A few questions please

Hello my beautiful friends, I wanted to ask a few questions to see if anyone can help guide. The past two days I have had to do some pretty extreme ultra sounds and MRI testing which kept me in the machine for hours. One day with and one day without contrast. Most are not usually in that thing that long. At the end of of the first day I was saturated in sweat in a freezing cold room and the technician explained that the magnetic field heated up the the cells in body so much on top of the frequencies which causes the body temp to rise a lot and radiation. Most do not stay in for hours which is why I had the reaction I did. I wanted to know if you should do the radiation removal field, grounding field, Schumann resonance field, dna repair field and aura cleanse field. My body still feels on fire, twitchy, and ramped up but completed drained at the same time. Im moving very very very slow and can taste metal in my mouth. I am awaiting the results…but the testing definitely took a toll.

I am still battling this awful mystery illness trying to navigate my way through as after over two decades of countless medical teams and every treatment imaginable, nothing has made any shifts. I also wanted to ask if this animal field can work on humans as it is hitting two things at once…I ask because I am suffering from severe chronic fatigue and I’ve recently learned there are specific microbes that can morph into parasite/virus/bacteria almost as one microbe which makes them very difficult to eliminate. Also I learned some amazing information regarding Ivermectin which I am looking into further but wanted to share. I saw an amazing article about it not only helping covid, but how it actually can help repair the mitochondria as well as can work on morphed microbes as I described above. Does any one have any further info on this? I would greatly appreciate it. Or experience using it? I think I may need to try it. It is the only thing I have yet to try. There is so much I want to do while I am here but my body keeps shutting down. I hope im making sense. Im so depleted from the last two days but trying to find remedy.



I am really sorry about your situation. Lets hope you find all the cures and healing you need in this forum.

Ok first

Did the doctor confirm the Mri exposes you to radiation? Because as far as i know it does not, it does heat up big time the body which can lead to some issues but no radiation.


If you can get this one, it could greatly help you and if you feel or for sure know youve been exposed to radiation

Astaxanthin Aspartic Dsup (Longevity Series): New Release

However as i said earlier Mri dont put radiation on your body, so perhaps the side effects are because you were in it for a long exposure, wow i mean, is that even allowed?

You are clearly feeling as when one gets extreme sunburned and dehydration!!!

And that combines with the idea of viruses parasites or bacteria that you think you have can worsen through heat exposure.

But ok. I think you need to drink a lot of water as well and use any of the blood/lymphatic detoxes asap.

There is one on Patreon, and old version on youtube and same for cleansing the blood.

Smart stem cells

Amniotic healing pad

Definitely loop the skin regeneration (epidermal growth factor)

Focus on healing and balancing that first. The temperature of your body, and the epidermis

Eat lots of greens

Then later on you can start checking about the parasites.


You are so wonderful! Thank you for your guidance. They did mention radiation to me, so not sure what that was about but I will look into the fields you mentioned and start them ASAP. It was definitely a long time. They did 4 studies on each day and each study is pretty long. It was intense and, because I am very sensitive, I am feeling it all over. Been drinking a ton of water and trying to sleep as much as possible. Thank you once again for your help. This community is so great and I’m so appreciative to Sapien and all of you for such a supportive healing community :heart:


You are most welcome

And keep us posted



I definitely will:-) thank you :pray:t2:

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Hey Luna, so I’m still waiting for more information, and my doctor has now asked me to come in for a face-to-face. But one of the things that she said showed up on the MRIs right away is degenerative disc disease in the neck, spine lumbar. I know this is not the full picture of what’s going on with my illness, and I’m sure this is just from years of lack of support lol that manifest in the body, but I was wondering if there are any fields that could help to start regenerate and heal the disks in the spine and neck? One of the ones that I’ve been doing one time a day is the DNA repair. I haven’t had much luck with the spine for Atlas field, and I feel like the pain field would just be symptomatic relief. Do you know if there are any fields specifically targeting the healing of the disks? Thank you again for your help.

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The diagnosis is still vague but uhm let see.

It could be specific problems with the bone like after an accident that you may had not noticed being too much but it got worse over time. Causing the disk to dent or change position, obviously in both cases it could have been super small tiny change and thats why you didnt feel it right away but the daily pressure there damage the nerves or simply “annoys the nerves” lol yeah sounds funny but im trying to be simple explaining.

If that didnt happen then you were born with the problem and just now its showing the damage, again, because over time pressure there.

What exactly happened in either case? Unless doctor says otherwise… its a very simple case, usually is the same.

If its the disk dented then it pressure the nerves and that signal goes all the way up and down through the spinal cord and to the rest of the body.

If the disk is dislocated then imagine like a gel kinda thing that is like if it was resin that hold all the parts together, so when the disk is not on the right position that gel starts leaking out and spreading outer touching nerves, tissues etc and then it gets all that area inflamed, honestly nothing to worry about… a first. There are several ways to cure that.

1- physiotherapy
2- plain rest
3- massages

And then combined with

1- acupressure
2- acupuncture
3- magnetic Resonance

So the nerves start like taking back their space, position normal flow and strength

You could mix

1- the spinal tapper (youtube)
2- accu-acumaton or (gumroad)
3- Microkinesi therapy (gumroad)
4- vagus nerve (youtube)
5- spa day massage (youtube)
6- cold therapy (gumroad)
7- nerve damage help (youtube)
8- brain and spine antioxidant complex (youtube)

If you can just use the ones from YouTube then def add plasma beach, orgone accumulator one, or mana circuits, or Fa Jin Gong one

Plus def the massage one and there is one like acupressure but i dont remember the exact name and what channel is in :crazy_face:

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Thank you so much Luna! Definitely going to take a look at all you suggested. There was no accident that I am aware of and I know there was nothing at birth. But I do know when Lyme and other illnesses I have battled because of the co -infections, it loves to hide out in those areas like the brain and the discs…basically where antimicrobials cant touch those bugs. This is why I am thinking about the ivermectin as a field rather than the medication. At least with the field, it can go throughout the body without biological restrictions. I know there are also tears in the discs and the gel is leaking out so that is definitely causing a lot of the pain. All the convention treatments you mentioned I have done for years so unfort those did not help much but I believe the fields may be able to do what the other things were not…at least I am praying. I should learn more about the other health issues when I get in to see my doctor and see what she has to say and has planned. I pray for the day when I dont feel like I have been ht by a bus 24 / 7 lol. Thank you again for taking so much time and specificity to help me! You truly are an angel!

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Oh because those are to keep the pain away and the nerves from getting more damage but none of them can actually cure your main problem.

Def keep trying the spinal audios

What about once inflammation are low you try a chiropractor? If that doesnt help then you need surgery. Its be the only way.

And the parasite things should start now as well because no point healing the damage in the disks when the culprit is still very much there

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Ok thank you. I was going to look into the dr Jennifer Daniels turpentine protocol once again for the parasites along with the fields. Did you have any experience with the ivermectin?

No, but check in its thread what ppl have said or experienced

New Release: Ivermectin


OK thank you Luna!