A Minor Blueprint of Power

That is an advanced doctorate level essay in applied energetic kinesiology. Well done.


Pleasure to share. I’ll give a part two in weeks of confirming my experiments, for now, full focus on integration.


@anon22855873 Great to hear from you and read your review!! It’s always inspiring. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:



Let’s just say nudges from Source brought me back for a bit. I’ll hang around until I can give a full review of this, still deep in my process.


I thought of you yesterday as I was leaving work.

“Hmm what happened to angel? Oh yeah, He got his practice up and running.”

And here you are today.


What’s up Papi shampoo (you’ll get the reference)

Nah no practice. Just moved to a remote beach in Mexico for last six months and redid all the work I did in the last four years to make sure I progress with the proper foundation. Almost done.

About to move to our land in a bit.

Further plug on this field to make the post relevant:

Probably would have taken me two months to get where I’m at if I had MBoP all along.


Aye, man good on you, true dedication to what you want to do. Enjoy the beach and that clear blue water :pleading_face:.

Lmao, even before I got to “you’ll get”


Thank you. Very motivating :pray:t4:


Interesting review coming from a fellow clairsentient. It’s funny that you compare the flutes to the ojas audio because I just found out through experimentation today, that ojas and MBoP seem to enhance one another.

I have an idea about what path you’re on, probably the same one I recently discovered. If that’s true then it makes a lot of sense as to why I was urged so strongly by higher guidance to get this audio ASAP.


Alright, so I’ve looped this audio 3 times already today and my body, and every cell in it are still craving more. During my most recent session I looped this 4 times and found that the core of energy became more dense. My physical body even felt heavier for a short while afterwards.

I also initially went from being hungry before the audio to not wanting food at all. Then within 3 hours after the latest session, I ate two heavy meals, and my appetite was monstrous. This seemed like an appetite suppressant at first but I guess playing this more than 3 times makes my body crave physical sustenance in order to keep up with the increasing power demand needed to integrate this field. Although I ate heavily I don’t feel sluggish at all which is shocking and it seems like my metabolism got a major boost. It also seems like the food to energy conversion rate is sped up and enhanced.

I still want more of this power and in larger quantities. Every cell in my body is begging for it, as if my body is getting a nutrient that I never knew I needed or was missing. This is also the only morphic field I’ve ever used, where it’s effects are felt hours later. Until I exhaust the energy I consciously feel the core spinning at the center of my being, steadily releasing energy that my body is feeding off of in order to enhance its processes and functioning to attempt to establish and maintain optimal health.

I’ll keep using and updating.
I also don’t feel stressed in the slightest. I work a job that’s damn near made people cry because of how demanding it is, yet here I am, completely unphased on every level.


What do you think about whether this field can help awaken kundalini, or whether it can help someone who is going through a kundalini awakening? Or there is no influence or relationship towards kundalini?

Did someone with an awakened kundalini try this field?

Did someone do the microcosmic orbit after using this field? Was there a significant difference in the practice?

Can this significantly help in activating the light body? There is some explanation about the light body here:


Totally relate with this. Although I’m really bad at explaining intellectually my abstract experiences with fields. Which is why you hardly ever see me writing long reviews.

Anyway, awesome review man :muscle:


Hi Davis, I’m playing mythic combo,acu-automaton,Tower of power then Ojas marrowed and then lastly followed by MBOP . Is that a good way of playing it in that order ? Cause it’s causing me fatigue though , I don’t know why is it so ?


probably your energy body not used to it new alchemy taking place in your body etc


i’d recommend Body Coherence, Detoxed Plasma, MBoP, Tower of Power, Divine Will, Ojas, Acu-atomaton.

That said, yeah, that’s running a lot of energy if you’re aren’t prepared for it. Maybe 1x with everything but Acu 2-3x and build up from there.


Thanks man,really appreciate it, will try it in that manner that way in tonight’s sleep time . Is it ok to insert other fields in between the mythic combo , as will it be better to keep the sub-fields intact in order when playing them ? Also where would you place BOL and knight and navigator of awe in this stack ?

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Ok i finally started with this.

I went out last night with coworkers, only had 2 glasses of wine (but still a lot for me that barely ever drink) but we danced and went to bed tired at like 1am :grimacing:

When i woke up still half asleep and feeling like a truck đŸ›» drove over my body i just reached out grabbed my phone and lopped this.

What an amazing field this is. With each loop i felt like when you see a video showing the changes a tree goes through from winter to summer?

Thats how i felt, coming from the death to life haha, with each loop feeling anchored to Earth, being nurtured, empowered, you really feel what the description says regarding the music:

Until i was feeling up as a tall strong tree with thick wide roots, and like a powerful vacuum focused on my plexus chakra and dantien like if that was the Earth’s core/roots releasing life energy through my branches (nervous system, energetic systems, muscles, tissues, everything)

And just as others said
 a feeling of fullness (as in when you eat a big good nutritious meal) sated, and ready for my day.

I can only described this as if i had looped for a whole week 24/7 hakuni egg + neg jing + neg chi+ plasmatron + everything else that can nurture you and empower you :rofl: and still it feels better.

And i don’t remember who said something like it keeps growing throughout the day, when normally we start feeling the energy going lower as the time passes with this you feel even more invigorated!!

Pretty much the Microcosmic Orbit is felt big time and now it makes sense why we keep feeling better wow

I am only listening this + tower of power

And i will do that for 3 days or so.

I want to feel all the power from Earth + all the power from Above



BoL first, the other 2 at the end.
Suggest breaking it up during the day


Early review on something (i have to confirm in the following days)

As ive mentioned before Saturdays are my most busiest days. And today it seemed as if it got way busier like almost testing this field haha

Apart from the endless energy we all have mentioned, i noticed something about the food.

I eat healthy, lots of veggies and fruit, water, tea etc but sometimes (specially on Saturdays) totally out of schedule and pasta, breads etc lol

Woii did i enjoy what i ate today. It tasted different, but more than that it felt different when reaching my stomach, a super fast metabolism and like quickly separating the nutrients and sending them where they needed to go, i dont know how better explain it but for instance i got a big bowl of green veggies and a plate of fruit.

Soon after like half hour or so i felt my legs stronger, like how the minerals and iron in the green veggies would normally be good for the muscles.

When i had the plate of fruit i felt the skin on my face tingling and as if i had just put some cream.

Every time i drank green tea i felt as if my blood was being washed clean and recharged with antioxidants.

Same with the water, got instant mental clarity and focus again.

I normally indulge (sweets) on Saturdays just because this day is harrrrrd haha so after lunch i always get some bars or sweet i bring from home that ive made.

I didnt want to eat them.

Literally couldnt, i was actually fighting myself mentally :sweat_smile: because how come im not gonna eat my sweet bars ive made :tired_face:

Nope, zero desire for sweets.

I feel (my perception) that this field can help us have a much better diet, consciously eating, what we eat as well as the quantity.

Not gonna lie tho that i must loop Mr Ego dissolution and maybe Crucible or Devil in reverse for a while before or after this because i could recognize today that more times than not we just emotionally eat lol