World Peace meditation as War started

@SammyG @Captain_Nemo is it possible to do a group project and keep it public? And if we do, is there a limit on Teespring for number of copies? Or a limit that you would recommend?


I don’t think there would be any limit from teespring itself. In fact captain is already planning to see tags at nft format I assume and wouldn’t be possible if there was restrictions. So you can just get the servitor made and ask captain to keep it public for lifetime I guess


I’d join as well
The world is too crazy as it is


If anything, I think this should be something free and. I like the initiative too. Don’t have much to add to it at the moment.

I’m honestly…very troubled by this. Haven’t been able to sleep all night cause of it. As an energy sensitive, war is a very heavy tension that drags down the collective consciousness. There will be a lot of deaths. Many families displaced. And a mass public display of the atrocities of war due to social media.

I don’t think this will be as swift as some hope. Ukrainians are going to put up a fight. I know a Ukrainian from my old job that flew back to his country to fight for his country. They’re a proud people. And they’re willing to die defending their land.

I don’t believe world war III will start from this but I do think this may echo darkness for some time and perhaps be the catalyst for some more horrid events. And with the inner tensions in the US, I have felt for a long time, that it seems inevitable that things may get out of control rather soon. I know I sound like a pessimist right now but it’s all just gut feeling that I hope is wrong. I’m definitely wrong sometimes.

I mean… I honestly didn’t think Putin would invade. The repercussions (sanctions) would be so severe and only tank the already tanking Russian economy. Didn’t think it was a rational decision. Well… I was definitely wrong about that.


Me neither…

Adding to the initial post


And all the NFT deities!!

Black Tara
White and Dark Servitors
Our Dragons

the Declaration!! Of peace… and surrender in peace

Etc etc


Everything counts!

The Blue Print of Love…
The immutable happiness (has intercession to all Dieties)
The Portals… to ask for more intercession from the Dieties

The Pleadians intercession…



Im really down today


How do you feel we should broach the topic with Captain? Should I set up a public community group? I feel partially guilty for hijacking this thread.


:100: :100:


Also just something that i felt atrongly…

We are probably sending lots of love and support to Ukraine

But we should also send unconditional unlimited infinite love to Russia, to Putin and the Militaries.

Straight to their hearts and mind.

Constantly, we can use the Graviton weave and Plasma Flower node connector and connect them all to it.


I was feeling pretty emotional last night and couldn’t figure out where it was all stemming from. I thought I was just detoxing from a couple of my NFTs. I couldn’t sleep at all last night and woke up around 3am. I checked the news and saw that Putin had invaded Ukraine. So, it’s the collective pain that I was tapping into. My heart breaks for the Ukrainian people. :broken_heart:

I’m asking my Declaration NFT servitor to spread peace, harmony, and love in that area. I think Dream creating something free and open to everyone would be phenomenal. I’m down to help where needed.


Nothing justifies war and murder regardless the situation… cuz every problem can reach proper solution through discussion and peace making if both parties are willing to contribute that is.

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Let’s let this sit for a bit. I think for the time being… keep it public. I’m curious as to how that could play out. As in the thread stay public and we discuss here. We can easily move to a private thread if need be. But we can discuss here for now.

Regardless, nothing is set in stone cause gotta talk to Cap bout this idea.


I don’t disagree with you, but the people on this forum, regardless of their country of origin, aren’t the one’s who started this conflict. I would think they want peace as well. if they don’t then they can choose not to participate.

I live in a country that is widely considered one of the evil empires. I’m not the one starting shyt with other countries. And it’s easy to say move to another country, but much harder to uproot five people and come up with several hundred thousand dollars to several million I would need to get citizenship for all of us in another country…only to find out that pretty much every country has its dirty laundry.


Yah ofc. It’s the government who are in wrong side obviously no one else and definitely not the people in their countries. It’s sad that we have buch of narcissists in charge of the world and lots of power. Like a mad man with an axe in hand

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I don’t think one can rise to such level of power without being a narcissist…


““Haven’t been able to sleep all night””

I even didn’t know for anything that was so serious, but I have dreamed about war situation and I was also included there but as civilist not as army, my dream was horrible but I knew it was dream and told myself wake up knowing it’s not true and after waking up…this… I mean…no words

“”“I honestly didn’t think Putin would invade.”"

Well Sam, Putin is very unpredictable person.
You can never know what is in his mind.
But one I know, you can’t be KGB agent if you aren’t heartless, you must be cold, hypocrite and enjoying in suffering others…he is just a type of person ready for all for fame, glory, respect and to be written in historical books to be remembered

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Honestly, I had a bad dream last night that Russia fired missiles to the US and I had to take cover in a fallout shelter. I don’t think that’s going to happen, but it goes to show how upset this situation has made me.


If some of us had dreams that means it’s already happening in collective consciousness, which I don’t take for good… cause you know … when something is in subconscious it’s reflected outside… and there we have collective consciousness … idk I just wish I am wrong

I just know something tells me inside we need mass influence meditation that was my first thought I mean today


Felt Shiver down my spine during the meditation session !!

Keep in mind

there are a lot of country type nfts…

that can affect countries.
and if used together… well

You do have large tools already