Just out of curiosity…i read in a comments section someone write “some of us already know who sapien is”.
Legend has it he is truly the being called
Blip Blop the Third from another star system of another universe
Reincarnated in the body of an Indian androgynous being.
He wiped out your pest …,Got kicked in his chest
He’s a friend of humanity,So give him the rest…
That’s my epic tale,A champion prevailed …Defeated the villain
Now, pour him some ale …Toss a coin to your Witcher!!!
O’ Valley of Plenty O’ Valley of Plenty o o o!
Oh here we go again. Why is this so important?
He is out of this world. That is all.
Sapien Med is a concept that speaks with your subconscious. However, you need to learn conceptual thinking!
just curiosity. When we follow anyone whether celebrities, social media influencers - we naturally want to know the person. Same goes here. If you follow someone and esp when you use their work - its nice to put a face to the work.
i don’t follow him, i follow my senses and my senses say i should follow him so, i know the truth about my senses that’s what i need to know for the moment.
is he an indian??!! i thought he is an alien, im kindoff lost
when you get quoted from youtube…
@Dreamweaver, you should post your old fb pic…
that was…umm… interesting
Who is anyone, does anyone know, I look in the mirror and still don’t know who I am…
Indeed Mr Owl
lol lol thats the best!
Exactly what I was thinking haha…
Actually this is Sapien (Mariano)!
Why they don’t show they real faces? Just asking with lot of respect. I am just curious.they are afraid something?
I wanna know secrets lol