Is there a teeth audio by sapien to make sure wisdom teeth come out correctly so I dont need to go to the dentist
I heard removing wisdom teeth messes up your jaw, I also just don’t wanna do it
Is there a teeth audio by sapien to make sure wisdom teeth come out correctly so I dont need to go to the dentist
I heard removing wisdom teeth messes up your jaw, I also just don’t wanna do it
My mom is in her 60s and she just got one wisdom tooth out because it was causing her some minor pain.
Everyone in my family has kept their wisdom teeth otherwise it’s a genetic thing I guess
Dentists have never said anything to me about it
So idk I think it depends on the person. Is someone telling you that you should in particular or do you just think it’s something everyone does? Because it isn’t
Had a dentist tell me, but I’m currently 20 and haven’t had any issues with my jaw
I guess it depends on what the dentist said
If they said yeah this is definitely going to be a problem or if they said you might want this like if they were wishy washy about it
If they’re wishy washy I usually come to the conclusion (for me) that they don’t feel that strongly about it and thus, maybe it’s not necessary
they were kinda wishy washy, just dont want to get my jaw fucked because I have perfect forward growth
Well then you probably know what you want to do
Any fields from sapien though
For tooth alignment? Not that I know of. I would check the descriptions for PR dentistry and shark teeth to see if there’s anything in those
Not directly that I know of.
They come out crooked or wrongly due to crowding, meaning the space is too narrow for the teeth to grow out properly.
The best bets would be maxilla and mewing.