A Minor Blueprint of Power

When you do some type of fasting (juicing, water o dry) you become aware of the quality and quantity of the food you are consuming. Im currently doing 30 days of juicing fasting, and one or two days of dry fasting every week and (being totally honest) i really dont feel hunger and thrist anymore and zero cravings. Years ago, i ate every hour ( so i thinks was more emotional eating) and now have vitality and zero worries about food. So if this field do that, its insta buy hahaha.


Can confirm that today haha

In fact ill start a fasting from tomorrow to take advantage, havent done one in months!


I might be doing a three part review because of this as well. I fasted yesterday and did a 4 hour session, learned a lot and confirmed today.

Iā€™ll decide a bit later.


:clap: :clap: :clap:

Go slowly so the body gets used to it. Later itā€™s gonna be so easy!

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This field paired with the ES teaā€™s would be a nice combo

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Part 2 out of 3 because it seems that each Dantian is giving new experiencesā€¦

One of the last things I said is that I started feeling the rumbling of the field about 4 or so inches away from my body and noticing that the Dantian are rumbling as well.
I have little experience with the Dantian so I decided to do a bit of research on them as I only have experience with realizing aspects of Self and my chakra interactions with each aspect. In order to get as sensitive to energy and the field as possible, I decided to fast as itā€™s one of my main tools to break through or to discover something. Blueprint of Life is what started this trend for me.
So hereā€™s what happened after the second 4-hour session while fasting (I was 18 hours in already):

One of the things I found from multiple sources is that the three centers have an anchor in your body of course but also a field that it creates around you.


In the last session, I mentioned that as I was working with the field and the extremity of it was inside my body or by the skin letā€™s say. Apparently, thatā€™s the first ā€œwet qi fieldā€ and until I completely cleared all the resistance/blockages, I didnā€™t perceive the second field.

Now for the fun stuffā€¦

When I was working the second session, my heart area was burning both in the front but especially in the back. As I dug into each layer to work on, things of my past kept popping up that were unresolved. Each layer that I let go I got happier and the layer outside my body became denser. My body temperature was fluctuating from really hot to cool, I know it wasnā€™t the weather as yesterday was relatively a cool day. By the time I couldnā€™t find any more layers there was a more pronounce rumbling in the lower and middle dantian along with a palpable feel to the field outside my body.

I started hearing a frequency similar to when I hear the OM but this one was more like white noise that you would hear from the old TVs in the 90s versus the tinnitus-like effect OM tends to have. Something interesting is that my perineum would have sharp pain at times and the rumbling would concentrate there for a while. Iā€™m guessing part of working the ā€œtaiji poleā€. The most interesting phenomenon was when I was falling asleep, I would hear voices and even some screams which would wake me up and since they didnā€™t feel good, I would just collapse the feeling until finally I could sleep but not before getting a lot of lights flashing almost like I was entering a tunnel.

And while these experiences are cool and all, Iā€™ve learned in my path to let go of phenomena and keep going forward. That said, the only thing I care about is results, if all this field culminated in is cool energy experiences I would lose interest so I set up a few experiments to run my newfound power that seems to keep increasing.


  • I set the intention on my main project by holding the feeling of having the solution to a situation I was in with it. 10 mins, holding one thought, one feeling, awareness of my current state of self, and MBoP in the background. In 2 hours, a friend sent me some information that led to the solution. Mind that I havenā€™t talked to him in a handful of days.

  • People are mentioning that I look happier and vibrant. More people are coming up to me to start a conversation and thereā€™s a deep feeling of being grounded while interacting. A girl I find attractive is making any excuse to interact with me while I am chilling in the coffee shop along with catching her looking at me a few times. Iā€™m beginning to get a lot of stares in general.

  • General health is much better, I have a lot more energy than usual and enthusiasm to do stuff. I have felt as if I am getting a lot more rest than usual.

  • My releasing/collapsing process has increased in power immensely. What would take me a few minutes to do I can do in seconds now and the end result is like a vacuum that sucks the concept to the point that I am forgetting what I just worked on or at least takes quite a bit of effort to remember. This is my favorite part.

  • When intending things for the process of creation, getting into a clear having state where I am experiencing it at the moment is basically a joke now. But the interesting part is that I can ā€œseeā€ a lot more now which is new to me as images in my mind are flashes of black and white light versus now I can perceive some colors and dimensions.

  • Those that have gone through Satori and on will understand this, keeping my awareness in Self is extremely easy so most of the day I am going through it with an awareness of Self experiencing the present. Iā€™m just ā€œhereā€ constantly.

So current:

How did I confirm that the picture above might have something to it?

I am starting to feel the outermost field now and I am experiencing a dull pressure in my head so Iā€™m deducing from lower to upper center, they each hold the fields from closest to furthest. Last night I decided to pull a ā€œYoloā€ and slept with MBoP looping which I was a bit apprehensive about because when I did that with BoL the first time I caught a fever the very next day along with some intense nightmares, meaning an extreme detox/purging.

(Disclaimer: Me doing this is not your ā€œgoā€ card to doing it as well, I just did it because I trust in my ability to let go of anything I would have woken up to. Warning issued.)

To my surprise, I just woke up with the second outer field feeling more palpable so Iā€™m deciding to shelf that into my comment that the field works at the pace you can handle with intelligence. Iā€™m going to begin the next 4-hour cycle in a while to see if I break through the stuff giving me the dull pressure/slight headache.

I have a feeling that my abilities will increase a lot more after clearing those layers and continue to hone what the MBoP has to offer.

One thing I can say is that I had to do 30 minutes of replenishing some light which means a 30-minute cycle of holding my highest state with no thought and just let the light do as it wishes. Results in feeling replenished and joy. So my eye is on Tower of Power now.


Interesting you say that. I experience the same tinnitus-like effect when Iā€™m in the void. Most of the time if not always.


Try holding all your focus on the sound until you lose all sense of the physical and ā€œbecomeā€ the sound next time. Every time all sounds of my surroundings get completely muted and thereā€™s a cool fade-in effect of the surrounding when I start coming back to my body.

Although keep in mind itā€™s something that led to a strong cycle of ego death/DNoS for me so make sure youā€™re up for it in case it happens to you too.


hey man, amazing review ( as always ), just for clarification, does the field itself develop / work on this layers ( from the dantian ), or it was you using your intent ? ( or perhaps it does and you added your intent in ). thanks !


Canā€™t objectively confirm with a yes or no but what I can say is that I had little experience with them prior to this field.

The picture of the field shows a guy with a huge surge of swirling energy in the lower dantian.

No matter where I put my focus in the first round, thatā€™s where it started. It feels like a completely different interaction versus the sacral chakra. Same statement on the middle dantian versus heart chakra. Same area, different texture and structure.

Another thing to note, I donā€™t interfere with what the field is doing, Iā€™m just present to let go of the blockages and the phenomena happen by themselves.


One more thingā€¦

For all we know it might start with the experiences Iā€™m having and moves up to the next blueprint available for power.

This Iā€™m thinking because of what Blueprint Of Life did to my aspect of Self. At one point my sense of ā€œIā€ was a realization of separating the I with the mental identity. After months of meditating with it, a lot of processes, and tools (pendants etc), Iā€™m having experiences I can barely put into words.




Cant decide if I should get this first or mystic :thinking:


i think this audio is more down to earth. It makes you body more able to better use energy on a physical level.


Do you consider it a good idea to use BOL during the day and listen to MBOP before going to bed or better to listen one after the other so that it acts synergistically?

Thatā€™s up to you to find out what works best. Iā€™ve been listening to BoLx3 first thing in the morning for quite a while now and three more times at night to start my night stack.

MBoP Iā€™m listening for many hours at the moment as itā€™s my main focus to integrate the benefits.


Thanks for your answer and advice :slightly_smiling_face:

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Part 3 of 3

Simply put, thereā€™s more past the Dantian phenomena. Thereā€™s that which gives it its power. Up to you to find out.

Hereā€™s what I can sayā€¦

  • If you have physical goals, this will help as my rest is deeper, energy levels are higher, my metabolism is through the roof, and my muscles are fuller along with the fact that my strength has gone up. I havenā€™t worked out in a week but I got on the rings (gymnastics rings is my preference) and I went from a struggling 6 full range slow movement pull-ups to 8.

  • If you have mental goals (financial relationships etc), this will help as my intention now feels like this when I hold them for my accustomed time and let them go (aside from the fact that things are showing up the very next few hours or next day I intend):


  • If you have spiritual goals, this will help as youā€™ll have the ā€œjuiceā€ to surpass anything stopping you with ease.

So yesā€¦ buy it.

By definition, power is the ability to direct or influence so this can be translated to anything. Whereas BoL is a cheat code to ascend in levels of consciousness (along a ton of other things that are extremely subtle to catch), MBoP is a cheat code to integrate that level of consciousness and itā€™s power.

Have been nothing but a blessing to hang with you guys again butā€¦ back to my cave. Iā€™ll answer a few messages for a bit and then back to silence to fully discover what I can do with this.

Love and appreciate you all. Feels good to have a home to talk about this openly.

Most importantly,

@Dreamweaver Thanks again.


I was happy to see you around and read your exploits.

Until next time :slight_smile:


Would it be good to combine this with negentropic Jing or does it automatically generate energy from the quantum field?