Your Energetic Being

Man this is intense, I got this few days back and now I am going through some intense emotional healing. AHHH! It had to happen. My heart area is having sensations and I feel empty and alone.
Haha it’s quite intense to feel all this but gotta accept that 26 years of life the soul centres have gone through a lot. Sealing leakages and cutting cords. Thank you for this audio - it’s leading me to have a much clearer mind and heart. I hope I will be at peace soon! Cheers :)


Day 6: I have to reconsider the quote on the energy level. I can do a lot more in a day it seems, even though my sleep is not that good. I noticed more a drive in the things I do. Although the field is quite subtle in these things. I’m not sure on the other effects though ;), although my wife is happy :stuck_out_tongue: since my energy levels went back up. You know what they say: happy wife, happy life :wink:. In any case, it does seem to work on better energy levels


Does this still work for family since this first was intended to be a nft project?


Nope It has NFT level protection


My experience has been that, alongside some targeted nervous system healing, this is doing wonders for lowering the impact a larger number of fields per day normally does; I’d imagine through the nervous system development.

On the note of the protections, can we get an eli5 on this particular field from Captain or SammyG? My Sister-in-Law bought this for her and my brother but he doesn’t seem to be getting nearly the same level of effect out of it. And while I understand “NFT level protection” as a label, it’s also on Gumroad which clearly puts it in the “good to share with family” category.


The field is programmed to only work for the person who purchased it there is some other ‘black labeled’ fields on Gumroad Order by 3 (Black Label Item Series) there is an example


Completely understood, and I believe had:

ONLY works for the one legal purchaser

NON shareable.

NON Tradable

be suitably notified here and now.

‘But what if’




been listed clearly in the description like it is this one, they either simply wouldn’t have bought the field due to financial constraints or they would’ve bought 2 during the sale.

The fact it isn’t described that way is what has me asking. Do you know or are you making an educated guess?


I’m not sure where in the forum but it would be stated somewhere that NFTs are not usable by anyone other than the person with it in their wallet.

I suppose dream didn’t see it necessary to write it like that above as he suspects people know the information above. I suppose newer people aren’t as sure about that info but oh well I guess but at least the positive is your sister in law has an amazing field to use!


Also I believe that was cause it was the first black labeled item this isn’t the first NFT




That’s all fine and good, and at this point I’m just venting, but in a situation where you’re the mouthpiece for the forum and your sister-in-law translates “this isn’t an NFT”, and “it’s on gumroad” to mean that it’s just a highly protected item she can share with her husband, doesn’t exactly solve the problem.

Because the rules for a non-NFT field, but one that is labelled as having NFT-level protections, are stated in a thread that even a forum regular didn’t remember the location of, on another site entirely, shit happens. But shit is also avoidable with boilerplate descriptions and linked protection levels, etc.

Please excuse me while I go have this wonderful discussion.


Have fun man hope she takes it well :rofl:


Is this normal to feel tired during the first day of use (with looping)?


It happened to me aswell


I woke up , completely out of it , when looping the day before .

It took me a good few hours to finally start feeling back into my body.

Lesson learn, this is a strong field.


Honestly, I was afraid to work with this NFT, it was so overwhelming and every time after listening to it my left eyelid start to vibrate violently for entire days, even with just the mandala. It’s been a while of only listening few times but I was very agitated so the idea to spam this pooped in my mind.

I felt some pain in the beginning, like some sensation similar to “Heart coherence” and “Auric and Energy body repair”, all around my body. It seems very powerful for emotional release as it feels very refreshing and calmed me down instantly, very energizing.

There is no pain at all but it’s disturbing a little, I don’t understand why only my left eyelid is buzzing, did someone stabbed me in the eyelid in some alternative universe or astral realm ? My eyelid is buzzing since November, the healing is crazy. :joy:

It won’t surprise me if it’s nerve healing, it would make sense actually as I have some problem with this eyelid but maybe it hides something to be more careful, who knows ?


So I’m working with the mandala/audio on this. Where I notice it most bluntly is in how tired I am. I ground/recharge on Jing/Chi 2-3 times a day and this wipes me daily. But it is starting, nearly 3 weeks later, to reach a bit of an equilibrium (which I will likely promptly destroy with more plays).

I think if I hadn’t been using Aura Repair, or any of the other sub fields (such as the Instagram/Book Of Cards) etc, this would’ve impacted me far harder.

So for anyone skimming for reviews, if you’ve done nothing to address any of the sub-fields - take it easy. Your body, your intuition, trumps all for feedback, but maybe ramp up a bit at a time if you have an unforgiving schedule.


from Gumroad’s Description

This comprehensive creation focuses on the restoration and rejuvenation of your energetic being, integrating powerful techniques and processes to enhance, repair, and elevate your energy system. It provides a holistic approach to your physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

The first aspect of this creation centers on the complete restoration and rejuvenation of your energetic being. Through elements of soul restoration, whole auric and energy body repair, plus cord cutting, it works to mend and revitalize your entire energetic structure. This process eliminates detrimental connections and repairs any damage to layers of your aura and energy body, restoring your soul’s integrity and ensuring you feel whole and balanced.

The second aspect strengthens and upgrades your energy system by removing blockages and stimulating the growth of your chakras using the plasma torus field. It incorporates energy expansion aspects combining various vital energies—Jing, Chi, Shen, Ojas, Prana, and Mana—compressed into your energy body. This process enhances your overall vitality, expands your energetic capacity, and ensures a robust and dynamic energy flow.

To support your physical well-being, the creation also includes nervous system development and nerve healing, promoting body coherence and stability. It grounds your energy, helping you stay balanced and centered amidst life’s challenges. This grounding effect is crucial for maintaining a healthy connection between your body and energetic systems.

With “Your Energetic Being,” you will embark on a transformative journey that revitalizes your entire energy system, enhances your vitality, and fosters a harmonious balance between your physical and energetic selves. This comprehensive approach ensures you feel rejuvenated, empowered, and deeply connected to your true essence.


does anyone have your energetic being old thumbnail picture :disappointed_relieved:
i prefer the old one more
i want to use it as cover


i really prefer the old one more :sob: