Woven Worlds - Millions Revisited

I listen sporadically and have not been super consistent with my wealth manifestation lately, out of work etc.

Anyway… found a pot of money yesterday. LOL someone in my building was moving out and left a “swear jar” style pot full of change. I took it back to my apartment, sifted through it, pulled out all the higher denomination coins, and removed the thumb tacks and screws and such, left the pennies, and then took it back outside for someone else to find all the pennies. Free money is free money. Eyeballing it as I haven’t counted it yet, I’d say there might be $10 there. Possibly there was about $3 or $4 worth of pennies.

On my way to millions! :rofl: :rofl: :wink:

No, seriously free money is free money.


damn with that money u can buy alot of swear words

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I’m so lucky to own this field :clinking_glasses::confetti_ball:


Pair it with Mythic and Cone of power❤️

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May I ask what results you experienced with this particular combination ?

With this combo. I’ve been feeling like no matter what I’m going to become a millionaire one day.


When I become a millionaire I’m buying every single one of Captain’s fields.


Amen to that haha

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I never experienced any physical push (or anything else like ideas etc.) to actually physically do something from the Woven World Millions field, hence still sceptical about whether this actually works.

I have seen zero effects from the Woven World Millions concept so far, yet it was marketed as the strongest manifestation tool to date… :neutral_face:

I am really diappointed by this field because it promised the biggest push ever on physical, energetic and subconscious level and yet so far I have seen zero results from this.

On the other hand, I have seen much better wealth manifestation results from the free abundance and luck fields – which makes no sense to me because they are much simpler and older than World World Millions?!?

That’s why I would like Dream and Sammy to comment in the upcoming questions webinar on why some fields (that are indeed related to the same goal!) seem to work for some people and other fields don’t…

…and then how to fix this?

I will not give up on this field, even though so far I have had zero effects from it on any level, I trust that there is a way to make it work as promised :pray:


Thank you for your honesty Jaaj.

I will be as honest.

I am not millionaire and im not even on the way of becoming.

But ive always observed and read the comments left here and it saddens me, because i honestly strongly believe in this field.

There are a few fields that havent worked for me even tho id say a good 95% of the fields ive tried have worked, but i sympathize with you in regards of the same question about free lest complex fields compared to the super complex promising ones.

For you is this one, for me it has been like the Swords of Adipose :neutral_face: those fields never ever ever worked for me, no matter how i tried, or how i mixed them or how i played them etc. Like never. But the free ones to lose weight, any one including the Scar and Fat to Stem cells (my favorite actually) baam! From first day of a few loops every time i pic them up.

So im not coming here biased left and right now.

Swords of adipose have worked for some, ok great for them, i just left those audio behind without trying to understand what happened.

There are a lot a lot things at play when it comes to losing weight… same as when it comes to make radical changes to our subconscious and therefore our reality.

And i know this particular field here not working is harder for you because subconscious and all involved around it is like your expertise knowing kinda thing. (And higher self) Or at least you believe (not saying you dont know what you talk but im showing how sometimes the more we know the less we know)

Anyway, cutting to the chase, i said i believe in this field even tho ive dropped it (put aside) more times than any other field and i tell you why.

I alreasy understood how this field would take me to 1M + eventually.

But for that to happen, my whole life and me inside and out must change. completely if it wasnt so, i would already be a millionaire right?

And thats why i have stopped it here and there because ive felt the brute force about to crash my world as i know it, and i am not ready for that (not talking about mentally or subconsciously, no)

Literally not ready to stop working for someone, or financially independent etc (not a lot but just to buy me like a year or 2)

Because the truth of the matter here is that to become millionaires as soon as we want (not 20 years of hard work) We - Must - Be - Independent.

Unless of course we are artists that get discovered at a shopping mall by a big promoter…

The only thing that can take you there not being independent is working on sales of big money portfolios where commisions are not capped. Thats it.

I could take for ever talking about all the variants here as to how this could happen (about this field)

But i can talk about me and where i come from and the story of fields that have created momentum for me to grasp this field and forseen what its capable of, so maybe you can pick up how that can translate to your experience.

1st, i come from a family on both sides of business people, from very young, my father and grandfather taught me and my siblings how to live in a flow of negotiation, how to trade, how to utilize the free time, how important was to read about economy and politics around the world so we could see how everything was always about who could negotiate better.

So that is in me, ive always been doing something on the side of my regular job even if small, always finding ways to be independent, always starting up things. Failed? Yes, many times, but thats not the point here, the point is that i got that seed planted in me, the strong desire to be independent.

2nd, i always attached the desire to be millionaire to having a good use for all that money (not just for me and my family) and i let that desire grow and pump my determination too.

3rd, knowledge, always reading, about the world. How the world moves, and how the money moves like finding the path from the start.
Not just to become millionaire but well because we should know what happens out there, and we should always ask ourselves “and why i am not part of that?” What i need to do? Etc

In this specific case. About millionaires, learning about all the riches, how they started, what keeps them getting richer, their strategies etc.

We cant just expect a field to bring a million dollars in even a couple of years with our caveman knowledge, like we need to know everything about that. Its a whole different world.

I learned from the riches even if i dislike them. I dont want to behave like them, i want to be rich like them.

For instance i learned a few years back that:

To be a steady millionaire you have to have 7 business bringing money to you. Or like 7 different sources of income .Yesss 7!!!

To be wealthy you have to have 5

To be rich you have to have 3

If you only have 2, you are barely protected in life and might just survive by juggling between the 2 in hard times.

If you only have one you are poor. Even if you have at some point a lot of money, if you only have one source, you are always at risk, every day of becoming poor in a blink of an eye.

And thats why the riches keep getting richer no matter how fkd up the world economy gets at times.

Which bring me to the next point:

3rd, im always brainstorming what is needed around that does not exist yet, or what exists that doesnt work, and what will never stop being handy to make money.

There is where the ideas will always pop up to start finding your 7 sources of incomes.

And finally.

Dream of Purity
Capital Governance (not sold anymore but the new Wealth Revision tho i dont have it but gives me vibes of sort of the very similar)
New Perspectives
Millionaire mindset
Rite of Passage



Paved the way for me to understand this field.

And every time i use it i play first Contentment and then i feel the rush, i see the signs i pay attention, i remember what i want, i remember what i dont like and things start showing up, in many many different ways (ideas, options, news that make go ohhh… epiphanies, etc) and then my comfort zone starts shaking and im like ahhh laaard jesus.

I try to hold it (my comfort zone while embracing the new opportunities) but it doesnt work…because it just cant work. I cant be working 8+ hours every day, end up tired and expect to become millionaire with 7 succesful sources of income in the rest of the few hours, just because i have this audio.

It doesnt work like that.

As hard as this will sound and as real as to know that this is just my opinion, i strongly encourage the ones that already have it to look beyond everything that implies and start working on building the character with the knowledge, determination etc of a millionaire.

And the ones that dont have it and dont feel like they are up to the challenge to stay away from buying it. Simple as that.

But one thing i can tell you Jaaj.

And mark my words, ill get back to this field soon and wont stop listening, and it will turn me into a millionaire and more one day once i accept that brutal force/push.


I just want to say, I love both of your comments. I feel you Jaaj. Like I said In a very previous comment. When I started using this field, I lost my car (my means of transportation), I lost my businesses (my sources of income), and even some people in my life. After reflections, those were all liabilities. This audio slapped the f*** out of me to wake me up to how I was living. My own car (brand new at that), my own 1 bedroom apartment (wasn’t luxury but okay for my income), and my own businesses and side hustles. I thought I was moving up, but I was just using a very big bucket to keep constantly removing water out of a sinking boat.

I still continue to use this audio and I’m so very motivated to continue progressing financially no matter how dark the future looks. I’m currently listening to a playlist dedicated solely to wealth which includes a few other audios including capital governance, financial protector, wealth+ (patreon), alchemical wealth revision and a few others from other creators.

This field is revealing myself and my beliefs about money and wealth. This will take time, it’s the subtle things that count, but this is how I choose to view this field. This may work for you or not, but mostly depends on your relationship to energies. Another thing that I’ve noticed that I’ll share in case this may help others benefit from this field, I sabotage myself sometimes to prevent myself from being rich. I still harbor subconscious beliefs about wealth that prevent me from having a lot. Being a millionaire is 90% mental, 10% physical.

Just imagine if this was woven world’s: billions lol. And after consistently listening for say after a few years, everyone using the field would become billionaires in they’re own way. Does that seem possible? Unless most of us just magically get inheritance from a long lost relative, or manifest a gold mine Deep in our backyards. That field can work also but would take time. Much more time. I’m not too much closer to a millionaire financially as of yet compared to a year ago, but I feel the subtle mindset changes ever so present.

Faith goes a LONG way


I can understand but this field probably triggered me to collect some specific NFTs which will help me to amass wealth (I’m not there yet) and also I got serious into studying how to invest, make money, because no matter what anyone says I believe in hard work and making money by my own effort and also that wealth takes a long time not just 1 or 2 years but few years to few decades.

I see the push that I am no longer lazy about financial planning, I read lots of boring long articles which I don’t understand quickly, but keep them at it till it makes sense, take down notes, and I am convinced I am meant to become wealthy.

I don’t know if this is what woven worlds concept does.


Thanks @anon73693188 and @TraderRubix for your feedbacks.

The experiences that you’ve described, I am feeling you, as I’ve been there a few years ago myself, and manifested and worked myself out of there through all the important aspects that I am constantly mentioning here on this forum, aspects like raising vibration (Ascension tag), heal trauma, increase self love, remove limiting beliefs, conceptual realizations, free luck and abundance fields etc.

For me, it is very difficult to tell whether a field is working or not working. I am very energy insensitive, which I believe is done by my Higher Self on purpose so that I train my intuitive and fact-based rational discernment skills.

I rarely feel a field actually working and 95% of the time I can only judge whether a field works is by the tangible results that it creates.
Most of the fields that are aimed at spiritual or consciousness development are usually a leap of faith for me and I am usually only able to see the results in retrospective.

I did the same leap of faith when I was purchasing this field, hence I am not giving up on it. Maybe it is doing something that I am not aware of at all?

Anyways, every time when I am going through my list of what new fields to purchase, I also look back and check which of the paid fields have actually brought the promised results (or at least some results) and then make a new decision which future leaps of faith are worth the try or not.

With the Woven World Millions I am still yet to feel anything or see anything results-wise. The Woven World Millions sales copy promoted this as the biggest and most powerful manifestation push ever, hence I had big expectations, especially having seen the practical real life results from other free wealth fields.

It is not my Higher Self or Subconscious Mind that are blocking the wealth from me, because I get good wealth manifestations and “push to action” from other fields and tools. So the issue must be with this particular field.

I understand that with this field one has to proactively do something towards the goal (like with the Glory tag / Prestige and Grandeur NFT), however there is zero push from this field. It does not push me to anything. It is just some positive music and that’s it.

On the oher hand, if I listen to “Excalibur”, “Tower of Power: Holy Light” or “Spear of Destiny”, then even I can feel the push. So, I have no clue why this field here is not working for me.

I will continue using this and hopefully this topic will be addressed in the questions webinar.

For your limiting beliefs about money (there are a lot of them in your stories), I highly recommend you get PU’s free “Overcome a Bad Financial Situation 1-3” as well as his “Higher Self Financial Blockages Removal” fields, in case you don’t already have them.

Also, constant increase of self-love and vibration are absolute must and key to get rid of those limiting assumptions so that you deep down believe that you deserve more and better.

There are hundreds of thousands of people right now who are just being lazy in their 5 star hotel beds, free of any financial worries, because every minute they are receiving more money into their bank accounts than most earn in a year.


Millions attracted more customers online when I´ve used it consistently. Mindset, drive,ideas and radical positive change were noticeable.

But I´ve also noticed that my results seemed very limited by my circumstances and my self esteem.

My lack of self love lead to me letting others put me down for my goals and not taking action.

Was disappointed bc I´ve hoped that it would override this. (got it as a gift, so I can´t complain).

Annyways, I´ve dropped it to work on self love first. Done so for 2.5months now.

Started testing a new wealth stack 2 days ago, including Millions.

Let´s see how it works now.


Dont you feel that nagging feeling to complete all your tasks you set for yourself?
To me it feels like that… making it very annoying to leave tasks unfinished…

I think it actually is just that. It is clearly not capped at only a million


And what if to complete those tasks money is needed? Not necessarily millions, but money nevertheless.

BTW, I am using this field every day from April 6th 2022. No millions, yet. Not even thousands. Or hundreds, for that matter.


Are you supplementing this with the mindsettings album?

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I have had my goals that I wanted and want to achieve way before this field and even long before discovering Sapien Medicine. I have the nagging feeling of unfinished tasks since I was 15…
I experienced no extra push, motivation or call-to-action from this field.

“Excalibur”, “Tower of Power: Holy Light” and “Spear of Destiny” do give me a feelable push.

I have listened to the Mindsetting Album for over 2 years.
It has helped a lot over time in developing faith into abudance, which then helped with manifesting more money.

However, if this field is supposed to provide strongest push and manifestation towards money, there shouldn’t be any need to necessarily supplement, right?




I am definitely feeling energies pulling downwards from your comments. I think expecting WWM to push you and not feeling it might indicate what is lurking under the surface. I sense frustration and not only pulling down but pulling back energies. Remember the comments about ‘just because you don’t feel it doesn’t mean it’s not working’? There are energetic reasons why it is what it is for you regarding more abundance in your life. Ask the field what is standing in the way. Make it work for you in the way it can by just demanding clarity and then offering up the crap that is hiding the wealth just waiting to swoop into your life. That’s what I can feel. You have wealth knocking on your door, but you have the “Not Open” sign hanging up. I really think this is working for you, and I am seeing you drenched in wealth. Let go and receive! :slight_smile: