Yoga, Flexibilty, Fascia Massage, Yoga Nidra, Yin Yoga, etc

I was thinking about how important my own flexibility is to me. I have met many others who cannot seem to get flexible even with a lot of efforting. Tight muscles is very limiting. Same with our Fascia–a lot of tension held and pain. Doing an energetic Yoga series would be lovely. And for a more intense movement of energy , Yin Yoga–this could move a ton of trapped energy stored in our cells. Any of these ideas not only nourish the body, but move old energies that are stuck. There are prob. more ideas that are tied into moving stagnant energy out as well, but Thought these could really help people.


Maybe within this idea (or separately) a file to address stuck trauma in our cellular memory.


Have you tried Emotional Release on Dream Seeds channel yet? That might help. There is also a Trauma one on Sapien’s channel.


I have not, thank you kindly!

You can check this Automated yoga workout that Maitreya released. In combination with Sapien’s field for clearing traumas will be great. Most of the stuck energy is from our traumas i think. Maybe use also unconditional love? This should move everything. I really liked Sapien’s field of Divine Love

What this audio does is get rid of all of this dense clutter that your body carries while at the same time raising your vibration on an unprecedented level.

This audio vibrates all your cells, even down to the mitochondria, with the vibration of divine love. This is unconditional love but of a higher and finer frequency/vibration.

I am listening to his Vibration Series and i feel really good and i notice fast changes in my mental world, so this means that soon the physical body also will change.


I started beginner yoga with the help of my friend who is a yoga teacher.

I was never really bothered by my flexibility, but i felt that the flow of my blood could improve.

His videos are 10min long and it was the right time. I was interested throughout and his instructions were clear enough!

I really liked the pleasant feeling of the stretches.

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I asked Dream for automated stretching audio (a few months ago) and told me he was going to research about it.
That would be very useful for flexibility.


i did yoga again with that same friend and found a new experience.

it felt like my own voice felt safe enough to just allow my friend to instruct my body on how to shift and maneuver through the movements.

i can see how the ‘ego’ protects the body as without it, a command can be respectful or manipulative.

i remember one point we were laying down on the ground and he mentioned that this move was the hardest. when i was starting yoga in a group, i felt that it was the easiest because i just had to lay there. now, i did see how it can be hard as i learn to trust myself and others.

i was practicing in my own room while we used our webcams. i remember how he was describing the earth we were lying on as safe and protecting. i felt as if i was laying outside with the sun warming my skin. lying on the ground felt more comfortable than my own bed!

i had this inkling that i could visualize a way to just fly off into the universe, but i knew i’m not ready for that just yet.



Hi, have you tried the Automated Yoga?

exactly, You suggested energetic yoga series as a way to nourish the body and promote flexibility. Dynamic and energetic yoga styles, such as Vinyasa or Ashtanga, can help increase flexibility, strength, and endurance. The flowing sequences combined with synchronized breathing create a harmonious connection between movement and breath, energizing the body and mind.

On the other hand, you also mentioned Yin Yoga, which offers a contrasting approach to yoga practice. Yin Yoga focuses on longer-held, passive postures that target deeper layers of connective tissue, such as fascia, ligaments, and tendons. By holding these poses for an extended period, practitioners can experience a gentle stretching sensation and a deep release of tension. Yin Yoga can be an excellent way to access and move stagnant energy stored in the body, promoting relaxation and a sense of balance.

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I suppose the Automated Tibetan Rites will also help ;)