It has one for entering another dimension. But it comes with a strong warning to not use it under any circumstance. Which makes me wonder why it is even included in the book.
With the description given, I don’t think I would ever do it unless I was about to kill myself anyways because it sounds like suicide.
Anyone out there that would do this? Anyone out there who has done this? I don’t want you to, I’m not asking you to. I’m just wondering if you would.
I can’t copy and paste it so I’ll paraphrase. Anyone with Kindle Unlimited can read (for free) the section on Finding a Dimensional Doorway.
Paraphrase: [Almost any world you enter will be much harsher and harder to survive in than our world, and will have terrible creatures in it. If you find the doorway, run away as fast as possible immediately.]
Why would anyone want to find a doorway like that? Is it so you can throw something through to the other side and then run for your life? Lmao. What purpose could that serve?
If you are a person who has mastered certain things and KNOWS (not thinks, not hopes, BU T KNOWS) that they have mastered certain things…
than information like this becomes “obvious” upon reading.
Meaning you know exactly what it pertains to and why and when (almost always very rare, very extreme cases that even “advanced” practitioners would never encounter).
In other words, as the author pointed out… this isn’t something to play around with out of curiosity.
Just “trust” that putting a gun to your head and pulling the trigger will lead to not good results…
Not everything needs to be “proven” to oneself’s out of curiosity.
And then be glad that you’ll never have to use such a thing as it would mean things have gone HORRIBLY WRONG in some way…
I think the warning is just to not use a specific section, or perhaps just one specific sigil in the book.
Of course, the title, the cover, and the author’s other extensive collection of similar offerings left me with little confidence anything in that book would offer anything positive or negative.
Yeah it’s just that 1 sigil. It’s like “here you go, never use this one. Moving on…”
@_OM At this point I have up to 3 different things in mind when I talk about changing dimensions. This one is new and different to me.
I agree with most/all of what you’re saying here. Which is why I’m asking these questions. I figure someone out there may know and share something.
You’re like: If you know then you’ll know but if you don’t know then you don’t know. Lol. Yes, I know that I don’t know, and I’m guessing someone does.
This is a really good book advertisement. 101 SIGILS (THIS ONE SIGIL MIGHT JUST KILL YOU, DONT READ) he should have put that on the amazon sales page imo
Lmao. I bet there’s a google ad for the book out there somewhere to click on that says exactly this. For the 20 dollar pdf version though.
Man, if we had a snake cam we could stick through and check out the other side, maybe we could find a non-horrible dimension. Not really though. Getting close is supposed to be enough to suck you in. And a great looking place initially could turn out to be the worst of the worst.
Now my mind is wandering back to episodes of The Magicians. What was that place called? (I had to check wiki) Fillory. And the interdimensional network connecting to Fillory. They had to have battle magic to even step into that place and they still got their asses handed to them. Does anyone here know Battle Magic? You can PM me.
There is also tessaract magic.
I haven’t tried it because for whatever reason I just “can’t do” things that are related to Kabbalah/Hebrew alphabet mysticism, inc. golden dawn stuff.
Disclaimer - So I’m not advocating this nor “sharing wisdom”, I just thought about it now and I think it’s one of those things that were interesting to read/know about but I’m not convinced it’s legit etc.
Basically they write that there is a way you can arrange the letters of the hebrew alphabet into a tessaract form (of course with ideology/symbolism behind the exact form)… and then it’s basically a portal you can go through by willing to.
They write in the book you can shift also by just “willing to” basically,.without writing down the tessaract schema which is like a ritual.
There is a warning that shifting with this method should only be done only under the same circumstances as suicide because people change around you and likely nothing will be the same, and there is no guarantee that it will be better. Also there is one about a dimension with ozone smell in the air and green/red sky, in which case the warning is to shift again right away.
Because they need guinea pigs to experiment and they KNOW there are people out there that would do exactly what you tell them not to just because, they would even boost it 100 times if they could then come and make a post about how I overwhelmed myself and now i dont know what dimension i am in helppp
If you are smart enough, strong enough, and disciplined enough to be the top 1% of the 1% of the 1% of the people to becoming a spy so crucial to national security that they send you on a secret mission to save the world…
And then you get caught by the “bad guys” and after several DAYS of unbearable torture, you start to consider taking the cyanide capsule hidden on you somewhere before you break and give up the “secret codes” that will lead to world nuclear anniliation…
THEN and ONLY THEN do you think about using the cyanide capsule …
You aren’t using the cyanide capsule just cause you’ve having a bad day, week.
You don’t even have the ability to get one unless you’ve gone thru the above necessary training per the analogy.
Haven’t read the book but assuming it’s even effective and not bunk to make the rest of the book seem more believable (as others have stated) …that’s the level of “you’ll know how/when/where to use it” the I’m talking about…