Hi im new to morphic fields, i use also subliminals and biofields so dont want to overwhelm myself too much just wanted to try a few fields ,i have tried some from patreon and currently like Ojas and Alchemical revision . Wanted to know whats the difference between these and the more expensive ones from enlightenedstate site?
The one that peaked my interest is Woven Worlds – Contentment.
1)Has anyone tried or can report results with this?
2)Does it work to manifest results externally and internally( inner blockages ,anxieties ,fears etc…) aka outer external reality layer attraction+ push you to act as well so the world meets you halfway to your goals?
3)Does it work on every area of your life for example health or success in hobbies if that will bring me contentment ?
- Do these fields work for one person or can be shared with friends/family?
5)how often should i play it?
Any advice regarding this field is appreciated