Your new and Improved Skin

Would this help with neck line @Dr_Manhattan?
I don’t know why but I have noticeable neck lines, maybe they came from the tine I was overweight, now I am not.
I noticed that guys that work out a lot usually have a round and filled neck area, it seems their neck skin is very tight.
Would this help to achieve that to some extent Doc?


Yes, neck lines are due to a loss of elasticity.


Thanks Doc!

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My pleasure :grinning:


New here y’all, although I’ve followed and supported Sapien Medicine for years and lurked this forum in past months. I’ve had terrible skin ever since my early teens due to acne and scarring. It has persisted and caused me a lot of insecurity, envy (towards my peers and siblings who didn’t have such issues), and isolation. I like the structure of my face, I just wish I could restore the skin. I hope this is what I’ve been looking for. I’m using this along with Smart Stem Cells and Skin Scarring Repair.


Nice of you to join-in officially.

Let us know how it goes, hope you’ll be healed.


Hi, Sonnengott! Have I given you an official welcome yet?
Welc Buddha lotus

All the best on your healing journey. Keep us posted! :slight_smile:


@Dr_Manhattan would this help with eye bags, i have had bad eye bags all my life, i think its gentic.


How long do you think it takes to see improvement on my acne scars on face like ice pick scars or box scars? I’ve been listening for now about 2 weeks and haven’t seen much improvement.


These are a special case. I’m not sure how effective collagen remodelling and collagenase activation will be.

Ice pick scars go very deep through the epidermis and onto the dermis itself, plus there are many of them.


Are you listening to Skin Scarring Repair as well?

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Do you know if Dream has a field that could help ice pick scars? If this one ends up not working for me or maybe I’ll listen to this and the one you recommended.

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Yes but I can’t see an improvement on my acne scars like ice pick scars. Been listening to skin scarring for months as well.

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Yeah, they aren’t really scars, more like holes in the skin. The skin around it can sort of heal but leave that gap, that’s tricky.


Do you think the Skin Ulcers field could help?


I’ve been listening to this pretty much from release. My c section scar has disappeared in places. I’m almost sad to see it go haha, it was a cute little scar. But baby skin is the goal and it’s good to see the progress. Skin is plump, firm, fresh. It seems to be working on my body skin first, not a big difference in the face as yet.


Hi @joanne1981
Just out of curiosity, how much have you been using it ?

C-section m’s scars are quite deep

Ah you’ll get used to it :slight_smile:


Maybe I can try that field out.

Glad you are having results.


Hi Philip, I’ve been using it as much as I can tbh, it’s a nice one to loop. Anywhere between 1 - 3 hours a day.

Edit to add : a couple of more minor scars have completely disappeared, including 2 burn marks on my arm and some of the scars from laser tattoo removal that went wrong 15 years ago.