Woven Worlds - Millions Revisited

Wow, you are right!

Thank you very much for pointing this out :pray: :white_heart:

I am now on my way of exploring WHY this happens only with this particular field.

I donā€™t struggle with money by the way, only with this particular field.

There must be a blind spot in my Subconscious Mind that I have overlooked and this particular field seems to have an approach to manifestation that falls directly in line with that blind spot.

I will do this!

I have actually started doing deep shadow work related to money a few weeks ago and going through this process and my retrospective, this particular field popped up in my awareness for not showing any results and then of course triggering emotions of dissappointment for ā€œnot having a positive ROIā€ with this investment.

Thank you very much.
This has been really helpful.
I have the feeling that I think I know what I have to do next.

Oh dear, I can already see in my mind, while typing this, to which unprocessed situations in my life this is connected to. A long-time overseen self-sabotage mechanismā€¦
Ha ha, but now I know what I have to solve.

I will solve this and then come back to this field.




I dont know your goals and you dont have to tell me butā€¦

And this is based on my observation.

What if you have a deep big block of being like a millionaire not that you are against having millions but being like the millionaires.

You know they ones you hate. The 1% the ones that ā€œcontrol the matrixā€ etc?

What if your strong believes regarding all of that is what has subconsciously rejected that

You always talk about escaping the matrix and what not, but you live here, here is where you can get millionaire and you must accept that no matter in which way or with what business or profession you could become a millionaire it will always be connected in more ways that youd like to that 1% and to ā€œthemā€

I remember yout comment on Capital Governance:

What if you sit with yourself and ponder if maybe here is where the blockage is.

In all honestly i imagine you mentally fighting (and maybe you dont even realize it because its deep rooted in you the idea of the matrix and the game and etc) ideas to become millionaire then those rejectful thoughts about ā€œthemā€ and how this way or that way that maybe would get you millionaire is linked to them and their ideas.

Maybe this field hasnt worked for you because you fully listen to the higher self, in doing so you are following your part that perhaps is more an altruistic one, if you fight so hard to escape the house you live ā€œMatrixā€ then you cant be a millionaire. Simple as that. Let me repeat what i said above, any way or form to become a millionaire is intrinsically attached to the ones that according to you control the matrix, and will obligate you to be a part of it.

The key is to know how to separate and diferenciate your soul and actions while living and being part of the matrix, while pushing the collective consciousness and helping people to wake up until we can push to create a different reality. That - does - not - happen - overnight.

Thats why you find it easy to get a push from the heroic fields. Its the core of your soul.

So you gotta sit and decide if you will allow yourself to play the game with your enemies and strategy how not to become like the characters but just your bank acount becomes like theirs.

Because if you want to change the world, if you want to free people. You need them indirectly. Play smart.

Isnt it very common or at least it has happened to me a lot of times, that at work we cant stand the personality and behaviors of some coworkers, yet we are able to successfully team up and reach goals, but once we step out of work we are not close to them, we dont hang out with them, we dont behave like them.

Do that in the matrix too.

Oh and also, what if you try not to wear or listen to any heroic fields for a while. And only this.
See if you fewl the push of action?


The energies in your post are so very sweet, JAAJ. The highest blessings of wealth to you! :slight_smile:
You are welcome angel


Thank you for your feedback.

I know exactly what you mean and for me there a several types of millionaires:

There are those who have built their Millions at the expense of their health, family and life force and then either still behave like brokies or live a super boring, low quality mediocre life. ā€œThe boring mediocre average NPC Joeā€

And then there are those who built their Millions by working smart and/or manifesting it through esoteric means and who are living a cool exciting life (because they have not sarcrificed their health for ā€œworking hardā€ 24/7). ā€œThe role model for living life to the fullestā€

I only like the 2nd group and consider the people in the first group as having fallen into the same trap of mediocrity where the most medium income people find themselves in.
Warren Buffet is for me in the first group, living the most boring, most average, most mediocre life one could imagine, especially with his level of resources. This is just my personal feeling and others might find his life actually exciting (people who love to read financial company reports several hours a day? :man_shrugging:) ā€¦

But either way, people in both groups deserve what they have manifested!
Me believing anything else would be a cognitive dissonance against my goals.
So with that, I have no issues or resentment against people with a ton of money.
Quite the opposite, it confirms my worldview that there is so much money out there that it is enough for everything and everyone!
And also that there are Millions of rich customers whom I can sell something to.

Those are very good points.

Thank you, I will conteplate on these and whether there is another hidden mis-alignment and incongruency in my personality setup.

By the way, for that reason alone I decided to NOT purchase PUā€™s Sun Development field.
I am Sun in Pisces, so being overly altruistic and overly caring is already a major part of my life.
I donā€™t want to be any more altrustic at the moment.
At least not until certain goals are reached or I reach the emotional maturity level of an actual angel.
I need to establish a new healthy balance before I can freely share more againā€¦

Thank you very much for your response.


Knock knock knocking on heavenā€™s door

This is the key point imo
Everybody has different goals


I myself havenā€™t seen an increase in financial wealth, but to be fair I havenā€™t changed anything in my lifestyle to do so.

Not actively working on creating a business or getting a better position. I understand these are tools and not something that will land on my lap.

Iā€™m not complaining just stating my state, and Iā€™m fine. Thereā€™s no blame rather responsibility I must takeā€¦

In a way Iā€™ve only been using this for the mindset portion of it as it has helped, but not in the actual accumulation of wealth. Which is fine, eternity has no end so why focus on the goal, rather focus on your means.


I like the vibe of this, Zen. Just nice energetics. I canā€™t explain why, it just feels like a good position. Taking responsibility, focusing on the means. Cool :slight_smile:


blessings after blessings thank you


Howdy, Bugzi!
Welcome Glad Youre Here


thank you hope your doing well


Me too

Sure :100:% with some specific field.


Iā€™m restarting my journey with this field. When I first got it, my life was all over the place. In a year, Iā€™ve gained some stability and made the decision that I want to make a million dollars. I have some opportunities set up that Iā€™ll be getting into over the next weeks and months. If I make one million, Iā€™ll let everyone know.

Wish me luck.


Rooting for you!


Thank yoU!


Anyone made money with this?


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Yesā€¦ Iā€™ll post a decent review and musings soon

Itā€™s been a crazy ride


How long have you been using this?Can you share that?

You can say 8-9 months. But canā€™t handle the setback thatā€™s why I committed to stop. Maybe in the future I will use it again.

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What setbacks have you experienced? Maybe youā€™ve interpreted them as such when they were obstacles moving out of the way?