Woven Worlds - Millions Revisited

I see that you deleted your reply (which is OK) , but in case you still had some lingering confusion, this field is to help you manifest financial freedom–however you define that phrase, wherever you place yourself.

Just because the description talk in terms of one particular denomination of currency doesn’t mean this field will move you (against your will) to that particular country of that denomination of currency. That wouldn’t be financial “freedom” but a different type of financial bondage, you see?


no more confusion,
thanks to you @WellBeing


What happened to this g’s account
Where she go :eyes::eyes::eyes::eyes::eyes:

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isn’t that Luna? I wonder where she went too

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I was also wondering where is Luna?

She probably turned her account into anonymous, many people do that for there own privacy


any improvement with regards to your financial status?


No. And just to say that I’m working my ass off doing multiple jobs, I’m not waiting for money to fall from the sky.


Same here…was able to double my income…

and opportunities continue to show up in my day to day reality …


thats not what that means, she deleted her account


There’s also an option to turn your account to anonymous, but whatever it is idc lol

It feels weird ngl


No update from me with this one - been using it a while now, things seem to be going backwards than forwards at the minute.

Haven’t noticed any more opportunities popping up than usual. Some say that’s a sign before the manifestation appears?

Using the paid wealth stack as advised in the new stack lists for the last couple of weeks.


What’s your stack?

Do you notice any change at all?
Not necessarily outright income-wise, but e.g. ideas, some work situation change?
Someone above mentioned being more.motivated to do things.

Personally I have been put in a situation where I had to take charge and manage people at work and we have had an amazingly productive week (I’ve only been using it for a few days).
Granted, I haven’t had an outright increase of income, but I definitely feel like things have a nice “push”.
“Bang, boom, done” kind of energy.

I use it with
Stop procrastinating,
The unbreakable
Mind settings
Attract wealth
One of the luck fields just in case lol

I find the stack nice and I think these support each other
Added plus is that mind settings and gratitude are nice mild background sound, so I can put it on on my phone at work and no one notices (unlike violin and flute tracks).


Same here, be patient though. It does not happen overnight

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Two things:

  • When you say “going backwards than forwards,” I know what that means to me, but I’m interested in hearing more about what it means to you, especially how you are counting “backwards” and “forwards”.
  • “…at the minute” might mean that you’re taking score too soon or taking score of non-meaningful markers. It’s like the old story about the Chinese farmer, his son and the horse. (I don’t want to bore you, so if you haven’t heard that one, I’ll be happy to give you more.)

I mean, in the last couple of months since using this fields, I’ve had a total lack of opportunity - literally nada has come my way.

Stack I’m using now:

Financial Protector
WW - Millions
Capital Gov


Sometimes I use luck & prob.

But yeah, the last couple of month have been a bit of a drought for me to be honest, it’s the most insecure about money I’ve ever felt (I’ve also been using PONR - so maybe that is bringing some shit to the surface)

Yeah, i’m not saying I won’t persevere with it - just honest feedback of my current experience with these fields.

There’s no point us lying and saying we are having a great time with them, when we’re not, right?

In my experience though, things always go bad, before they get better. So, maybe something big is on the horizon - i’ll let you guys know either way.


Lol same here. Actually been the worst financial situation of my life. Thought it was just me.


And that’s appreciated, don’t get me wrong!

I’m just asking my questions of you to get a better understanding of what you’re meaning, so that I can perhaps help you trouble-shoot your field/stack. :slightly_smiling_face:

I understand that this had been your past experience. If you’ve formed a belief based on this past experience of yours (as your words here suggest), then that belief will influence how this field’s benefits will play out for you.

So, when you get a chance, you might want to think about if (and how) you’d like to address any beliefs you might have there, so that they don’t interfere with this field of yours.


If you’re willing to give it a try,
You can use kubera only once a week or month. use it “alone” and mindfully. There is no need for daily use I think… these energies stay for a while.

And I would add the mindsettings album (at least the abundance + million dollar empire) to your daily playlist.

Yes, honestly and transparency are important in any converdation. :)