Who's expecting something on 12-21-2020?



I have heard some of this guy’s prediction(you can told prior Covid predictions) and they seem quite accurate (even his gold constant value increase)

You can start at 5:15

At 5:08

In the first video he “warns” that “humans will fear humans.”

Man, humans have been fearing humans since the first neanderthal murdered another to get a bigger slice of sabertooth tiger steak.


Dates will come, dates will go, Earth and her beings will continue to live on. Every year, there is one such date where
(a) either the onset of Apocalypse is predicted or
(b) a collective ascension of humanity.

Most of those dates have come and gone and nothing really happened! The New Age community forums always talk about how their “vibrations” were upgraded on such and such date (mind is a powerful thing, when you want to feel something, you feel things) - none of which can be objectively measured. So did something happen, perhaps, but most probably not.

I was watching this documentary on Heaven’s Gate cult on HBO, a group that held a belief system which was a mixture of Christianity, New Age, and UFOs, where the members were holding on to several such dates - associated with comets, equinoxes, and other astrological events and eventually resorted to a drastic measure, rather than sticking with the more metaphorical (and less harmful) expectations of the New Age community.

I guess if someone uses these events to meditate, invest in self-development and goes about it in a sensible way, no harm even if nothing really happens on yet another minuscule date in the continuum named time and space on Gaia.

I guess we will all be here on 12/22/2020, so we’ll see if anything did happen :smiley:


couldn’t agree more :point_up_2: :point_up_2: :100:

Well want I do know about Dec. 21, Jupiter and Saturn will be so closely aligned that they will appear as a "double planet, this is called a conjunction, and the last time such a close one between the two planets was visible from Earth was in 1226, that’s almost 800 years ago :scream:

However, this great conjunction brings the planets even closer together than usual. They will appear to be separated by just a tenth of a degree, or the thickness of a dime held at arm’s length.

If you miss this conjunction, another so close won’t be visible until 2080. After that, it will not occur again until after 2400. While the last time the phenomenon was visible was in the Middle Ages, a similar alignment occurred in 1623, but it was too close to the sun to be seen from Earth

Beyond Dec 21, Jupiter and Saturn will begin to move away from each other. This trend will continue for the next ten years before the two giants start to move closer together again during the 2030s. This will set up the next Great Conjunction in 2040, although that one will not be as brilliant as 2020′s.

The planets won’t be this close again until 2080. In extremely rare fashion, Jupiter completely covers Saturn. That won’t happen again until 7541.


So it is a good idea to play saturn and jupiter fields?


That is entirely relative to what your goals are.


:100: yes I would do Conjunction of Spheres

In fact, would start playing these from today for an extra kick

Nullify Negative Planetary and Astrological Effects
Amplify Positive Planetary and Astrological Effects


Here’s a good video from one of my favorite YouTubers explaining what we can expect after the 21st

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I think nothing really special will happen, pretty much like @Maoshan_Wanderer said.

However, people seem to ignore that Aquarius also “rules” trends that have been so impactful in the last decade - things like virtual reality, online, everything in the cloud, less connection with nature…
People living their life even more online (on the short run), then having microchips in their brain and/or becoming half cyborgs (on the much longer run) are also perfectly viable materialization of an Aquarius age.

But telepathy and other D4 psychic abilities are also Aquarian. In the end whatever may or may not happen, I’ll just keep working towards this. :)

Less importantly, this guy’s rhetoric is really off about young people and politics, from a historical / sociological perspective.
Interesting video though.


10 more days til our superpowers arrive


:point_down: :point_down: :point_down: :point_down: :point_down: :point_down: :point_down: :point_down: :point_down: :point_down: :point_down: :point_down: :point_down: :point_down: :point_down:

:point_up_2: :point_up_2: :point_up_2: :point_up_2: :point_up_2: :point_up_2: :point_up_2: :point_up_2: :point_up_2: :point_up_2: :point_up_2: :point_up_2:


Or the :alien: overlords :scream::grin:

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Yes something on that lines, but I’d say since some weeks ago

I’m also using fields and doing a lot of “internal work” though, so… who knows :slightly_smiling_face:


@Atreides, I’m not as far along as you, but I’ve been feeling different. From what I’ve read, the start of these energies was 12/12/2020, and they will continue to build until the 21st.

Based on what you’ve discussed in other threads, I think that your work with Sapien’s new fields (flower of life, torsion, plasma, etc) has really increased your sensitivity to things.

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Definitely felt a shifting today guys. From yesterday to this day the energy got lighter for me. Saturn entered Aquarius today, and the energy was expanded because of the moon crossing the same place at very near time. I felt a good shifting and could recall the Aquarius energy around.

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Ayyy my boy Ryan Cropper. Love this dude.

Can I get a helloooo