Here we can post one word (or more words) which we find fascinating/exciting, new or which raised our attention or curiosity, anyway let’s post the word of the day/the word of today.
And, one word which I find interesting, Today, is Nocebo, the opposite of Placebo; bad thoughts, feelings, expectations, imagination and beliefs can be quite detrimental to one’s Health/Life, while good thoughts, beliefs, expectations and imagination can be quite productive, useful, so Nocebo is harmful, Placebo is good; I always found Placebo and Nocebo to be underestimated/undervalued.
Wow! I had no idea such words exist(ed), anyway, I most probably don’t know the vast majority of words, especially academic, scientific or slang, among other categories.
Well, it’s not Mandarin Chinese (or any Chinese), but I heard it is quite hard for Asians (?) (probably for many others throughout the world), I would assume that someone’s first (and second) language and their background can make the difference in how hard English or any language is, also in my own experience English SEEMS to be easy, it is, in the beginning/at beginner levels…
First or perhaps second or foreign language (if you don’t mind the question or answering it )?
I only truly know (well, idk about the Truly part ) 2 languages too, Romanian and English (I learned it as a foreign language, started learning it in school; well, my first interaction was Cartoon Network, maan I loved it, Batman, Superman, Spider-Man, DragonBall, Scooby Doo, etc. - I loved the language even before learning it in school, it seemed like the coolest language , with the cartoons and all), although I actually reached a medium level in Spanish like 10 years ago (I forgot many words since then, but I’ll probably learn it in the future, alongside German and French, maan, I would love to be able to undertand and speak these languages someday…).
Haha i was just kiddin, this Norm macdonald moment came in my head and i couldn’t resist!
Ah it’s my second language, my first language is Spanish… But i speak English better lol (i only speak those 2 languages)
I learned English really when I first got to kindergarten, i was in a ESOL program till 3rd grade (7/8 years old) which is a program to teach English to non English speaking kids. i was the only one of my siblings to be born here in USA lol
Oh wow haha when i read that i was like damn, to me it sounds so normal haha now that i think about it, it reminds me of this video:
Man that’s so cool man do it! Whole worlds of cultures out there you can better appreciate knowing the language
Lol there was a sesquipedalian on the forums once, idk what happened to him… Miss that guy, he would blow my mind with the way he approached communication with every post
Yeah that’s him! Guy was awesome lol i would always have a smile reading his posts learning all sorts of words
One birthday (or maybe it was Christmas, i don’t think it was though) i asked my mom to buy me a dictionary so i can read it, unfortunately i never did read it though , it was a really big dictionary that costed like 50 bucks lol. i was inspired by Eminem as he said he read a dictionary too