Who were you in a previous life/incarnation - Just for fun

Brother, you can always (gain or regain and) use the power and discipline that you had as a Knight. :muscle::pray:
It’s your power.


Generally speaking. We already lived in many lifetimes. This is why all of you now able to use such devices. That’s because the maturity of your souls. Since we reincarnate lot of lives. It will be hard to retain all that. So it never clear in the end. But of course. We already lived way back to even the old age before the 20s century.

To know if you’re a new soul. You won’t be in here interacting with laptop. Writing. And do such modern people do.

A new soul will learn the basics. About life. The challenges. Their life will be all basic. Basic marriage with less marriage issue. Those new souls usually born in extreme rural place. A place where no outsider knows. Like the primitive kind of group.

Then it goes to Amish. And so forth. And eventually learn another way of living. This is the crucial steps for souls.


Yes! Rally your men George!.. because the Jerusalem has come!! :latin_cross: :crossed_swords:… Arrrgghhh!!! :raised_hands:







I think I was German right before this life. I’ve always had unfounded love and respect for Germans even though I’ve never really interacted with Germans lol. I know they are smart and efficient and have many damned good composers in music (masters of classical and techno/electronic. Not so good vocally lol).

But yeh, even after reading about the 20th century, still had love and vouched for them without any reason. I’ve met Europeans from all over but don’t think I’ve chatted with a German other than in the internet :sweat_smile: So I suspect I was german right before this life.


I think my last incarnation was actually a while ago, perhaps in the times where spears and swords, bows and arrows were used. Probably in Ancient Greece due to the synchronicity of them in my life and my liking of Greek mythology. I was either a priest or a warrior, but likely not a merchant nor scientist as even in this life I hate politics, mind games, economics and other similar subjects. Hit first think later sounds like something That would fit me. I probably went around spreading the fear of the gods into men lol.


I feel the same way towards Koreans lol. Generally feel drawn to Japan, Korea, China, and it started after my awakening so I assume that’s where some of my incarnations took place. Thanks for sharing Sammy


They were/are Amazing when it comes to composing music and are (also) of highest excellence in many other areas and fields;
It’s unfortunate that many people only focus on the bad and forget all the good and beautiful creations Germans brought to this world.


Well, purple, violet, even indigo (I think) are associated with high ranking individuals and especially royalty; anyway, I have no idea if these regressions are accurate, as in they show us who we (supposedly) were in past lives or it shows what we resonate with on a subconscious level (also, some if it might be from our genes, our ancestors, idk).

I had regresotheraphy several times at different persons
Always Maximus Meridius Decimus was in some lifes,
Also something in close to queen Elizabeth…
My tarot reader said me I have this fighter knight energy and I am so attracted to all medivial , knight fights etc always this fighter energy in my life.

You all also could do regression therapy and see for yourself.

Mine said I have blue energy and dark blue or violet is final

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Lol, man, similar experiences, just I was from Soviet Russia and probably had fought in WW2 for a while, just regarding Germans, a little bit the opposite for known reasons, like I have not much of prejudices towards them, rather just some very old traces. Another thing is I’m by 1/4 German and can speak fluently in German, lol.

But otherwise, I feel something towards many cultures, mainly the European and Asian ones…


How do you feel about the language?
For me it’s Spanish - I learnt it by myself with extremely low effort, everything just seems to make sense in Spanish.


I was one Indian man thousands of years Anno Domini; a Mongolian warrior woman, a prominent figue in Sweden in the 17th century and a Native American woman, daughter of a tribe leader.
These are the most interesting ones. :blush:


Welcome to the community, @Leela. :pray:

These were quite interesting options/lives indeed.


German language speed run in this lifetime : )


Growing up I would worry if I was Hitler or some shit lol

On another note
Does anyone know if it’s possible for this very life to be someone’s first life/ incarnation?
I get the whole manas janam is rare and doesn’t happen time and time again thing- but like still lol.
I’m still and totally curious lol


Haven’t tried learning it yet :X But I like the language. Bounces off nicely to my ears.


I fought for freedom and righteousness.

I participated in some violent excesses.

As a result, I did not witness the defeat of my enemies, but their suffering and destruction is a thing of legend.

I said then that the nation could only be cleansed with fire and blood. That the blood of the oppressed called for vengeance. That vengeance was taken swiftly, surely, by an army singing the anthem of my resurrection.

I have called forth the same forces now.


Who’s doing these readings? Is there a field for this?

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@Owl Apparently there is.
As for the readings, I think hypnosys/past life regression might be the solution.