Woven Worlds - Millions Revisited

Every day, at least 3 times might be a nice constant.


The field does most of the work for you, but whether you take advantage of all the possibilities it opens up is entirely up to you.

To maximize the effect and tune your subconscious mind more clearly to the wave of possibilities, while listening to the field, turn on any YouTube video on visualizing these possibilities

such as



these are standard recommendations of subliminal lovers, but in our case the visual part of the process is more relevant

You can turn off the sound on YouTube while listening to the field

itā€™s just a recommendation to enhance the effect a little bit. This is probably not necessary for most people.

I would use this ritual in the morning, the threads of probabilities are more noticeable in the daytime (it seems to me so)


Thank you !


Thank You !!


Thank you @Ugninis :heart::star2:


Love to hear more testimonial.
I know, itā€™s too early to ask since it is a new release.

I have abundance tag, glory which Iā€™m currently using for career,
Yet., Iā€™m pulled towards this. Partly I feel , I have enough fields for abundance, still a strong affinity towards this.

Also I have a slight fear, if this field just pushes us towards monetary goal, hope we donā€™t miss the fun along the process.
It is not just the goal that should be celebrated but even the journey towards it.


Bought it 45 min back. Played few times.
Called a family friend for career opportunity.
Positive replies., but something more than I expected.,
He hinted that I can be part of his business.

Good sign? Should beā€¦
hope things go well.

I will be partial if I donā€™t give credit to wealth mantra meditation too. Trying to make it as a routine to meditate 20 min with it everyday.



You just knowwww when a purchase is about to happen :smiley:


Sounds great, good luck to you :raised_hands::crossed_fingers::four_leaf_clover:


I was just waiting for someone to give a nudge through their testimonials :joy::joy:

Another coincidence, checked my phone after half an hour or something, friend from forum shared his views about this audio. He had texted me around same time when I bought :innocent:


3 Week Review( Almost, 18 Days)

Iā€™ve had enough rich friends and met enough wealthy people in my journey to know a few things. There are endless opportunities out there, more millionaires are being pumped out than ever before in history, and what makes a millionaire is not the money but the mindset and how they act on it.

Before I continue, understand this is my experience with the field and not directly what everyone will experience.


The Purge

During the three weeks, some very specific situations and self-inquiry sessions where I shifted my perspective on everything I was doing. The work Iā€™ve been working on with Alchemy of Gris was finished and I decided what exactly I wanted to do with that project. I retrieved all my financial dependence from it and made it open enough that whatever that project produces is to keep it up.

The reason for this was because Woven Millions made me realize that my financial fulfillment was in another venture that while I was passively developing for 5 years, needed my full attention and thatā€™s where I was going to get the results I was looking for.

The field made me accommodate my energy accordingly and begin the relearning process of my work. Suddenly, friends that continued the process without me when I decided to develop the inner work methods in my project, all offered advice being that they are very successful in that work themselves.


While change is always uncomfortable, the push from Woven Millions is very real. It holds my hand to keep the proper perspective on what I am doing and constant newfound excitement. I found that after three weeks thereā€™s what I would call a ā€œpeak experienceā€ of what the field does every listen is a strong effect and tunnel visions you in what youā€™re doing.

At the moment, Iā€™m going through a retraining process where I study, meditate with Blueprint of Learning for 30 minutes, and listen to Woven Millions 2-3x per session. Take breaks in between as necessary. The assimilation of the information is obvious and the ideas that pop up intuitively can be confirmed easily.



Following my intuition has never failed and with what I know now, I donā€™t believe this is going to be the first.

This field has brought back a deep pleasure and fun for the journey. It is common that once you settle into something itā€™s hard to begin something new and this field has given me the push necessary to continue.

Being that Iā€™ll want a record for myself, Iā€™ll periodically give some reviews.


Can I use all 3 woven world fields together? Will the energies and different directions of each of these fields not clash with each other at all? For example aiming for as much financial success as possible (woven millions) whilst still aiming for contentment, spiritual, mental, and physical peace, close bonds with family, friends, community, giving back, helping people (woven contentment) and using (woven chosen) to be known as a extremely skilled specialist in your chosen field to the world, being able to become famous and well respected in your passions and hobbies, etc, rather than just a faceless rich person with no personality, etc. they wonā€™t clash with each other and cause disharmony, all my goals are in harmony and contain different aspects that each of these fields could help me with drastically.


The woven worlds series wonā€™t clash with each other. In another thread, it was said that woven worlds millions may clash with the best path in life tag- but that was it. All woven worlds can be used together


I guess that they are called woven series because they can intertwine with each other, but only a pure guess :hugs:


Iā€™ve just bought Chosen One and Millions. Will probably get contentment later down the line once Iā€™ve actualised all what Iā€™ve wanted. I implore everyone to use their new wealth and upcoming success with these fields (esp millions and chosen on) to be noble and charitable, and help the people around you, community, those struggling, those in poverty , etc out with your newfound success and wealth. Let us all remember that helping each other out, especially those in need is one of the most human things you could ever doā€¦ especially with these fields which basically bend the universe in our favour so we become richā€¦ Once Im loaded I will definitely giveback to those that need help. Being charitable is a massive part of my own spiritual beliefs, and Thatā€™s actually one of my personal goals with this field.:crossed_fingers:


Haha, it happened again.

After a brief hiatus due to laziness, Iā€™ve been listening to this WWMils again this morning. Got through Mythic and now Iā€™m just listening to this one over and over.

And once again I found myself looking at the job postings in my career field. Looking at the higher paying jobs, the ones that pay more than I make now. But generally disgusted with how theyā€™re worded and what they imply about the places that posted them. :thinking:

Anyway, funny how I subconsciously went to the job website LOL.

I actually LIKE my current job, within the parameters of it is what it is. I could be making double though.


What do you LIKE about your current job, and why do you LIKE all those things?

Focus on that for a while. Really concentrate on that (than on the bits that you donā€™t like about it) and watched what happens to the opportunities youā€™re seeing.


Thatā€™s actually really excellent advice. Thank you, I will think on that.


Nothing happened. Money still money :woman_technologist:t2:

Iā€™m not understanding your question. Could you give me a little more about what youā€™re wanting to know?

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