30 Day Kubera Challenge - Manifesting Wealth together

Ok nice idea

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sounds good.
I will share how Kubera has opened up some new opportunities for me…
Things I would never have fathomed in a long time


Just checking: for those of us who only have Kubera, it’ll just be Kubera Homa 3-4 times twice per week, Kubera’s Boons 3 times every day?



@anon32464289 Count me in!! :)

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yup im in

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Count me in :+1:

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I dont have this stack rn. This is my next buy tho. I would to be part of this to see how it goes.


I have the complete series. May I join?
If we all have to use specific audios at the same time, it might be night here. That’s my only issue!


I’m in :relaxed:
I’ll play my stack daily and try and sneak in a few extra spins of boons. It’s a beautiful piece of music and lovely to loop!

A lot has opened due to this field, but I’m experiencing a big contraction of money due to mandates here in my country. Out of the job for the first time in 20 years… so my primary intention is to find consistent income again, and allow my other projects to open doors to money.
Ultimately I’d like to find true abundance out of this contraction. I’d like to step into true abundance, finally


Yay, pls add me in


Hi !

I would love to join the challenge with you guys


Im in! Im on same journey of trying to manifest perfect job in my career. I make enough money atm to survive but its not in my field. Graduated with computer science degree 6 years ago and have software development experience but caught some felony charges that are preventing me from getting a good job in my field. Hoping this year a lot more opportunity manifests.


Ok dear friends…

I got this inspiration from a lot of abundance work those last days, along with meditations with Kubera & Lakshmi.

The 30 Day Kubera Challenge starts tomorrow and I’ll be creating the groupe tonight :partying_face:

Here is the ground rules to join it:

Mandatory field listening:

  • All Homas you own x2-3 once a week :person_in_lotus_position:
  • Kubera Homa x1-2 every day or x2-3 twice a week (if you own Lakshmi, I would strongly recommend her as well)
  • Kubera Boon x2-3 every day

Inner & outer posture:

  • At our current capacity, showing genuine respect, reverence and gratitude to the Deities assisting us in the process.
  • At our current capacity, sharing abundance in our every day life, which can simply be donation of Love and Presence :heart:

Private group dynamic:

  • We make everything possible to stay focused on positivity, on supporting each others and most importantly we practice being mindful of the energy we bring in the group (cf. comparison, jealousy, lack)
  • We avoid chit-chat, and focus our exchanges on results, insights and again on supporting each other :heart:

An option and a great idea introduced by @Zen:

  • A weekly 10min Cone of Power of meditation aimed at unlimited abundance for all.
  • No compulsory attendance (cf. send your servitor :dragon:), no camera on (gdpr compliant it must be :grin:) and a poll to decide on a time together.
  • As we did with the Pegasus project, I’ll most likely offer a Zoom room with 10min of Cone of Power playing in the background, finishing with 5min of Love Gratitude Appreciation.

Conclusion of the 30 days:

  • So it benefits everyone and it adds some collective hype to the process: we will share anonymously in the Kubera thread our gains → actual financial manifestation, learnings, experiences, etc.

Ps: the group will stay opened to new members over the first two weeks, then we will close its door to make its vibe as high as possible and manifest “the impossible”.

Please PM me in our private chat to join the group if you are 100% certain to be in.
(again, no pressure, you have two weeks to be sure as the door will stay open for this time)

If we don’t have a private chat yet, please create it with this format :
[Your name] x Borisju l Private Chat

@Rosechalice @anon69666568 @Danny_Ho @ferdinandoloverso @gittir @fast_manifester @pranic_climber @Mehaul @GCSHIV



@Daylily @Kchannar @Desiree @sweettooth @Nytor @ashutosh @Siri @abro


:point_up: :point_up:

@veh @Luke @anon65852628


Ps: for the consciousness scientists, I’ll most likely ask a friend of mine to measure the LoC of our group by the end of the 30 days :grin:


I am in


Your personal reality = what you actually believe :wink:

One day, everyone needs to remember that they are powerful manifestors making a physical incarnational experience.


I would also like to join