Who would step into another dimension?

That makes me wonder about something. Even though it doesn’t include the rails. Airports have always felt very strange to me.


Euh… yeah.

This is the thing exactly, since childhood I have been drawn to the spiritual (and to a lesser degree, occult - but there was nor much available to me at the time) mostly because I was seeking for “the truth”. I understand this deeper desire in retrospect.

Diving head first into something like this (either the book in the main post, or multidimensional magick, the area I wrote about) is tempting because I guess through it I could discover something huge if it does work. Something that changes my point of view forever.
At the same time, I dont think I would actually want to experience it. A handful of psychic experiences were already enough to lead me to google signs of onsetting scizophrenia when i was 20 (they were temporary lol), and even though i am a bit older and a bit wiser, I’m not sure how I would really react if the rug was pulled from below my feet.
I think there is also a biological “gate” - the human mind needs something stable that it considers “reality”. The physical illusion is part of this physical 3D life.
I think the only non-traumatic, “natural” way to go beyond it is to ascend high enough so that the truths become evident as an inner realization. I think you would need to have achieved a non-dualistic view, so I guess it’s what Nabs referred to as “5D” in the post yesterday - maybe “Satori-fied” / beyond a certain number on the Hawkins scale, i dont know :D
The point is I wont directly experiment with this for now.


@SorcerySupreme, are you familiar with this book?


Listening to hgh 2.0 from gumroad - and reading posts like :owl:


You might not want to hear this but…

its just how we work


Excellent post! Pretty much my own story, actually.


Seems like a wave of timeline / dimension / reality shifting topics now.



The warning is only on that one sigil. It’s near the end of the book. @Psimindset

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i did find it thank you, yeah pretty bizarre to put warning wile putting the sigil.


This is exactly what _OM would have me believe any Reality Shifting work will bring about, anytime I mention it.

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Even predicted it… :wink:
Think @Maoshan_Wanderer is just warning against it for giggles too?


I can take you seriously and yet still find the hyperbole of that video funny. Picturing that being me; that crazy guy in the episode. “_OM said this would happen”


:rofl: :rofl: :joy: :+1:t4:


Don’t we sort of “sift” constantly on a personal level?
That’s the approach that seems to make the most sense to me currently (this version of me, on this level :) ). Most of it is just life and unnoticeable. There are small practices that rearrange your subconscious/reality a bit… like… you’re turning a bit in 3d time i guess, or bringing in something in front of yourself in 3d time that wasnt there before or something similar. But it doesnt feel like a shift because of the way we perceive time: past / present / future.
The “normal” shifts is rearranging things in your present and future, perhaps influencing some other people in your life - but you only experience interactions with these people as they are, you dont directly experience other interactions that would have only happened had you done something differently… so you dont notice the “shift”

The bigger shifts / alternative timelines people talk about is i guess when a lot of things also changed in the perceived past so it’s all different. I guess this is also possible to get to by yourself accidentally but chances are you’ll end up with some serious issues if that happens.


I suppose first rule of having shifted major timelines is never talk about having shifted major timelines :smiley:
It’s only for protection, to not end up in the psyche ward. :smiley:


Ok fine…but isn’t that just a very long, very complicated “airy fairy” “new agey” way of just going thru life??

lol literally it takes someone more time to explain 'timeline shifting to another reality" than it does to just say, “I made a goal…I took actions to accomplish that goal”

No one talks about “time line shifting” when they make a goal of:

  • wanting a sandwich >
  • making a sandwich >
  • eating that sandwich…

Why? Cause you’d sound like a nut trying to explain the very simple process of goal manifestation that’s done a level so easy that anyone could do it.

Yet, anything percieved as “difficult” we have to make into this super complicated new-agey “quantum jumping” terminology.

It’s just goal setting and goal achievement.
Understanding the quantum mechanics of it, is utterly pointless at this level of human consciousness
you want to read all the handy guides I’ve given to the forum :slight_smile: and pour over those until you ACTUALLY understand the mathematics and theory behind real life people who’ve worked on time travel and timelines


we can start having discussions about the true mechanics of goal setting in terms of quantum entanglement and multiple timelines…


_OM is here from another dimension to discourage anyone from stumbling into his home dimension.


Most epic forum beyond time swooosh there goes…
(Time shift alteration left through the wall) :flushed:


Would be great Twilight Zone plot too. :slight_smile:
The overacting in these shows is what makes that much better!
The pure terror from the actors is… :kissing_heart: