Why Do You Feel Blessed Today?

It’s the little things. And the big things. The serendipities and synchronicities. The friendly wave or the warm smile, the saving grace, all the things. I want to know, what things small or big, you feel blessed about today.

Also, feel free to tell about what fields you
Think had a hand in it!

Today, I feel blessed because I’ve been experiencing a lot of family harmony lately.

And I think Vibration of Divine Love has had something to do with that.

Also, amazing Chinese food!


Took care of some car issues, glad those are out of the way.

Playing some volleyball in this beautiful weather.

Gold oil of the sun is blessing me every morning upon waking up. :heart_eyes:


Thank God, today my dad didn’t get on my nerve! :joy:


Being Alive :grinning:


that everything I have ever wanted or asked for, I have received.


I asked for and received the most beautiful healing session from some Arcturian beings :heart: :pray:


I can hear Sapiens beautiful creations. And finally could create an account. :two_hearts::100:


Regardless how much I hate it to be incarnated in the physical world, with all its problems, challenges and body needs, and regardless of how many mistakes I’ve made so far in this world and all the shit that I have pulled myself through, I feel blessed that I am still here and that there is still time and another chance to make it better and make the best out of it.



Being present among you guys.


At an earlier time, I had said that I wish I could democratize the NFTs a bit more. With the Venly hiccup, it looks like that has happened to some extent (more NFTs circulating).

I had made a commitment to pay a high price when the supply was low. Now that the supply is high, it seems I paid needlessly. But I guess there’s a lesson in that, and I have an opportunity to see a bit of my ideal manifested and hold true to it even when it takes a chunk out of me financially.


Im grateful for my family(some of which, aren’t blood), for my friends, for the gods and the goddesses in my life, the divine beings in my life, I’m grateful to know dream, I’m grateful to have fields and servitors, I’m grateful this world gave me a place to stay and live, im grateful to exist, I’m grateful i am healthy, I’m grateful for the ability to love, I’m grateful for the ability to learn, talk, hear, write, think, feel, walk, run, jump, work out, I’m grateful to have a source of income, I’m grateful i exist, I’m grateful for my higher self/soul for everything, I’m grateful for the sun, the moon, the sky, the heavens and the rest of the stars and cosmos, I’m grateful for life


Feel blessed because well… i can play Vibration of Ordinary Love (Attract Love) field everyday.

I’m joking

Well because, i am here, in this super awesome forum. :grin:


This afternoon, before this thread was created I was on my own thinking about blessings.

I’m always living in the future, but I paused and thought about how blessed I have been in the last few years and how the blessings are arriving faster and faster. I have received pretty much everything.

I also thought of how wholesome the things I wanted used to be.

Looking back at how simple my wishes were back then compared to now… I can’t help but think it’s because I already got all the stuff I wanted and got a little greedy and corrupt. I have been spoiled. The younger me wouldn’t care about what I have or want now and would have wished for something simpler. I’m most grateful that I’m not who I used to be or stuck in that old life.

I’m grateful to all the people who stopped to encourage me, comfort, guide and help me. I have received a lot of help. I really should have more patience and compassion for the ones that are still struggling in their lives. I’m glad I found this place and community.

Also glad I have all the music in the world in my pocket




Just want to say I’m really
Loving reading about all of your experiences :heart: Thanks everyone


I have a roof over my head, and can afford to buy food.


I’m blessed that the major part of my treatment is finished. Although I have a long journey ahead (another surgery, etc), I’m blessed that I don’t spend all my time in different medical centers.

I’m blessed for having my sister in my life. She brought me up. She played the role of a mom, a dad and a dear friend for me. She stood by my side and helped me financially and emotionally to overcome my disease.

Also I’m blessed for having a very good friend who took care of me during the last year.
:slight_smile: :heart:




My ridiculous luck with my health. On my way from morbidly obese to very, very fat to hopefully just chubby and then someone at “normal” weight… considering how much I’ve abused my body, how much weight it has had to carry for so very many years… no diabetes, no blood pressure issues, no joint problems. Only a chilling amount of loose skin but hey, I’ll find a way to live with that.

So yeah. Thank you, body. You are resilient and all mine. I’ll do better by you from now on.

Also, this forum. 100%


Ironically I am sometimes but not a lot of moments grateful that I am ungrateful.

This combination made my life a little bit easier because it seems to go full circles but the circle is autonomous and keeps moving alone without my consent anymore but can be stopped. I can move from things that I got stuck while also I get stuck in things that I want with that pattern.

It didn’t make any sense at first but really seems a way to control things outside of your control.

Edit : maybe a blessing for me but a lesser one.