White Matter

I’m going to share my humble experience with this field paired with The Social Bonder and a sub (Mercury Leo in III house). Before, communication takes me a huge amount of energy to finds the right words and to elaborate sentences, but now, its completely different. I speak effortlessly and my processing spead increased by 250%. I don’t have to consciously think about what I’m going to say. It just comes. I also implemented the practice of writing to become more articulate and that’s a surplus.

I won’t talk about the physical benefits of using this one. It’s already mentionned in the description. All I’m gonna do is to approve them.


Something to try if anyone is interested.
Step 1: Drink 2 bottles of water
Step 2: Play Infared and plasma light drink charger
Step 3: Loop WM atleast x6 or dual/tri/quad loop for the maniacs
Step 4: Play your brain fields and feel that extra strength added. :exploding_head:


Hey guys so i am using white matter, social bonder, Manhattan method since yesterday, what i have notice is waking up a lot earlier. Usually because of medication , vacations, summer i sleep 12 hours a day but today i slept 7 hours and woke up without alarm, cool right? It’s hard for me to wake up early, i’ve tried everything, and now so easily i woke up.
this is my first early update for this product


Did u feel more refreshed? Slept deeper?

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i slept deeper and woke up so easily which is amazing. i used to sleep and sleep and wake up too late, it was lunchtime when i woke up, but because classes start soon and i am studying nursing i need to wake up early. but this summer i became too sleepy so i needed to fix it. i want to see if its an everyday thing that thanks to ths field i wake up early, if so i will be sooo garteful


I understood an abrebiation in English that was wroten incortecetly

My friend asked me his date told him tnr when my frend told him he will love to meet him

He didn’t understood and asked me and for 40 sec i was tryna figure out what he said in the text and i realized he wrote it incorrectly all of a sudden, i realized he meant tmr and not tnr and tmr means tomorrow.

Sounds easy for a native speaker but not knowing too much the context and realizing this little thing is huge


I realized a TikTok trend

Everybody wrote it like denial is a river in egypt

And i thought it was like that and people too from what it seems

But while relaxing i said it in my head and was like, dude we are so dumb

It’s the nial is a river in egypt

Silly stuff but cool
I don’t know if to put this update here or on the manhattan method
Also i may sound really dumb but i am not an English native speaker so realizing this silly stuff in English is a little accomplishment for me


Tag it in all the brain fields you have…it’s always cumulative effect.

sorry i don’t understand what you mean by tag all the brain fields you have ad by cumulative?

He means add it to any brain stack you have because the effects of it will compound everything pertaining to intelligence in general. Whatever your previous intellectual level is Manhattan method raises that to a new standard.



Wow. Ok thank you for the advice

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super I love it and it works really well

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Generally i seem to have a better memory, more recalling, and better overran.
i need to learn to make my updates shorter, sorry about that
recalling people’s names, name of movies i used to watch as a kid, like old random ones


I played tennis for the first time in over 3 weeks. Felt very little rust and my reaction time on some reflex shots felt quicker and more automatic than before. My friend didn’t believe that I had not played in over 3 weeks. I have one device almost solely playing White Matter for over half a day while at home.


I got this few days ago listening to this 5 times for 3 days everything seems much faster my thinking, process information much faster like 20 times, wonder what brain key mix with this results, I imagine it be crazy


So this will help ,field,energy information and affirmation been proccesed well by the brain?

Hi Milamber! :slight_smile:
Again KY and attendents


Thank you for this great clarification @Dr_Manhattan.

Besides grounding and hydration, could you please share what fields you would recommend to lessen the looping/spamming effects of your other fields Conceptual Conglomerate and Manly Man (in PM if you don’t want to derail the thread)? I recently picked these up and have been using them pretty regularly for extended periods, but became massively overtired a couple of days ago; waking up at 2:30 - 3:30 am wide awake. This happening is what lead me to White Matter, which gave me some excellent much-needed rest the last couple of nights. I’ve been taking a couple of days off of everything (including workouts) except for playing WM intermittently throughout the day.



Energy fields like Ojas, Tejas and auric repair will help. There is also the “force of life” and a couple more energy related fields to help you power through.

I’ll move these post to a new thread


Do we need DHA to create new grey matter or only to myelinate the neurons afterwards?