would you recommend the ones you mentioned or do you believe I may be better off with the energy expansion card and energy primer? I always appreciate your input very much

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It sounds like you had some overload issues in the past too. Besides the fatigue you experience once in a while, was the improvement substantial?

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Last question, I swear lol: how long did you use them for? Or should they just be used constantly at the beginning of your stack? Thank you so much again :slight_smile:

I think it depends on what we mean by energetic capacity.

The way I interpret is that you currently have already dealt with Repair (“blockages”/“clearing”/“fixing” leaks, "repairing), etc. The next step is expand.

If you have done the repair process - and you want to extend the number of fields you can use - then these should help.

But, if you need to fix the above - you should start with the other fields recommended on this thread.

For energetic capacity - I always think meditation/breathwork/star exercise, yoga, etc., are needed along with fields, if you truly want to get to the next level :slight_smile:

Every little thing counts :slight_smile:


Thank you, I am assuming the three soul restorations should go with the card and the body primer to do the ground work before the field you mentioned. Correct?

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A few years ago I´ve spammed energy work from different creators up to half a day max, without getting any kind of lasting result.

But I was constantly irritated and radiated some strange energy. People noticed and were put off.

Also got nervous system shutdowns from time to time, where I got super sensitive to any kind of stimuli, headaches, fatigue, heart racing etc.
Forced me to take breaks.

6months ago I´ve started using the ponr stack + activating the cards more or less consistently.

Comparing energy sensitivity and the results from back then and today = night and day

Substantial? I´d say everything before that was a waste of time.

Today It´s rare that I don´t have anything running in the backround. I am pushing the limit constantly while expanding my system. When it get´s too much, I give smart stem cells, auric repair and grounding a few loops.

I am currently neglecting sleep and breaks.

It seems to work for me, but I don´t recommend it.

I believe that a few days fully without fields would definetly help to achieve better results, but I don´t want to interrupt the Self Love stack.

I´ve wasted years with poor listening schedules. If I´d took it more seriously from the start, I´d be a millionaire by now, I am certain.

So stick to the basics, Ponr and Self Love stack! Give it a few months and take it from there.


I think most of everyone who is serious with Sapien will get overloaded issues in the past haha.

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This testimonial/reply is gold for all newbies man, PONR+ cards, exactly what I am doing since last month. Can already envision myself 5 months later.



  • PONR
  • Subconscious Limits (if needed)
  • Core Restoration
  • Auric Repair
  • Grounding

These would help. Additionally, Brain Regeneration (or one of the new Brain fields, I have not yet explored them)…

I always like Vibration of Divine Love. I have not found any public fields that can exactly replace it. If there is one Love field you should use, this would be my choice. This field fixes and patches so many issues and side-effects, detox effects, etc. Imagine if the God Consciousness assumed the role of a loving, nurturing mother - that is what this field does…flood one with the highest vibration that we can choose to call “love” for lack of a better word, but, IMO - it is Divine Consciousness expressed as Love (with the other two Vibration audios showing us different aspects).

I end every stack with VoDL.


Thank you so much. That is very encouraging and very detailed. What does PONR do exactly? I could never quite understand the description. Somebody advised ego dissolution and SLR as a primer to avoid overload but after just one listen I was sick for a week (this was after resting for one month after experiencing a bad overload).
Do you believe PONR may be a better primer for me?