A theology discussion

Maybe God is yang more than yin and that is why he was called a he thousands of years ago by some. He spoke into the darkness and things came to exist in that darkness because he spoke into it. That is yang inserting itself into yin. I’m thinking of a certain Richard Grannon talk as I write this. Let me find it.


If you have triggers that can be triggered, maybe don’t watch this. Otherwise, I think he has some interesting things to say about yin and yang and masculinity and femininity.


Here are the posts, that I could find, with book recommendations from @_OM:

And from this post:

On that note, Hawkins has written extensively on the challenges of those rare higher levels of consciousness even beyond “basic” Enlightenment.
Instead of me writing long paragraphs like Sammyg (hi Sammy!), I would recommend his 2nd and 3rd books in his Power v Force trilogy. “Eye of the I” and “I”
They will help you navigate them from someone who’s been there done that.


Thank you very much for finding these information and posting it here. :blush:


No worries :smiley:

Collected the book titles in a .txt file so the posts were easy to find!


Great. I do have one of his recommended books. Watched the Avatar series long back, just little. Probably I can rewatch it again now.


I’ve been reading “Chariots of the Gods”, that was mentioned in another post.

Still have two books from the list lying around. I should spend more time reading :sweat_smile:


It is good time to read. I usually prefer to read books and these old books makes them even more interesting.


We see God as an external being, thing etc… Look within, lies all the questions and answers that we look for, expand your Awareness of Consciousness

Evolution through Multi Dimensional Experience



Your higher self will decide. You may choose to incarnate again on Earth, you may choose to incarnate somewhere else, or you may choose to do other things in higher realms. Think of it this way - the life you’re living now is a video game character created by your higher self. You role-play the character for a while, and when it’s run it’s course, if you decide the game is worthwhile and you want to keep playing, then you’ll create a new character and give it another go as someone new. “Hmm, last time as a soldier was interesting, I wonder what life is like as an artist…”


This thread: Best mandala or audio to get laid. Specifically

Best source I’ve found that explains all this teaches it as Dimensions 1-9. If you think about it, this also matches with patterns noticed elsewhere, which grants further credibility. For example, Vortex-Based Mathematics is also all about the interactions of 1-9 (also, 3,6,9 are all interlinked in that system as well). Also, basic numerology’s definitions for the energies of numbers 1-9 closely match the descriptions/purposes for the 9 dimensions, again pushing me to see this model as credible.

This is a great discussion and I’m loving everyone’s ideas and thoughts about these subjects.

I agree with many of you regarding God = He. It’s been cultivated and part of the human history / culture that god is male which doesn’t mean it’s true (to simplify it all) :slight_smile:

My second question is asking something different. BEFORE primordials/ aliens/ other beings/ male/ female/ dualities, I’m asking about the genesis of creation of it all. Not just our universe.

Summoning @_OM again here. :wave:
There were some interesting takes in this discussion regarding the VOID being the start of existence. But how can that be? Matter doesn’t exist in the Void.

So, was it the awareness that led to a vibration that led to a sound that started it all? But then ‘WHAT’ was observed to start it all?

Perhaps @Captain_Nemo can also jump into this discussion. :slight_smile:

This is a never-ending and therefore pointless question…which is why I asked to leave the first time… :wink:

Here’s the answer… Some “thing” named Bob “created” the universe before this universe before this universe before this universe over 10 quadrillion “earth” years ago.

What’s your next question going to be???

“Who created Bob…where did Bob come from??”

These are all “mind”-based questions that will never be answered satisfactorily for the ego-mind until you EXPERIENCE oneness with universe and Grok the answer




I thought Bob’s my uncle? :joy: :rofl:

Point taken… this is all a thought exercise and pointless until I actually experience oneness. Sigh.

Sorry to have looped you back in, @_OM. :pray:

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ok… this gif has been on my mind to post for a while…
and it’s as near perfect as you’re going to get as an answer until…you know…

Meditate on this for a few minutes or months or years…

Ironic that you used the word “loop” … ha! you have no idea…
Nested loops everywhere!!!


@_OM Omg… stop it! My brain hurts. :sweat_smile:

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@_OM I’ve had a chance to reflect on your gif. I remember seeing a picture of a human brain cell and the universe and they both looked very similar. I found that fascinating.

Are you alluding to the fact that everything around us is created in our minds?

This was an interesting video on the subject.



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@_OM Hmm… You don’t know or you are playing games and aren’t going to tell me? :stuck_out_tongue:

If it is true, then everything around us is a manifestation from our mind. That means even angels, demons, entities, aliens… EVERYTHING has been created by our minds?