A Guide to Working with Multiple NFTs

Thanks a lot for taking the time to make this Des! This will help tons of people, and I shouldn’t have to bother you with my questions lol
Much appreciated :hugs:


Wooow​:heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes:Great job friend :hear_no_evil::see_no_evil::see_no_evil::monkey_face::hear_no_evil:
U are Bestest explainer on here. I admit :partying_face::stuck_out_tongue:
Tnx :+1:t3:
Me likey :D


@Desiree How did I miss this thread?? This is so wonderful and helpful of you to write up. :heart_eyes: :purple_heart:

Will read in-depth over the weekend.


I’m re-reading this . And I going to re-read it regularly in the future! Such a great thread.

To me , the idea of your servitor enhancing the connection to your NFTs really is a game changer.

Can you elaborate on this👇 I have my mandala In the back of my phone cover… And I don’t really know how else I could have them with me all day in a practical way.

“Remember to also separate the mandalas from each other when you are out, and not have all of them crammed up in one pocket :)”


How about putting the NFT digital image on my phone lock screen, would that be effective?
Am I allowed to crop it so it fully fits on my phone screen wallpaper


Dont crop it. Better resize to fit your screen.

Use something like Image 2 Wallpaper for android or Wallax for iPhone

Wallax - Wallpaper Editor on the App Store (apple.com)

Image 2 Wallpaper - Apps on Google Play


I don’t knoooowww how did you? :D haha

Thank you so much @Starlight

Over the months I’m sure you have acquired incredible understanding of the NFTs so be sure to bring these out! I bet they’re really good!! :heart: :heart:


Thank you so much @Alexander

Yes sure! :)

I do have my mandalas on the back of my phone as well and I used to have them all on one side, but as soon as I would remove the phone cover it’d feel like the energies are finally ‘breathing’

so what I do now is just to stack them up too much, and have them in smaller sizes where before I’d do them in like, medium sized squares.

One thing you could do though is to have most of your mandalas like that, I make sure to not have more than 2 on each other (if there is no space at all), and have the ones that you want to focus more on throughout the day in your pockets.

Then when you’re not out just have them spread out around you, it is not necessary, but I use this as a Visual Tool rather; for mental excitement purposes and visual/sentient connections.

Another option would be to have the servitor, like you said, knowing all these energies prior and always connecting you to the mandalas.

have them create a node or a portal for you etc.

so you could mix some of the more psychic solutions with some of the physical!


Yes it would be effective-- there is no necessity in physically seeing them all the time but it greatly helps. I like to be always engaging with them, using some diversity in sensing, and the like. :)

You can also create a collage and have some 2-3 NFT artworks in there!

(but, I have noticed on the times I’ve done that, ‘harmony’ was the preferred option).

And no, cropping doesn’t affect the image!

But what @anon71013580 said is always good to do!


Thanks a lot ! I’ll try that out.


You’re welcome!

I’ll hit you up with on pms soon btw :D


Okay :hugs: looking forward to it!

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Hey, you said it’s not necessary to always physically see them, so would printing be easier?

Which ones work passively without me looking often?

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If I create a thread I realize people assume the leader is me. :sweat_smile: I just like ideas lol.
Anyways @Rosechalice had a fantastic idea along with @Bright-light that this could be another public project the way PONR has been.

Which btw is great. Because it really shows how awesome these NFTs are and helps prove to those whom minimize it’s nature, that in fact it’s not; like now, they can join projects ie this or persephone- both even, & they can’t say it’s selective or something weird like that lol.

I like the problem solving because it’s not nice when we put these down; it indirectly minimizes Dream & his hard work. We oughrta be supportive of him, and i’m sure a bunch of you on here agree!

!! So yeah thank you girlies! And you too @King_A :


Problem solving is the natural calling for long-term projects with an evolving nature.

It’s like each phase has its own structure-- then moving on to the following phase brings more structures, for conjunction.

Then this merge brings a pros, cons, what to take, what to leave, and how to bring more than one new addition to have it suited for the whole.

It’s like Alchemy :D

So you can say to expand on the work and keep it going, in its best scenarios. :)

Now whenever I’m reading on any new information or thinking of something I know my head is always thinking NFT ideas and how to bring them into reality :smiley:

It keeps my mind in a constant innovative whirl lol, i like it :D


So grateful for this thread !

is it necessary to stare into the NFT cause I usually close my eyes and picturing the NFT on my mind I feel more comfortable doing that than staring… Just got my new NFT and been trying to tune in communicating with my NFT…

Sometimes i’m clueless if i’m doing the right thing or maybe becaue i’m not sensitive enough

Cheers for everyone !


Yes I love to let my mind sink in the visuals in my head, and specially when I have this stare starting from the node where all my NFTs are in there!

It’s not necessary at all, but it’s a visual tool that I like to play with.

Sometimes if my mind isn’t in the best place, I like to start from the specific points of energy where it has the most radiance of it, usually the eyes, or the light, sometimes there are several too, but it helps to bring my mind into this instant focus state

The point behind the exposure is to activate all your senses to connect with the NFTs, and to build a bridge between you and the NFTs in a better sense that the mind registers as known.

But you can do the full activation in your mind just as well, sometimes it’s easier to do it in your mind too :slight_smile:

And you don’t sound or feel clueless to me at all I’d think you’re pretty good actually! ;) Best to let your nature guide you.

Congratulations on your nft and happy to read you’re making the effort to connect to it!! :heart::heart:

Thank you so much, I appreciate it :heart:


@Desiree this post you made is really a gold !

I started using audios I want to make more impact from just the same as NFTs. I talk to them, imagine myself surounded with big repro speakers playing the energy and whole body vibrating. Telling the energy what to focus on.

I did it this morning with testosterone and HGH

I told test energy to build my muscles, to circulate test through my body, awaken testes to build more themselfs and double my natural production imidiately. It was very intense.


I think those NFTs give off energy from every source of them and idealy would be to download print and delete the NFT from your PC leaving the NFT from the wallet and the printed one to your service.

i found it very difficult to discover wher the dysharmony came but i fathom this is it.

i personally feel much better when i did that now…

of course this is a personal opinion.


Yooooouuu are gold!!

3 different uses in 2 days?? Haha that’s awesome man!!

Annnd did you just amplify the energy coming at ya and took it all in?? :star2: :star2: :+1::+1::+1:

Mannn this is some good stuff haha… So happy to hear these words made you do all this :heart::heart::partying_face::tada::tada::tada: