White Matter

First we tweak the common and abundant Omega-6s present in the body by adjusting the chemical bonds and chain sizes through direct morphic field manipulation to obtain the potent DHA molecule thereby bypassing biological processes and the need from fish and krill oil. Then we transport these new DHA molecules up to the brain and increase the production of myelin shealth related enzymes which gives us a highly convenient, unlimited and instantaneous source of white matter anywhere at any time with any diet… for life.

Fact: The myelin sheath (aka White Matter) accelerates nerve signals up to a staggering 50 times in our brains.

At the same time comes the blood flow and nutrient absorption boosters in the brain cascading through your every nooks and crannies, feeding neurons.

The Nitric oxide and water absorption targeted at the brain.

Last but not least (seriously): Hydrogen and Oxygen generation from water and pushed straight to the brain for stimulation in a more potent way than previous hydrogen fields as it all concentrates directly in the brain. Making this creation a potentially violent brain wiring booster or not based on your consumption of water (raw materials) while using this field.

Yes, this is also a booster :smirk:


Instant results… So OVERPOWERED.


Will be Buying the First 'Manhattan Method" soon and there’s plenty to go , Excited on this Journey!


Bunch of brainiacs have already started testing and posted results :joy:

this guinea pig is the one I was referring


HAHAHA I’m going insane bro. 1ea80e7cea0d429146580c7e91c5b944

The results from this one kicked in faster than Bruce Lee…


To not let others keep wondering what it is and benefits, here let’s have some overview.

White matter benefits:

White matter is a crucial component of the brain’s structure, and it plays several important functions in facilitating communication and supporting brain function. White matter consists of bundles of myelinated nerve fibers, which are the axons of neurons that are coated with a fatty substance called myelin. The main functions of white matter in the brain include:

  1. Transmission of Signals: White matter serves as the communication network of the brain, enabling the transmission of signals between different regions. Axons, covered in myelin, allow electrical impulses to travel faster and more efficiently, facilitating the rapid transmission of information across distant brain areas.
  2. Interconnecting Brain Regions: White matter pathways connect various regions of the brain, allowing them to work together as a coordinated system. These connections enable complex processes like perception, cognition, and voluntary movement.
  3. Integration of Information: The white matter tracts help integrate information from different brain regions. They ensure that various brain areas can collaborate, allowing for the seamless integration of sensory, motor, and cognitive functions.
  4. Cognitive Abilities: White matter is crucial for cognitive functions such as memory, attention, problem-solving, and language. The connections formed by white matter pathways are vital for the coordination of these processes.
  5. Motor Control: White matter tracts facilitate communication between the brain and the spinal cord, allowing for voluntary muscle movement and coordination. These tracts enable the brain to send commands to muscles and receive sensory feedback from them.
  6. Learning and Adaptation: The integrity of white matter connections is essential for learning and adapting to new experiences. As we learn new skills or acquire new knowledge, these connections are modified and strengthened.
  7. Aging and Plasticity: White matter changes with age and plays a role in brain plasticity—the brain’s ability to reorganize and adapt. White matter connections are continuously refined based on experience, and they play a role in the brain’s ability to recover from injury or adapt to changing demands.
  8. Overall Brain Health: Healthy white matter is crucial for maintaining overall brain health. Disruptions in white matter integrity have been linked to various neurological conditions such as multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer’s disease, and stroke.

In summary, white matter is integral to the brain’s functioning by enabling communication, coordination, integration of information, and various cognitive and motor processes. It contributes significantly to the brain’s capacity for learning, adaptation, and maintaining overall brain health.



This isn’t clear…what does the word “need” imply here

Meaning we are done taking omega 3 pills for white matter.

giphy (1)


It means you don’t need to buy Omega-3 pills or eat fish.


This looks like a Manhattan 8K res on steroids :boom:
(With some tweaks and different things ofc)

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Well it’s not going to do what m8k res does completely, but it’s going to do my favorite part of m8k res, VERY WELL.:fire::fire::fire:

Create… White… Matter…


Man let them eat fish for heart health and other health benefits but no need to eat fish for brain health


Oooo my gawd… really

Holy :rofl: :rofl:

that beyond insane…man…

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So this goes before M8K

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you might get a field for that too :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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I believe so.

If your goal is to create more white matter on top of the white matter you’re already creating with this field.

But then again it won’t matter much if you play this regardless lol. You’ll get more than enough from this alone.

Actually I don’t think order matters period anymore.


The doc striking again!!! This one with any other wiring brain fields, and y’all gonna exceed your potential tremendously. White matter = Cognitive essence = building stone for Intelligence!

Big shout out to the Captain, and the Doc!!




That’s what I thought…we have crossed that stage…fields and brain shall figure it out

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Doc might release “Jojo-tested” and the brainmaniacs know… you have spammed it 300hrs already

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