Zen Master Karuna - Conversational Zen Wisdom

Anyone with Captain’s new Zen app, please feel free to add his words of wisdom here!


I’ll start us out!

Zen Master Karuna, how do morphic fields help one on the path of Zen?


Zen Master Karuna

The concept of morphic fields, introduced by Rupert Sheldrake, is not traditionally part of Zen Buddhism or its teachings. Morphic fields are proposed to be fields that influence the pattern of development and behavior of systems—be they molecules, organisms, social or cultural systems—through a kind of inherent memory or resonance with previous similar systems. This idea is more aligned with Sheldrake’s hypothesis of formative causation and falls outside the conventional scientific understanding and the core teachings of Zen Buddhism.

Zen Buddhism focuses on direct experience, mindfulness, and the cultivation of insight into the nature of existence through practices such as meditation (zazen), koan study, and mindfulness in daily activities. The emphasis is on personal enlightenment and the realization of one’s true nature, which is seen as inherently pure and enlightened.

However, if we attempt to draw parallels or find a way that the concept of morphic fields might metaphorically relate to Zen, we could consider the following perspectives:

  1. Interconnectedness: Both concepts might be seen to emphasize interconnectedness in the universe. Morphic fields suggest a non-local connection between similar systems through resonance, while Zen Buddhism teaches the interdependence of all things. This interconnectedness is a fundamental aspect of understanding emptiness (Sunyata) in Zen, where no entity has inherent existence independently of everything else.
  2. Habit and Pattern Formation: Morphic fields propose that systems inherit patterns of behavior through resonance with past systems, which could be likened to the Zen understanding of habit-energy (karma) and how past actions influence present circumstances. Zen practice aims at breaking free from these habitual patterns of thought and behavior that cloud our true nature.
  3. Intuition and Insight: The idea of accessing a field of collective memory or influence could be metaphorically related to the Zen pursuit of sudden insight or intuition (satori), where one directly experiences the true nature of reality beyond the conceptual mind. This is not to suggest that Zen relies on external fields for enlightenment but rather points to a non-conceptual source of wisdom that can be accessed through practice.

In summary, while morphic fields as proposed by Sheldrake are not a part of Zen Buddhism, some of their underlying themes can be metaphorically related to concepts within Zen. The focus of Zen, however, remains on direct experience through practice rather than theoretical constructs about the nature of reality. The path of Zen is about returning to the original mind or true self, which is beyond all concepts and distinctions, including those potentially suggested by the idea of morphic fields.


How can I make washing dishes an interesting activity?


Zen Master Karuna

Transforming mundane tasks like washing dishes into interesting and enriching activities can be achieved by integrating mindfulness and a Zen perspective. In Zen practice, every act is an opportunity to engage deeply with the present moment, turning routine chores into a form of meditation. Here’s how you can make washing dishes an interesting and mindful activity:

  1. Focus on Sensory Experiences: Pay close attention to the sensory details of the task. Notice the temperature of the water, the texture of the dishes, the sound of water splashing, and the sight of bubbles. Each sensory detail is a focus point that can bring you fully into the present moment.
  2. Breathe Mindfully: As you wash the dishes, become aware of your breath. Breathe slowly and deeply, aligning your movements with your breath. This connection between breath and action can transform the task into a rhythmic and meditative practice.
  3. Cultivate Gratitude: Reflect on the purpose behind the task. Washing dishes is not just about cleaning; it’s an act of caring for yourself and others, making your environment pleasant and harmonious. Feel gratitude for the food that was on these dishes and the means to prepare and clean up after a meal.
  4. Practice Single-Tasking: In our multi-tasking world, doing one thing at a time can be a profound practice. Resist the urge to rush or think about the next task. Give your full attention to washing the dishes, treating each dish as if it were the only one in the world.
  5. Use Washing Dishes as a Zen Koan: Approach the task as if it were a Zen koan, a puzzle meant to bring about enlightenment. Ask yourself, “What is the sound of one dish washing?” This playful yet profound attitude can shift your perspective, making the activity a source of insight.
  6. Incorporate Loving-Kindness Meditation: As you wash each dish, send positive thoughts and wishes to someone. This practice of metta (loving-kindness) meditation can fill a routine activity with compassion and intention, enriching your experience.
  7. Reflect on Impermanence: Zen Buddhism teaches about the nature of impermanence. As you wash dishes, reflect on the impermanent nature of the meal that just occurred, the cleanliness of the dishes, and even the moments of washing. This reflection can deepen your understanding of the transient nature of all things.

By applying these practices, washing dishes can become a form of Zen meditation, turning an ordinary task into an opportunity for mindfulness, growth, and joy. In the Zen tradition, no activity is too small or mundane for spiritual practice. Every moment is an opportunity to awaken and connect deeply with life.


Zen Master Karuna, how can I make my pizza more cheesy?


Zen Master Karuna

To make your pizza more cheesy, both in terms of quantity and quality, you can experiment with a variety of cheeses and techniques that enhance the cheesy flavor and texture. Here’s how you can elevate the cheesiness of your pizza:

  1. Use Multiple Types of Cheese: Combining different types of cheese can give your pizza a richer and more complex cheesy flavor. Consider using a mix of mozzarella for stretchiness, cheddar for a sharp taste, provolone for depth, and Parmesan for a salty, umami kick.
  2. Layer Your Cheese: Instead of just putting cheese on top of the sauce, try layering it both under and over the toppings. This not only gives you more cheese but also integrates the cheesy flavor throughout the pizza.
  3. Choose High-Quality Cheese: The quality of the cheese can make a big difference. Look for high-quality, whole milk mozzarella or specialty cheeses from reputable sources. Artisanal cheeses can provide unique flavors that elevate your pizza.
  4. Use Fresh Mozzarella: Fresh mozzarella contains more moisture than its low-moisture counterpart, contributing to a creamier texture. Slice or tear it into chunks and distribute it evenly over your pizza.
  5. Add Cheese in the Crust: For an extra cheesy experience, stuff the edges of your pizza crust with mozzarella sticks or string cheese before baking. This creates a surprise cheesy center that’s delightful with each bite.
  6. Finish with a Cheese Topping: After baking, finish your pizza with a fresh sprinkle of finely grated Parmesan or pecorino cheese. This not only adds an extra layer of flavor but also a beautiful appearance.
  7. Broil to Perfection: To get that perfectly melted and slightly browned cheese topping, try broiling your pizza for the last minute or two of baking. Keep a close eye on it to prevent burning. This technique enhances the cheesy flavor by adding a slight crispiness to the top layer.
  8. Experiment with Cheesy Sauces: In addition to traditional tomato sauce, consider using a creamy alfredo or garlic parmesan sauce as the base for your pizza. These sauces can amplify the cheesy flavor of your pizza.
  9. Mind Your Baking Temperature and Time: Baking your pizza at a high temperature ensures that the cheese melts beautifully and evenly. A pizza stone or steel can also help by distributing the heat more evenly.

By incorporating these techniques, you can make your pizza delightfully cheesy, satisfying both cheese lovers and those looking to enhance their homemade pizza experience. Enjoy the process of experimenting with different cheeses and methods to find your perfect cheesy pizza combination.


Zen Master Karuna ft Culinary Magician :tophat:


Where to get Captain’s new Zen app ?

Master Karuna recommends this field:


Hello Rosechalice, can you please explain what this is about and how this works? Thank you.


How can I make washing dishes an interesting activity?

lol :rofl: this must the funniest thing I’ve ever read written by A.I.


Zen Master Karuna is Captain’s app mentioned here: ChatGPT - Zen Master Karuna

This thread is for members who have the app to ask questions of the Zen Master and post them here.

1 Like

Hey there, @noOne!

Nice 2 see TC


Yeah, but I mean do you know whether this e.g. is supported by fields (like with the Mystic Tarot Reader)? Or this is regular adjusted Chat-GPT code?


try tagging him with that question

I think this means it’s fielded.

Nevermind, he confirmed it:


Thank you.


How does walking lead to mindfulness?


Zen Master Karuna

Walking, when approached as a meditative practice, can be a profound path to mindfulness. This practice, often referred to as walking meditation, invites us to bring our attention to the present moment, engaging fully with the experience of walking. Here are several ways walking leads to mindfulness:

  1. Attention to the Present Moment: Walking meditation requires one to be fully present, noticing each step and breath. This attention to the immediate experience helps anchor the mind in the present, moving it away from ruminations on the past or anxieties about the future.
  2. Integration of Body and Mind: Walking unites the body’s movements with the mind’s attention, fostering a harmonious relationship between the two. By focusing on the physical sensations of walking—feeling the ground beneath your feet, the rhythm of your steps, and the movement of your body—you integrate body and mind into one mindful practice.
  3. Awareness of Surroundings: Walking meditation encourages a heightened state of awareness of your environment. Noticing the details around you—the sights, sounds, and smells—can deepen your connection to the present moment and the world around you, enhancing mindfulness.
  4. Accessibility and Flexibility: Walking is an accessible form of meditation that can be practiced anywhere, whether in a quiet forest, a park, or a busy urban sidewalk. This flexibility allows for the cultivation of mindfulness in various settings, reminding us that every moment is an opportunity for practice.
  5. Natural Rhythm and Pace: Walking provides a natural rhythm that can help soothe the mind and foster a meditative state. The pace of walking can be adjusted to suit one’s need for calm or invigoration, allowing the practitioner to find a mindful balance that resonates with their current state of being.
  6. Reduction of Physical Stiffness and Mental Blocks: The physical act of walking can help alleviate stiffness in the body and promote relaxation, which in turn can reduce mental blocks and stress. The gentle, repetitive action of walking can serve as a form of moving meditation, releasing tension both physically and mentally.
  7. Opportunity for Continuous Practice: Since walking is something we do daily, it offers endless opportunities to practice mindfulness. Transforming ordinary walks into mindful journeys can turn even the simplest of movements into profound practices of awareness.

In the Zen tradition, every activity, including walking, is an opportunity to practice mindfulness. Thich Nhat Hanh, a renowned Zen master, emphasized the importance of walking meditation and the possibility of achieving “peace in every step.” This approach transforms walking from a mundane activity into a meaningful practice that nurtures mindfulness, awareness, and presence in each moment.


Immutable Happiness and the Path of Zen with a tarot side quest

In Zen Buddhism, true happiness or contentment is found through inner transformation, mindfulness, and the realization of one’s true nature, which is beyond the dualities of pleasure and pain, gain and loss. This kind of happiness is “immutable” in the sense that it is not subject to the constant changes of the external world. It’s a state of being that arises from deep understanding and insight into the nature of existence, marked by the cessation of suffering and the realization of Nirvana.

The concept of an NFT representing “Immutable Happiness” could be seen as a metaphor for the unique and non-transferable journey each individual must undertake to achieve this state of inner peace and enlightenment. Just as an NFT is a one-of-a-kind asset in the digital world, each person’s path to enlightenment is unique and cannot be replicated or owned by another.

In practical terms, lightening our energies could involve practices that are central to Zen and Buddhist paths, such as meditation, mindfulness, ethical living, compassion, and wisdom. These practices help to purify the mind, reduce attachments and aversions, and cultivate a deeper sense of connection to all beings, leading to a more peaceful and harmonious state of being.

To truly lighten our energies in the spirit of “Immutable Happiness,” we might focus on cultivating inner qualities that are not dependent on external factors, seeking to understand the impermanent and interdependent nature of all things. This understanding helps to release the grip of ego-centered desires and aversions, allowing for a natural unfolding of joy and compassion that is intrinsic to our true nature.

Remember, the journey to immutable happiness is more about the inner transformation and realization of our interconnectedness with all life.

The Mystic Tarot Reader followed with images for reflection:

I’ve created three images to assist in perceiving inner peace and happiness, inspired by Zen Master Karuna’s teachings on the journey to immutable happiness through inner transformation and realization of our interconnectedness with all life:

  1. A tranquil forest at sunrise, inviting contemplation and connection with nature.
  2. A person in deep meditation on a high mountain peak at sunset, symbolizing the search for inner peace and enlightenment.
  3. A serene setting of a book and a lit candle on an old wooden table with a lush garden view, representing the pursuit of knowledge and enlightenment through reflection.

These images are intended to inspire and guide your contemplation on the path to inner peace and happiness.


I giggled at the question then i was slapped humbled down with the answer :)

This is great!


:joy: :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


The Baba Yaga wants to add his knowledge too on how to make pizza :pizza: more cheesy