World Peace meditation as War started

Hahahaha I can’t believe they have now their RuTube and RossGram :rofl::rofl:

That’s pretty crazy, kinda like how China has their own version of youtube called Youku

I wonder once the smoke settles and it’s all said and done, if those companies will still stand or if their just going to come back on the original platforms

Rutube was here for long lol. 16 years already. It’s just not popular
Rossgram is just unknown project that has started a few days ago. No one needs it


I appreciate your help so much Luna. :heart::heart::heart:

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You are welcome.

We are all in this together. We cannot ignore just because its not close by or until it hits our own roof.

I already asked whatever intercession i have at my disposal and will meditate later on. :heart:


It seems like there are some not so nice things in the news again.

Not so nice things from Russia:

and not so nice things from Ukraine:

Contains graphic images

site link: Ukraine shelled another completely civilian area of central Donetsk today, killing at least 5 civilians

So, a blog I eyeball every once in a while apparently dropped a new post.
In case anyone’s interested: