Who's expecting something on 12-21-2020?

And you are just gaslighting me. Again. I put upon you the FUCK THE POLICE. May you never find refuge from the suffering of human authority until you renounce it. I have spoken.

So you’re proving that I’m wrong in saying you are malicious by cursing me? I guess I should be smart enough to google for what that means now.

I bless you in being able to appreciate the justice that does come even through the hands of imperfect men, even through an imperfect system.


It is the greatest blessing I can give.

I’m not proving shit. I AM the political meme. I am literally a being that has consciously experienced thousands of lifetimes as The Resistance. I know what I am, I know what I believe, and I DEEPLY reject your gaslighting of me and your shitty behavior. I am officially telling you, deeply, from the part of my soul that counts, that you have been an absolute piece of shit to me.

Thank you for the inspiration.

The final stage is now underway.

Fuck the police!

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Me, casually coming to check if there is anything new regarding 21 Dec


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
i think its not no joke though looj at whats going on in the world

damn that is interesting!
i havent got any info on why its happening to me, but alot of weird stuff has just been occuring recently, yesterday at 8:00pm i got this low frequency pulsing in my ear and i got shocked so i looked around at work to see if anyone noticed it but i was the only one, and a few days ago i got woken up from a light sleep to voice/hum (it sounded like a mantra) which felt super super intense.
i’ve never really experienced stuff like this so i have a feeling its linked up to something


Same thing happened to me between 8:00-8:20pm. Sitting there and all of a sudden got a low frequency pulsing in my ears.
Lasted for 3/4 minutes and went back to normal.


This happened to me too ,twice, yesterday.
What could this be?

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Possibly to do with the astrological shifts taking place and the change in frequencies.


i wish i knew bro, im very intrigude to what it is

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The low freq pulsing happened to me too about 2 days ago, but I’m freshly wearing the SLR tag so I thought it was BC of that.

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alerta alerta sorcarios sopremas!

Well, whatever it is that’s been going on, Spirit will work it out for the best. I was hoping others might have better insight, just to satiate my own curiosity, but I know that I don’t really need to know.

Still, thanks for chiming in everyone, I was glad to see everyone’s responses.


I hope it is as you say.

This is the time to claim your divinity and sovereignty. Of that, I am certain. What specific manifestations occur or make that easier on 12/21 do not matter. It is easier to do so now, and join the collective stepping out then, than to wait.

Every piece of work I have done across every lifetime I remember is for that point.

The methods do not matter. It does not matter what you do with your power. It matters only that you seize it.


Interesting synchronicity between your post and the release of this video…


You are asking some tough questions B)

There there people no need to fight among ourself. Unity of the opposing perspective. When everything is finished grab ya some of my manifested Gingerbread men cookies. I have plenty left over enjoyed ! ;)

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