Woven Worlds - Millions Revisited

Try to take break from million and see how it goes

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How about if you take the initiative?

Keep using the money audios and;

Use the Well of Creativity and contemplate on what could increase your wealth, once you get an idea that you are positive that it will work, go for it.
whether it’s difficult or not, nobody said being a millionaire is easy.

Look at sammy and captain busting their asses and I don’t think they’re millionaires lol

plus if the idea doesn’t work then I don’t think you’ll go broke, just keep using the money audios lol


The woven world series with black hole aspect would be a very great upgrade for all who dont get the results they are hoping for. Would be great to have those fields upgraded like the Smart Stem cells has the Plasma brain of youth inside it. :star_struck::heart_eyes::innocent:


Upgraded to what though?

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Guys and gals what I learned is that if something don’t work for you then it don’t work for you. Better to listen free version million dollar empire and attract wealth than persist in a way that will not be fruitful.

Well not so much the fruitfulness thing but the right time and right place is taken care of the luck fields so there’s that.

Some people need help to become millionaires others motivation other limits dissolver other to find a passion and other to find a partner with two million dollars then divorce them to take the half eazy pizzy 🥲

So everyone is not so different but have different needs to achieve a purpose. Sometimes to just save for 20 years to have a million is better than to wait 20 years with the field that doesn’t do the work for you and have “blocks” but that’s my opinion of course.


I’m persisting too. There’s something on the other side of this


I really would like to know what dream will say about this. Why the results seems not working to lot of people? :thinking:


If i was you I would find a way to find out whether being patient will pay off or not.

maybe it’s a sign to leave you know…

If it’s been months and it’s all bad then I would’ve been long gone from that job lol

but maybe things will get better if you stick to the audios and the hard work.

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Law of attraction. He’s got that wealth mindset already and no fear of loss (attachment)


Well reading all this I feel like posting something which may be useful for someone and also seen as limiting view etc. See for yourself. :slightly_smiling_face:

I spend last 4 years by trying to get and be wealthy. It is also how I found sapienmed yt. From subliminal to fields. And I also worked hard in real life. Starting my bussiness, becoming salesman, spending a lot of time, reading books, figuring out manifesting etc.
Well all together I got mixed results, made some progress then setbacks, gained a lot of experience, growing as a person. But actually not happy. I had all these expectations about how I gonna get rich in a few years. And also realized how shallow this money chase is. Money is not gonna buy me happiness.

But actually all this was and is for something. On my journey I also got more and more drawn to spiritual fields. Ego dissolution, vibes, lvg, savitur, essence of mantras and others. I got drawn to books on non-duality, advaita. Started meditating/self-inquiry. Found my spiritual guru. Found my true Self :pray:
And thanks to all of this, I realized I am happiness. I am shifting from person to presence. Tasting non-duality. Actually this is hard to put into words and the description I am giving is not correct from non-dual perspective.
All I can say is all the wealth in the world is nothing compared to discovering who you truly are. But you have to find for yourself. And with the tools available you can.
All is happening as it should according to divine plan :brown_heart:


I am not sure am I the only one here who is asking my self what some of the post here have to do with the thread name? IMHO we should be discussing this particular field and not the philosophy of meaning of life. At least not in this thread. There is plenty of threads discussing spirituality. Maybe someone want to gain financial security so he doesn’t have to work 12h doing stupid things and have time to actually meditate and do stuff that raise his vibration and people around him and not the opposite. :man_shrugging:


Couldnt agree more, I am not that advanced to just not care about money. Sapien Made this audios for people who want money, He advertised it as such.
So if somone is finding it hard to find results, I dont think its the best idea to talk about becoming more then that.


I don’t say this as a criticism but I find it interesting that you’re asking yourself that because, as I’ve been reading this thread, a lot of these opinions posted here have been offered in an attempt to help forum friends like you understand why they might not be getting the results they’re wanting from this field. And, in the understanding of some of these opinions, we can learn how to better work with this field (or, at least, be guided in any future purchase decision about this field).

Maybe you don’t connect with any of the opinions offered here. That’s all right. As I said, maybe although those opinions were offered to you, they were meant to help other forum friends, maybe friends who haven’t yet joined this forum. :man_shrugging:

Before I end this reply, I’m going to offer one more opinion (with which you’re free to do what you will): Since you’re a powerful asker and since you hadn’t been able to recognize the help that has been offered here to you (and, again, that’s not a criticism), I wonder if you might find some value asking yourself where else in your life has help been offered to you that you hadn’t recognized?


Dont have this, but If I make a million Dream gets a 10% cut

speaking it into existence


I use it alongside the old Wealth audio and Million dollar empire mindset.
The following refers to the changes I credit specifically to the WW - Millions.

No significant financial gain/contacts for now besides selling a few things online but I am literally starting from scratch rn regarding…almost everything, so that might probably be the reason.

Powerful and uplifting energy, a strong serotonin push, but as described “elegant” at the same time, looping is addictive.
Energy makes me want to stand up and move my body, very active and high vibrational. Reminds me of Ojas and something tells me it helps with physical healing as well. Hard time to sit still with it, often end up dancing.

More considerate spending habbits. Not fearful, just more aware of how I spend it.
Paying debts of feels good now, knowing that I will make way more money.

Desire to talk to people that are serious about getting wealthy gets stronger, talking with “broke mindset” people about it feels more and more pointless. The fully different mindsets/frequencys become more obvious.

Reconnected with somebody I had little contact with, that just took becoming financial independent more seriously too.
We both are eager to build our business, maybe support each other along the way.

Have a hard time sleeping if I use it in the evening. Just laying there beeing energized af and wanting to go out conquering the world :smile:

Getting images of the sky opening up and money showering down on me, a feeling of expansion, everything is possible, the reality I see now doesn´t matter, the millions are already mine.

First time I used it right before playing monopoly with 2 mates. Started off amazing, just sat there and felt myself emitting that “wealthy Boss energy”.
One mate noticed it and said that I would sit there like a real businessman.

Got extra cash multiple times in few rounds and were totally in the flow, got more and more into that feeling of beeing an unstoppable force. Dice obeyed the numbers I´ve commanded him to a few times.
(until I got greedy and made a mistake that made me loose the game, lesson learned)

Few days ago I had a dream about somebody from the forum saying how he became a millionaire with this fields in few months, in the same area I feel drawn to for a few days now.

notice more expensive cars and loaded people on the street, before I was more aware of the poor ones.
thinking more about how I can monetize my hobbys and talents


I agree with you

Watch this space :wink:

~ potentially ~ something epic is brewing :crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers:


lol the irony, can’t afford it right now. We’ll have to start saving up :slight_smile:


Good for you! That’s an awesome investment in yourself and a gift to yourself.


6 Month Use Update:

  • In the beginning this audio was not my friend, but it showed me that I needed to remove some things in my life that were preventing me from reaching high financial goals. I lost my car, my best friend (at the time), my one bedroom apartment, and my business. But I see that I was spending more to maintain all of those than I was bringing in. I started manifesting people in my life who reflected my state of mind and it was not pretty.
    “Do I really live like this?”
    “Is this how I really act?”
    “Why do I always complain about being broke?”
    “This is not how a millionaire lives Their life.”

  • I now live in a very wealthy city, a better place in a better environment, around people who earn a higher median salary.
    (You are the average of the 5 people you hang around most often)

  • At the moment, this is the only audio I use and I loop it constantly 24/7 everyday. I am now receiving hunches to take up ideas I have to increase my income. I spend more frugally with my money.
    (Looping this 24/7 gives an itch that I can’t scratch until I feel financially secured so be careful to anyone who uses this that way)

If you purchased this audio with plans to become a millionaire, don’t give up… being a millionaire is a marathon, not a sprint. You need to develop a mindset to maintain the energy of that money. It’s why some lottery winners who cash out lose ii in only a few years

If you want help developing the millionaire mindset, I recommend a YouTube channel by the name of Joseph Rodriguez

“Become a millionaire not for the million dollars, but for what it will make of you to achieve it.”
-Jim Rohn