Why Do You Feel Blessed Today?

@Teo that’s very interesting.


I feel blessed that the weather has cooled down a bit.


I saw a rotweiler cuddling up to a little kid. Looking at that made my heart feel ease. :smiley:


I appreciate that @Jen created this topc to begin with

Even though i may be at a point in this life of many aspects of ‘down in the gutter’ challenges
I feel blessed to have faith, trust, and awareness (and many more) of my intuition / higher self as well as allowing myself the opportunities to witness and be a part of the sharings of many experiences with the community members (family) here.

You guys have been daily reminders, inspirations, motivations of many things (goals, aspirations, lessons) we’re capable of experiencing in life.

Each and every one of you are blessings in my life no matter how seamingly small. We experience being more than capable of overcoming vices or challenges into realizations of hope, wonder, willpower, expansion, growth as a whole… what i feel isn’t something that i can express fully with simple words or pictures or memories through my soul…

(Had to slow down my fire a bit to take a moment of mindfulness… :brain: :heart: lol)

Edit added
There are no fields ive used for me to express this. I’d say the main theme for this day was the Bountiful Harvest album


The fact that no matter how many mistakes I’ve made, anything wrong that has happened, things always get better. There’s always a voice within me that keeps me going. And it never leaves me. The voice of hope telling me to get back up and believe in myself, to try again. And eventually succeed. This whole thing, existence itself, is a blessing.


Appreciate how beautiful life is, just seeing a bird flying around my lawn to the roof, feel the breezy weather.

Plus life is beautiful live concert; on twitch and peime


Can we take a moment to appreciate the gifts shared by these guys on these sites? The guides, the quotes (scroll down on FB page), the comforting support and free knowledge given


I love the park i have to walk through before getting school.




To celebrate Thanksgiving:

I feel blessed today knowing some of my olds friends are still here to support me despite my lack of ‘presence’ and appreciate me for who i am

I no longer have qualms about those who assume the worst in me because of the fact that i don’t always keep tabs. I am under no obligation or debt to ‘please’ anyone and i feel more proud of myself for standing in my own power.

No fields with this thought, but I have played a lot of chakra balancing and healing morphic fields but mainly root (Ruby & Carnelian + Garnet). Been feeling very stable with it.

What’s playing right now is Higher Self Connection.


Well, the electricity went down right in the middle of the night, my phone battery wasn’t great, I didn’t have any candle(s) and I just watched some paranormal cr*p on youtube, plus I had breathing issues, pretty awesome so far…

Then I relaxed, did some mantras, listened to some fields and later electricity was back And Ever since I felt so Grateful for all these things we take for granted and I decided not to waste my time with procrastination (at least not so much anymore) or with any sort of negativity, plus I meditated on my life while I was in the dark and came to some wonderful conclusions: the answer to most of my struggle is that I should choose/do/be as my Highest Self/(or) a Higher Version of Me would, it’s not worth wasting time with anything less than that, All that Awesome Potential, I need to manifest it!

So, out of the darkness came Light, so I am grateful for Everything! :pray::smiley: :sun_with_face: :dna:

Edit: call it a coincidence, but I started with the mantras because I wanted to get help from the Divine, I also planned to use Angelic Intercession to help fix the electricity issue, anyway, as I chanted Om Gam Ganapatayeh Namaha, the lights were back (again, call it a coincidence, if you want). Thank you, Ganesha. :pray:


Drinking warm tea+eating my favorite snacks+cuddling my blanket = me in heaven :joy:


I put the furnace on and its giving me heat.
For that I am most grateful.


I reconfigured by NFT collection with a lot of trades and transactions… and now I have a menagerie of magical creatures as friends (Caladrius, Pegasus, Unicorns, and Dragons), I’m radiating Fae vibes from the inside-out, and I have the blessings of 10 Goddesses as well as aid from two great healers and the most advanced civilization in the galaxy and I’ve still maintained my protection/health/spiritual core group of NFTs… life is pretty good :slightly_smiling_face: