Woven Worlds - Millions Revisited

Try medaiate to the audio maybe

People say that get a push, I dont really feel that.

But tbh am trying to recover from a fried nervous system

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Oe oe oe oe

Naruhodo !

Push and Million vibes :sunglasses:

Souka , girls ?? Umai :yum:

As my :sunglasses: @Nice2knowU knows…

I talked to him. Bro I’m not millionaire help. Gimme the codes please.

Then he sitted patiently and heared my story.

When I had an income. My income doubled , it was like X2 whatever money I was receiving … It was happening .

Then the push and focus. I believe it’s worth.

The progress done (whatever that means ) with WWM it’s so much , compared without it.

This is my review. :beginner:



Did I say anything directly targeted to you? Did I even reply directly to you, or tag you? I’m adding more informational context to the discussion for everyone involved, because everyone clearly has different perspectives on this, what one person might consider as ‘success’ with this audio isn’t necessarily what another person would consider it.


I know this is out of context. But do you guys also seeing some no result from the unexpected gift? Idk what went wrong. Usually I listen to it and get something but now not anymore :neutral_face:

I feel like Saturn at it again lol…

Interestingly, I noticed some setbacks as well, financially. It could be several things. Firstly, it may all be just a coincidence, I mean markets are shitty, a recession looms ahead, layoffs are happening, and so on. Or, this audio could be moving around things making room for wealth, and some turbulence may come with it - sort of detox.

For now, I have gone back to my good old trusted stack:

  • Probability Alteration
  • Lucky Horse Shoe
  • Powerful Good Luck Energy
  • A Life of Magical Abundance
  • Attract Wealth & Abundance

And that seems to have made a change.

I will eventually get back to Woven Worlds series.


I gave my brother this, He said he got the lowest tips he has ever been given.

I just said to him trust the process.


If it didn’t work as hope, don’t force your brother to use it.
Many users give setbacks testimonies…


Just my thoughts.
If you want to make a million, you may need to change jobs. Or a change of activity. In this case, if the field is going to push, should it always be positive? If you need to stop working at this job? Someone can offer you something, or maybe contribute to your dismissal) A few years ago, I worked at a very low-paid job. And it is clear that I would not have earned money there. How would the field work in this case? I didn’t even start listening to something for money, because it was very scary what changes could happen)))
I don’t know. 1 million dollars, if we are talking about earnings, this is some kind of active actions. And usually, it’s not a job for hire.
Also, I really like the positive changes tag. I think it’s a good combination.


Maybe our Higherselve disagree :joy: that’s why it create setback

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i got this since it was released, and have not had any surprise money come to me, basically no extra money. i still have the same job and do almost the same things, but on the other hand, i started to get new insights, ideas on what to do/change so that i get on the path to millions.

i assume that if someone has a job that requires tips to make a decent income, probably is not the road to millions, so maybe this will make him decide to look for other roads to wealth/millions

making a million is probably a dream for most, and not that quick to obtain. without a proper system in place, this is not likely to be possible.
when you plant a seed it, you need to find a fertile soil, then water it, let it grow, take care of it until it reaches maturity and offer its fruits for you to collect
on most trees/plants this takes years so, i’m looking ahead at some years from now for the million, not months

edit. regarding setbacks, it might be a 1 step back 2 steps forwards thing.


Lol he’s my twin he just turned 18


About the same. I have set myself a line for certain improvements for 5 years. In five years I have to do a lot of things to get a certain result. This does not mean that I do not look around and do not react to changes. It’s easier for me to consider the possibilities from the side of several years. Right now I have a lot of obstacles and I can’t solve them all at once. But if you look at the future further?
Is there anything I can do to make the situation different in five years? and in 10 years?
And what do I need to do for this?
OK, I went to do it))


To anyone not getting results, sorry to hear this… I’ve used it from time to time and had somewhat profound changes in feeling, reflected especially by people around me (got someone joking sarcastically that he was a millionaire and soon going to retire forever just after seeing me), but never really got into listening on a continuous basis since I don’t really feel like using it most days to be honest.

I have expressed my personal views on the matter of becoming millionaire and manifesting everything in the Solidifier topic, and getting more sure by the day of what I’ve been saying there. Long story short… if you have karmic blocks, or pre-birth (soul) contracts preventing you to achieve that kind of life you are looking for (apart from the energetic blockages/beliefs/self image we can easily change with fields and stuff), either you won’t have results or it would be extremely difficult for you to achieve. Can’t do much about it… other than working on your previous karma maybe.

We need for the objectives we want to be karmically available for us - there are many types of karma, and it doesn’t mean you are getting punished by anyone, for example… if you come from 10 lifetimes where you were poor or did not have opportunities that state of being is deeply woven in your subtle bodies, and it won’t be easily changed by fields, I believe - in yoga they call it “samskara”. There are other factors too, not just karmic…

One of them could be (doesn’t mean it applies to everyone) that not all of us would be mature enough to handle that amount of money, to some could be extremely destructive both to self and others, or maybe completely out of the plan that you were born to fulfill in your life, so higher beings could actually prevent the manifestation to happen for your own good. Higher Self included.

Speaking of the Higher Self, have you ever tried to get in contact with it and receive direct answers to your questions? Being the situation different for each one of us, there are no better resources to draw from than the Higher Self, which knows it all about your current, previous and future lives and your karmic state for that matter. I remember an article by Dale Power on how to get answers from your Higher Self in meditation, and now you also have many more tools available thanks to Cap.

tl,dr: there are spiritual/higher components to manifestation that sometimes cannot be addressed directly by energetic means like fields, no matter how well crafted they are.


In my opinion it is not a question of karma, but only and only of blocks that derive and arrive from who knows where, more frequently from that inner child so mistreated, especially from oneself when one has listened to others, not believing it anymore. Not recovering the relationship with the inner child, the same movie continues to be shot, giving space to those people who hurt so much, while they should no longer have power or even move away.
So the key is this of the inner child.


I guess the best way is to ask your higher self. It doesn’t matter in the end. If your higher self doesn’t allow you to become millionaire in this lifetime. That’s for a reason… For whatever karmic debts we have. It’s a lesson to learn from the experience.

I encourage you to watch your saturn placement. That’s your karma in this lifetime.

For me. I have to gain power through my confidence… A lesson that I myself have to gain. From painful experiences.

That made me lose the confident. This is where I should work on. To built it. Still trying and will keep trying.

So yea. Look at your saturn placement. It’s the most profound planet for your success…

Some people born with wealthy family that’s for a reason. Some born poor and have to gain hard to reach level of stability. Only to live as middle class household. That’s also for a reason.

So if you want to stick to this audio. Ask your higher self. Speak to it and declare your desire. . And keep listening to this. Maybe you will earn what you always want. To become millionaire🤷‍♀️

And maybe. If it not achieveable in this lifetime. In the next life you will live in wealthy rich family :family_man_woman_boy:


But surely even if millionaire isn’t achieved, some financial benefit should be seen.


Yuh me too… Just having financial stability in general is more than enough for me as well but this unfortunately don’t bring any money for me

Either way… I shouldn’t be complaining to much. I got this field as a gift anyway… Anyway

Maybe for people who use this audio. In another life we all gonna live in Beverly Hills. As neighbors :kissing_heart::joy:


Have you not gotten ANY hints whatsoever on how to increase your wealth?

Any book?
Someone you know?
Have you thought about taking a course online?
An intuition of switching jobs?
Moving to a different city?
Moving to a different country?
Going to College?

Shit… Perhaps even doing a sport and miraculously being so good you become famous and a millionaire

Have you actually done something? If this is the only field you get no results then you are resisting something from this field.


Listen to wealth one in YouTube. It slowly bringing back my money

You make any good comeback with it?