World Peace meditation as War started

I just now saw the video of the President of Ukraine with the Prime Ministers, in the streets, saying that might be the last time people see him alive. Fighting with the army in the streets and wearing his military uniform…

My heart has stayed faithful, peaceful, and believing in the best. My mind has been keeping itself together, has kept my mental atmosphere calm since this has started…

Seeing this… As with the updates happening right in this moment, it’s a difficult night… It’s the start of something very unseen…

My brother lives in Russia, in a very military heavy area, and so much more that I don’t want to disclose publicly…

I don’t know where this leads to, the leaders don’t need forces to intervene in what they created…

But the people do…


From the Pranic Healing lineage, there is Master Co -a great guy, and direct student of Master Choa Kok Sui- who has been conducting public meditations six times a week since the pandemic started (ranging from Twin Hearts/Metta type of meditation, to Great Invocation to Mantras and others). The last few days he started doing specific ones to address the current situation in Ukraine… I post the link here, so you can see if it is your cup of tea, and join other people who are collectively sending blessings to the area.


Anyone from Ukraine here in the forums?


What a president btw!
I couldn’t think of any president who would stay behind and fight


Hi @Maoshan_Wanderer, could you DM me please, I need to ask some your opinions? Thanks.

I’ve been looping this one in my sleep on my other phone and it’s been giving me such fascinating dreams!

I have one day hopes to be able to chant it myself… One day… lol

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@every one with a declaration servitor.


This is the time for some amazing intercessions from our interstellar friends isn’t it?

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Hermes :raised_hands::raised_hands::raised_hands:



I like this version:

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Sounds like a good idea


Hello sir,
if you pray again for peace, I want to participate
and I would be grateful if you would let me know
thank you
and even if you want to pray for the impeachment of poutine I would do it with pleasure

hello I want to pray, but I don’t speak English, and can’t see the message above, because I can’t copy paste, and put it on goggle translation,
but it’s a great idea to pray for peace

I start right away
great idea
thank you

Oh, that is not a prayer, just someone suggesting to rent places on air bnb in Ukraine like if you were going to visit but obviously no, so people there could have some money.

I understood that you wanted to send lots of love for peace, and that you were going to meditate a few hours a day, I don’t speak English, I’m French, sorry, but your idea is superb


vous pouvez méditer en écoutant cela et vous concentrer sur l’envoi de la paix, de la lumière et de l’amour à tous ceux qui sont touchés par la guerre

And merci beaucoup :heart:

@Ali this one.

Play it on loop, and focus sending the intent of love peace, tranquility etc to eveybody in thst area.

And you can always create ssrvitors to help protecting as well


thank you

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since I’ve been on this site, I realize that I understand English more and more, it’s derisory but I recognize a lot of words, I’ve never been to America because I don’t know the language, I often go to Latin America, you have a beautiful country, the forests and the deserts are magnificent, I hope that I could visit some places in your beautiful country,
have a good day


The USA is the very best country to live in the world, and it has everything and gives it to their citizens, which is to be very commended, …

but manipulative politics and politicians (masons, NWO?) are evil there, and that makes them that many in the world hate the USA and (sometimes their citizens), but it’s not the citizens to blame, it’s not their fault, cause they are very nice people, although they vote in elections for them, … because there is no normal politician there, it’s choose of two less evils for them.
Everyone from politics wants from USA to rule the world, " in the name of justice, "which is a little annoying, their politicans are like “manipulative Judge” through history, honestly said, unfortunately

But nevertheless I would also like one day to visit it or even work there because of nice relaxed cool people there

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