Wolf Potion No.11 (N/A)

I do notice the Jindan (Golden Elixir) effect quite noticeably.
Feels like playing the actual Jindan field.

A little bit of the Wolf Soul as well.
You feel like becoming a hunter / apex predator.

The Androstenol is barely noticeable though, I would say ca. 10x weaker than the original one on YouTube.
Maybe slightly stronger than the patreon version, if you drink the whole bottle… The patreon version is ca. 30x weaker than the original one from YouTube in my experience.
So, if you are looking for strong Androstenol effects, this is not a “hard hitting formula” in comparison to the original one that was on YouTube.
I cannot drink that much water to reach that state I reached back in 2020…
This is my current personal experience so far and it is all subjective.
I have to say though that I was impacted by another corona infection this week and was mostly sleeping.
I think for this to work properly this also has a lot to do with first massively driving up your base testosterone levels.
It may be that whether this formula is “hard hitting” or not heavily depends on your base testosterone levels, since excessive testosterone converts into androstenol.
I will update again in a few weeks with longterm usage of The Manly Man and going on full semen retention mode.

For comparison:

If this bottle is Adrostenol: +30
Adrostenol from patreon: +10
Unconditional Androstenol from patreon: +8
Original Androstenol from YouTube 2020: +300 (regardless of testosterone levels)

Nothing beats original Androstenol from YouTube in 2020 at the moment.

But again as said, I will experiment with higher testosterone levels and longer usage, and without corona, and then update again.


Ah yes, the legendary field.

Used the patreon one only a few times over the last year. Some effect was there, but nothing compared to the old yt version, hence I´ve fully dropped it.

Thank you for comparing them, gonna hold off for now.


What’s your protocol with OG androstenol?

I’ve only had old ladies look at me so far. I drink a lot of water so I’m getting like +30 multiplied by 4 or 5 thourghout the day

I hate just listening to it for 11 minutes, it makes me feel kind of stuck. I have to do it in a room alone so no one else is affected by it. It’s kind of just courtesy

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I notice I have some more “essence” in me. In solar plexus. That might be the Jing. It just feels kind of fortifying. The wolf soul makes me approach and leaks doubts out my mind

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The one from patreon, I only use it from time to time before going out.
Maybe once every 2 weeks, or when I need to get that dominant edge for work related situations.
However, I usually need to loop it for 1-2 hours before I get any noticeable effects at all.
The original one that was on YouTube in 2020 gave a very strong effect after 1-2 loops in total.

Do you mean water from the Wolf Potion or regular water to increase the amount of your body sweat?

In my experience the amount of Jing does not influence the amount of androstenol secreted. But it seems that excess of testosterone does.


I meant wolf potion

I meant when I am using the bottle, I feel kind of, what do you call it? Fortified, and I believe it is the Jing

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the feeling comes from the golden elixir


you are the gold to my elixir :wink:


@Felix_the_Cat @Maoshan_Wanderer @JAAJ

I want to buy Potion No. 11. Updates?. What’s new? Results?.

Don’t know Potion 11 or Potion 33?

Thank you.

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Androstenol is weak honestly, but the wolf soul and golden elixir make it worth a buy. Helps on Semen Retention, noticeably. Maybe a 30% boost at most, more around 15%



Maca powder mixed with water from the Wolf Potion No.11 bottle = :heart: :fire:


:candle: Holy Androstenol Water :candle:



:( sorry

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Can adrostenol field the original from YouTube cause hair loss?? If listening too much?

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@Fachocuantico12 No. That is impossible. The negative effect that high Androstenol production can cause is a decrease in testosterone levels. And when testosterone levels decrease Androstenol production will also decrease.

Why is that?

Because Androstenol is produced through testosterone.

What is the solution if this happens to you?

Simply raise your testosterone levels, use Sapien Testosterone Field.



If you’re so concerned with potential side effects, why not use the updated androstenol field - GOAT Scent?

People have had good experiences with this field.

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Another negative effect of excessive use of the old Androstenol is mood and behavioral changes.
This will affect you mainly if you have unresolved traumas or phobias, I invite you to read my review where I talk about my results:


OMG why it affect it my unresolved traumas…
Can this cause hair loss?
Also the goat from patreon work good as the og androstenol?

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1-Because it is like having an alpha male mask, and if internally you are not an alpha male you will have incongruent behaviors.
2-It does not affect the hair.
3-I have not used GOAT.



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