Who would step into another dimension?

I dont know honestly, I dont really read new age-y stuff so it’s just me trying to work it out lol.
Specifically the way I managed to make sense of some psychic abilities / visions was to think about life as a tree with branches (which implies finite possibilities but whatever) and I would sense/see things that are from the “widest branch of the tree” from where I am… But I can turn to one of the side branches and then the way forward changes… This is what my 19.20 year-old brain could come up with and the intuition behind it went nicely with some parts of the 3D time concept / examples - the latter being much better worked out of course.

Obvs I dont ACTUALLY understand it :D
But it’s not that mathematical, at least I dont think the mathematics is the difficult part… I just dont understand the concepts deeply enough.


Realize I wasn’t talking about you specifically @MonkeyOwl

It’s the general thinking I see behind these type of discussion that worries me.

It’s LOA 2.0 or 2.73 (shout to anyone who gets this reference)
which I recently posted about here


I love this episode. Looking forward to the New Year’s Eve Twilight Zone Marathon (which I assume they are having again this year).


Have you forgotten that you go to another dimension every night? Sometimes even multiple different dimensions in one night. :sleeping:


Not “mystical” sounding enough…:smirk:
Got to add that flare to it!


On that note…
I’m hesitant to recommend it as I’m sure all the wrong lessons will be focused on and the important points will be missed somehow :unamused:
But for the purpose of kinda, sorta understanding some of the mechanics behind “time travel”
@Yuichi put me on to this great anime “Stein’s Gate”
(I’m sure some of you have already seen it)

When watching, note the main characters transformation to “roleplaying” what he thinks time travel would be like
how time travel/quantum jumping/whatever ACTUALLY affects him.

He even gives a nice little speech in one of the last 3 episodes about it…

ie…when you realize “Santa Claus” is actually your parents that had to work a hard job and save up to pay for your Christmas gifts that “came out of nowhere like magic” when you were 3 years old…


The one entitled The Carousel is even more beautiful and interesting, it describes a successful man in the USA in the 60s who in a gas station, in the throes of a bad mood, begins to want to see his childhood again, meeting himself and his parents; truly extraordinary the ending with the dialogue between him as an adult and his father, who encourages and advises him.

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I always wonder why such books can be purchased via Amazon. The Elite must have much deeper shit … or not?

Yes, I like that one too. I’m in my mid-60’s, watched them when as a kid, teen and beyond. I have seen every episode and still watch them @ 12:30 am Mon.-Fri on ME TV (NYC), followed by “Alfred Hitchcock’s Presents” episodes which ends at 2 a.m. Every New Years Eve and day I watch the Twilight Zone Marathon, end up sleeping with them on.


There is something to learn from these episodes; then we looked at them as magical or fantastic tales, now we see them from a different perspective, aware that they are a part of reality and can also have scientific validations. However interesting also the advice of the main actor and author of the series, Rod Serling, he calibrated the episodes on his traumatic experiences during the Second World War, to then give interesting, sometimes prophetic warnings for the future, a really great person.


Yes, I agree. I have been spiritual and “open” my entire life and a deep thinker on spiritual matters as well. I have been a seeker my entire life. I questioned my father on spiritual matters at around 10 yrs old. I told him there must be a underlying unifying spiritual principle that would make sense of the world. When visiting and staying with my mat. grandmother’s house the trees would whisper to me when I sat outside on the stoop.


I used https://z-lib.org and found it for free in this online library https://1lib.us/book/3680625/5747b0


I’m always afraid of downloading stuff from these websites :smiley:

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