Just my 2 cents.
I just don’t feel comfortable.
I want sapien medicine to be less about me and more about helping people.
I know the places, youtube/IG etc are used by most people for personal promotion and getting known.
But I don’t really want to be famous or have my name and face plastered everywhere.
Because then it gives me the option to have a normal unknown person life in the future.
(which is a nice option to have, a quiet life)
Some people here know me and have known me for a long time.
Which is why a lot of the strange accusations etc just seems silly to them.
Sammy G responds to most of the emails and public interactions, and you can clearly see him and hear him in all the course materials.
I have spoken to every one live in the last webinar even.
That’s about it mostly. There is no grand plan or some hidden thing going on.