30 Day Kubera Challenge - Manifesting Wealth together

Got Kubera in november and got pretty good results from the start. But then my money flow got worse. I work in sales so its good environment to test this field.

Last friday I switched from listening 1xhoma and 1x boons every day before work to 1x homa per week and 2-3x boons every day before work. Got instant results - won a prize contest, got new prospects and today my relative wrote me that he has a nice money opportunity for me.

You can add me to the group so we can share more succes stories :slightly_smiling_face:


Hey folks,

The kick-off is tomorrow!!

I am still awaiting for some answers and I got delayed today, the group creation will be created tomorrow morning european time.

For those who prefer to meditate in the morning, feel free to get ahead and start!

Excited about what’s to come! :grinning:


I just purchased Kubera. I’m in.


Everybody gonna be rich in this thread


on every level


I assumed I was already in. If not, then please add me. I am working on spme long term manifesting tied to something from 13 years ago.


I don’t think I’m in either. Maybe if the group’s full someone can open a second group following the same protocol.

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@Kchannar @gittir you two must have missed this message:

Group still opened ofc, have a read and send me a DM if this context is ok for you :)


Ok I agree
Please add me


Please add me! Hoping to hit it big on scratchoffs and lottery with this

Aaah… I got side tracked entirely :( Can I still join? Such a great idea @anon32464289 ! :muscle:


A short notice to let anyone know that we are 12 days in, and our group will shut its door in 3 days :slight_smile:

We have done our first Cone of Power meditation yesterday, with cool manifestations for a few of us.

As a group, there is a very positive flow happening.
Small manifestations happening here and there, some positivity, etc.


I would like to join in. I already had all the audios but was using them with less regularity as in this 30 day challenge but starting tomorrow I can set aside a separate time for this work.


This batch has officially started two weeks ago, and the doors are officially closed :blush:

We should be back two weeks from now with good news for the Kubera thread!


The 30 days were officially over a couple of days ago.

Here is a quick sum up of the blessings we’ve received:

  • A few of us got new well-paid job and/or opportunities in this direction (backed up by real work in the physical ofc).
  • All of us made big or small unexpected amounts of money.
  • All of us had situations with unexpected blessings (ex: tax returns, gifts from strangers and family, etc.)
  • A lot of us experienced a general feeling of abundance
  • Some of us noticed some boons within our family and circle of friends (Kubera showering them as well)
  • Free food :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Ps: no one won the big lottery, though pretty sure most didn’t try :blush: (I personally did not feel called to it)


So, I just found out about this group, wish I could have joined you guys, anyways, currently I have prepared a stack of Mahaganapati Homam x1, Kubera Homam x1, and Kubera Boons x2, I listen to this post shower and while praying, it’s been 2 days since I started, any suggestions to improve my current stack?

Might be cool to do another challenge one of these days